Releases: lgschuck/spada
Highlights: Calculate cols now with groupby and Rename cols allows to rename multiple variables together
1 - Calculate Cols module: now allows to calculate with groupby
2 - Rename Cols module: now allows to rename multiple variables together
3 - spada.R: new dependencie: tools package
4 - spada_themes.R: new css for startup screen
5 - spada_ui.R: change startup screen css (now in spada_themes) and busyindicator options (now the spinner is 'bars2')
6 - utils.R: removed Range function (because it returns 2 values), correct a typo in ceilling function (now ceiling) and update in get_help_file for better visual
Highlights: New Calculate Cols module, better internal control over changes in datasets and many small visual improvements
1 - New Calculate Cols module: allow create new variable by applying a function
2 - Convert Cols, Data Overview, Filter Rows, Order Cols, Order Rows, Rename Cols and Select Cols modules and spada_server.R: now uses data.table::copy to return changes in dataset properly and maintaining the correct update in reactives (problem probably caused by changes by reference in data.table). Removed all triggers (df_trigger reactiValues) used before.
3 - Data Overview, Navbar_df_info and Sidebar modules: removed stylling code (passed to spada_themes).
4 - spada_ui.R: some new cards (Data Page: metadata and Overview) for better look and Active dataset navbar item now shows only the name (with out 'Active dataset' prefix)
5 - spada_themes: new mini-btn class to format small buttons in Sidebar and Navbar Df Info modules
6 - utils.R: new objects with functions to use in Calculate Cols module.
Highlights: New Darkly theme and new dependencie: sass package.
1 - Correlation, Descriptive Stats, Normality Test, Sidebar, Spada UI, Z Test modules: changes in visual parameters and elements (e.g. sidebar now has class) for usage of bs_theme
2 - Export File module: now downloadButton has class and correct icon
3 - Filter Rows module: new Number of Rows filter
4 - spada_themes.R: new objects with themes and usage of sass package
5 - Spada Server: now shiny.maxRequestSize = 1000 MB
Highlights: Use of selectizeInput with close and clear button for multiple selections
1 - Convert Cols, Descriptive Stats, Order Cols, Order Rows and Select Cols modules: now usage of selectizeInput with close and clear button for multiple selections
2 - utils.R: filter_rows function now with env = list(var1) in data.table instead of get(var)
3 - spada.R: now usage of importFrom for data.table package
Highlights: New filter options in Filter Rows Module
1 - Filter Rows module: new options to filter: compare two variables and sample
2 - Config Page module: Inicial hex color now in caps
3 - utils.R: new function filter_rows_2vars for compare two variables and col_type
Highlights: New stats in Descriptive Stats, Shapiro Francia test and bug fix
Bug Fixes
1 - Analysis > Scatter: warning if two Factors variables: fixed, now requires numeric variables
1 - Descriptive Stats module: added geometric mean, harmonic mean, skewness and kurtosis from DescTools package.
2 - Normality test module: new test, Shapiro-Francia from DescTools package.
3 - Exploratory module: bug fix in scatter. (#18)
Highlights: import sav (SPSS) files and Plot in Z test
Bug Fixes
1 - Data > Import: check for already used name not working: the names were not beeing passed as reactive to File Import module. Fixed.
1 - Import file module: now csv has a number of lines to read parameter and can read sav (SPSS) files
2 - Z Test module: now has a plot with test results
3 - utils.R: plot_z_test function
4 - spada_server.R: now passes dt_names as reactive to File Import module
Highlights: new module Rename Cols and bug fix
Bug Fixes
1 - Analysis > Descriptive Stats: error in round for factors: now f_num function only format numeric values
1 - navbar_df_info and sidebar modules: now number of rows with 1 decimal value (function f_num) for better look (solve side effect after use of nsmall in previous release)
2 - New Rename Cols module: new module for rename variables of active dataset
Only visual and formatting changes.
1 - Convert Cols, Data Overview and Sidebar modules: background color receive object bg_color
2 - Correlation, Normality Test and Z Test modules: sidebars color now with bg_color object and stati_card with blue color
3 - Descriptive Stats module: gain digits input and f_num for format values
4 - f_num function: now with nsmall inside format function for number of decimal digits
5 - Spada_ui: now with color objects instead of hex code
6 - stats Table module: now values with f_num instead of f_dec function
7 - utils.R: new function stati_card (basically shinyWidgets::statiCard with default values)
and colors in objects to use across several places
Bug Fixes
1 - Analysis > Normality Test > Shapiro: error if all values are equal:
Shapiro does not accept all equal values. Now with check and msg_error (#15)
1 - Correlation module: chane name of Alternatives and chance card header title to Correlation Test
2 - Export file module: now writes Sav (haven package) and uses checkbox to compress RDS
3 - Normality Test module: better names and better checks for Shapiro-Wilk Test (#15)
4 - spada.R: now make.names for the variables inside datasets
5 - spada_ui.R: new name in the menu for Correlation (now Correlation Test)
6 - utils.R: new internal functions: make_var_names and test_all_equal
7 - Z Test module: better visuals and new checks for Mean and Std Deviation inputs
8 - DESCRIPTION: insert haven package as new dependencie