Releases: lgschuck/spada
1 - New modules: Sidebar and Navbar Df Info
2 - New function filter_rows in utils.R
3 - New reactives: df_active_ncol, df_active_resume_data and df$df_trigger (to use for updates)
4 - New Vignette: Intro
1 - New modules: Order Cols and Select Cols
2 - Correlation module with better visual (using card instead of accordion)
1 -Mainly internal organization, migrating spada UI to spada_ui.R function and spada Server to spada_server.R function.
2 - New modules: Data Overview and Data Highlights
3 - Visual changes in Correlation module and Descriptive Stats module
4 - New exported function is_date
Bug Fixes
1 - Analysis > Exploratory: error ins stats table when percentile out of range 0-100: now test the range and if the input isTruphy (#8)
1 - Stats table now is a module
2 - new module Correlation
3 - new module Descriptive Stats
4 - Scatter (Analysis > Exploratory) now with filled points
5 - Export functions: df_info, gt_info and is_valid_name now are exported
Bug Fixes
1 - Metadata - object color_fn not found: color format (function data_color) applied only if there is valid (non NA) min and max values (#4)
2 - Edit > Convert - error in preview complex variable convertion: fixed converting complex to character in the preview given that gt table in opt_interactive does not show complex properly (#5)
3 - Edit > Filter: error in filtering complex: now only show/allow operators '== (Equal)', '!= (Not Equal)', 'Is NA (', 'Not NA (!', 'In (%in%)' and 'Not In (! %in%)' (same for character and factors) (#6)
4 - Edit > Filter: accept blank value: now the value must have length 1 or bigger (#7)
1 - utils functions: new icon for logical
2 - page_config_module: correction of a typo
3 - spada function
new background color in sidebar
new value boxes in Data > Highligths (rows, valid, unique, zeros) and better server side checking (returning None if absent)
new itens in navbar: Options > Documentation link and Github link
Bug Fixes
1 - Data Overview - after Edit only refresh if updat in rows or sample: fixed with insertion of buttons inside output$pD_over_gt. Avaliate use of reactive instead of reactiveValues for datasets.
1 - export_file_module: separator order now semicolon as default
2 - new import_file_module: allows input csv and RDS files
3 - page_config_module: new visual and size of input file as parameter
4 - spada function:
sidebar now with Dataset Info accordion open by default
small visual changes (icons and capital in some titles)
shiny.maxRequestSize set to 500 MB by default
datasets_names_react: now names of the datasets are a reactive (used several times)
new buttons in sidebar accordion to navigate through pages
new buttons in active dataset popover navigate through pages
Bug Fixes
1 - Analysis page - q1 object not found: back to calculate q1 and q3. (#1)
2 - Metadata - Error in zeros count: now df_info function uses suna(x == 0) instead of length(x[x == 0]) (#2)
1 - utils functions
df_info now uses suna instead of length, this change fix errors and provide gain in speed.
deletion of format_color_bar and main_value_box functions given that they are now in use anymore
2 - export_file_module
now the nav_panel is outside the module (inside spada function). This gives the module better "format" being a bslib::card
layout_column_wrap replaced for fluidRow and column (better look)
3 - spada function
new page sidebar: for now showing info about active dataset, in the future will receive
links/shortcuts to other parts of the app -
new menu Analysis: the Analysis page became Exploratory and inputs change names from pA_ to pA_E_
new menu Options: Config page and Exit are inside this menu. In the future general optiions and settings will be here.
new Nav Item Active Dataset: now with popover to show rows, cols, NA's and size
in Data when new name is set a msg is shown.
1 - General
Created zzz.R and inserted utils::globalVariables for global variables (check note)
Value boxes: resized to give more space for other elements
2 - utils function
CSS, js_exit, operators and date formats passed to utils.R
3 - spada function
new export_file module and migration of Export to Data page
Use of IQR to calcule interquartile distance (faster than q3 - q1 manually)
Buttons of Edit page to backup now with new ID's (pE_export_ replaced by pE_)
Many improvements, especially:
- Insertion of shiny::validate for plots and Stats table
- Use of gt package instead of DT
- Visual changes (still in search for an identity)
- New Config page with options of colors (plots)
- Function df_info: improvement in performance (something like half the time in big datasets - 1e6 rows)
- New function: gt_info to generate metadata with gt package
First release.