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@lgschuck lgschuck released this 30 Jan 02:01
· 9 commits to main since this release


Bug Fixes

1 - Analysis > Normality Test > Shapiro: error if all values are equal:
Shapiro does not accept all equal values. Now with check and msg_error (#15)


1 - Correlation module: chane name of Alternatives and chance card header title to Correlation Test

2 - Export file module: now writes Sav (haven package) and uses checkbox to compress RDS

3 - Normality Test module: better names and better checks for Shapiro-Wilk Test (#15)

4 - spada.R: now make.names for the variables inside datasets

5 - spada_ui.R: new name in the menu for Correlation (now Correlation Test)

6 - utils.R: new internal functions: make_var_names and test_all_equal

7 - Z Test module: better visuals and new checks for Mean and Std Deviation inputs

8 - DESCRIPTION: insert haven package as new dependencie