Releases: lgschuck/spada
1 - New Z Test module: new module for Z test (DescTools::ZTest)
Bug Fixes
1 - Exploratory > Stats Table: digits input has no effect: the input was been passed to gt functions (fmt_numeric) but the value column was char given the paste command for Mode values. Fixed with new function f_dec. (#13)
2 - Analysis > Correlation: not enough finite observations: stats::cor.test for Pearson demands at least 3 valid values (Spearman and Kendal a least 2 valid values). New check throughs a error message if less than 3 valid values for all methods. (#14)
1 - Correlation module: now check if Standard Deviation of any informed variable is zero, avoiding warning. Also fixed
2 - Exploratory module: now with req (for main variable and variable 2) in render_plot (output$gt_dist)
3 - Stats table module: align columns, use '-' for sub_missing becasue the long dash is not an ASCII and could not be replicated in sub_values (devtools::check). Also fixed (#13)
4 - utils.R: new intern function f_dec for format number of decimals
5 - DESCRIPTION: insert Depends (R >= 4.1.0) given the use of pipe operator
Bug Fixes
1 - Exploratory Page > Boxplot by groups: error when plot Integer vs Numeric: The error occurs because there is more unique values in Variable 2 than in colors() function tha is used to sample colors. Changed to replace = T. (#11)
2 - Exploratory Page > Stats table: Mode NA for numeric, date, logical and complex var: the gt table was receiving tha NA value as character and the function sub_missing() does not have effect on those values. Now the Mode is passed as character only if it is not NA.
1 - Descriptive Stats module: now Mode returns NA (not as character) and only paste/collapse values if Mode exists. Inserted sub_missing() in gt_stats for better look and consistency with other views
2 - Stats table module: now Mode returns NA (not as character) and only paste/collapse values if Mode exists
3 - Exploratory module: now the Variable 2 can not be float in Boxplot by Groups, because does not seam reasonable to have an infinite number of groups. Related to (#11)
Bug Fixes
1 - Filter rows: operators NA and not NA requires a value to apply the filter: fixed, filter_rows_module.R refactored, now with much more robust check for filters, operators and values (#10)
1 - New dependencie: package DescTools
2 - Descriptive Stats module: now with Mode (DescTools package) for numeri, character and factor variables
3 - Filter Rows module: refactored to check operators and values. New operators: Outlier (and Not Outlier) and Logical (TRUE and FALSE)
4 - Stats table module: now with Mode (DescTools package) for numeric, character and factor variables
5 - utils.R: Operators for rows filters now in several objects for better organization
1 - Correlation module: parameters in card sidebar for better use of space
2 - df_info function: new test file and now returns empty data.frame (accepted by gt_info) in case of no columns in the entry data.frame
3 - Normality test module: now Ks and Shapiro-wilk tests have gt table, save button and statiCards
4 - Tests: new/better test files for df_info, is_date, is_valid_name, mina, percentile and suna functions
1 - Correlation module: new layout, new table with test results, help button (help documentation), save table button and statiCards (shnywidgets) with Correlation and p value.
2 - Descriptive Stats module: now with variable selected by default
3 - Normality test module: new Help button in KS test and Shapiro-Wilk test
4 - utils.R new function: get_help_file to search help in package documentation
5 - Startup: new text in startup page (removed 'Loading...')
1 - Startup page: now with startup page with shinybusy package (new dependencie)
2 - radioGroupButtons: change some radioButtons (shiny) for radioGroupButtons (shinyWidgets) in data_overview_module and exploratory_module for better look
3 - Page config module: colorPickr now with 'save' mode for better reset of values and other visual changes fo better look
4 - New Save gt module: now the gt table can be saved to hmtl, rtf and docx (gt::gt_save function)
5 - Stats table module: check for digits if out of range (0, 9) and new save_gt module in this module
6 - Descriptive Stats module: insert req to generate stats and new save_gt_module in this module
7 - show_toast: change showNotification (shiny) for show_toast (shinyWidgets) for better look
1 - New module: Filter Rows
2 - Convert module: always align right the preview table
3 - Descriptive Stats module: now all options inicially as TRUE
4 - Order Cols and Order Rows modules: now require selection of at least one variable
5 - Page Config module: now with colorPickr from shinyWidgets to more options
6 - df_info function: now with nrows and ncols
7 - gt_info function: format number of columns n_valid, n_unique, n_zero, n_nas
8 - Visual: many css (margins and padding) for better use of the screen space
9 - Fix in test-mina.R
1 - New module: Normality test
2 - Module Correlation > Scatter Plot now has a button to render plot
3 - Module Descriptive Stats now has a button to render table
4 - Other small adjustments in internal code and new tests
Bug Fixes
1 - Edit > Filter: Factor var - no levels after choose operator: fixed
(inserted req(operator)). Now the levels are shown when a factor var and an operator are selected. (#9)
1 - testthat: create structure to run tests (test-fina.R as initial test)
2 - New modules: Order Rows, Convert Cols and Exploratory
3 - Correlation module: insert req in scatter plot
4 - Page Config module: now validate value for file size (requires > 1 MB)
5 - New ttip function (basic bslib::tooltip) with placement 'top' as default
6 - Insertion of info-circle item in tooltips (almost everywhere) for better look
7 - Better imports, using importFrom for bslib and gt packages
8 - Remove all gc() calls
9 - df_info function now test anyNA and if TRUE count NA values (speed improvement)