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News 2025.02.01-1
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lgschuck committed Feb 2, 2025
1 parent 385adc6 commit a24c03b
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Showing 15 changed files with 210 additions and 177 deletions.
21 changes: 21 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,6 +22,27 @@ editor_options:

7 - Models: linear model, logistic regression, Kmeans, Trees

## 2025.02.01-1

Only visual and formatting changes.

### Improvements

1 - **Convert Cols, Data Overview and Sidebar** modules: background color receive object bg_color

2 - **Correlation, Normality Test and Z Test** modules: sidebars color now with bg_color object and stati_card with blue color

3 - **Descriptive Stats** module: gain digits input and f_num for format values

4 - **f_num** function: now with nsmall inside format function for number of decimal digits

5 - **Spada_ui**: now with color objects instead of hex code

6 - **stats Table** module: now values with f_num instead of f_dec function

7 - **utils.R**: new function stati_card (basically shinyWidgets::statiCard with default values)
and colors in objects to use across several places

## 2025.01.29-1

### Bug Fixes
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion R/convert_cols_module.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ convert_cols_server <- function(id, input_df, input_df_trigger) {
use_pagination = F,
use_highlight = T,
use_compact_mode = T) |>
tab_options(table.background.color = '#f9f9f9')
tab_options(table.background.color = bg_color)

Expand Down
19 changes: 7 additions & 12 deletions R/correlation_module.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,14 +6,15 @@ correlation_ui <- function(id) {
full_screen = T,
card_header('Correlation Test', class = 'mini-header'),
bg = '#02517d',
sidebar = sidebar(uiOutput(ns('parameters')), bg = '#e3e3e4'),
bg = main_color,
sidebar = sidebar(uiOutput(ns('parameters')), bg = sidebar_color),
sidebar = sidebar(
bg = sidebar_color,
width = 400,
h5('Parameters', style = 'margin-bottom: -18px;'),
radioButtons(ns('radio_method'), 'Method',
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -143,25 +144,19 @@ correlation_server <- function(id, df, df_metadata, color_fill) {
output$conditional_staticard_cor <- renderUI({
statiCard(cor_test$results |>
stati_card(cor_test$results |>
filter(results %in% c('estimate.cor', 'estimate.tau',
'estimate.rho')) |>
pull(values) |>
as.numeric() |>
f_num(dig = 3),
subtitle = 'Correlation',
left = T,
animate = T,
duration = 30),
statiCard(cor_test$results |>
stati_card(cor_test$results |>
filter(results %in% c('p.value')) |>
pull(values) |>
as.numeric() |>
f_num(dig = 3),
subtitle = 'p value',
left = T,
animate = T,
duration = 30)
'p value')

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion R/data_overview_module.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ data_overview_server <- function(id, df, triggers) {
use_text_wrapping = F,
use_page_size_select = T
) |>
tab_options(table.background.color = '#f9f9f9')
tab_options(table.background.color = bg_color)
28 changes: 16 additions & 12 deletions R/descriptive_stats_module.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ descriptive_stats_ui <- function(id) {
full_screen = T,
card_header('Descriptive Statistics', class = 'mini-header'),
layout_sidebar(bg = '#02517d',
layout_sidebar(bg = main_color,
sidebar = sidebar(
bg = '#e3e3e4',
bg = sidebar_color,
Expand All @@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ descriptive_stats_ui <- function(id) {
'Standard Deviation' = 'sd'),
c('min', 'max', 'IQR', 'range', 'var', 'sd')
numericInput(ns('table_digits'), 'Digits', 2, 0, 9, 1),
btn_task(ns('btn_stats'), 'Generate Table', icon('gear'))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -64,17 +65,19 @@ descriptive_stats_server <- function(id, df) {
desc_stats <- list()

fmt_digits <- min(max(0, input$table_digits), 9)

# central tendency
if('mean' %in% input$xg_central_tendency){
desc_stats$Mean <- sapply(
\(x) {if(x |> is.numeric()) mean(x, na.rm = T) else NA })
\(x) {if(x |> is.numeric()) mean(x, na.rm = T) |> f_num(dig = fmt_digits) else NA })

if('median' %in% input$xg_central_tendency){
desc_stats$Median <- sapply(
\(x) {if(x |> is.numeric()) median(x, na.rm = T) else NA })
\(x) {if(x |> is.numeric()) median(x, na.rm = T) |> f_num(dig = fmt_digits) else NA })

if('mode' %in% input$xg_central_tendency){
Expand All @@ -83,7 +86,7 @@ descriptive_stats_server <- function(id, df) {
\(x) {if(x |> is.numeric() ||
x |> is.character() ||
x |> is.factor()){
x_mode <- Mode(x, na.rm = T)
x_mode <- Mode(x, na.rm = T) |> f_num(dig = fmt_digits)
if( |> all()) NA else paste(x_mode, collapse = ' | ')
} else { NA }
Expand All @@ -93,27 +96,27 @@ descriptive_stats_server <- function(id, df) {
if('min' %in% input$xg_dispersion){
desc_stats$Min <- sapply(
\(x) {if(x |> is.numeric()) mina(x) else NA })
\(x) {if(x |> is.numeric()) mina(x) |> f_num(dig = fmt_digits) else NA })

if('max' %in% input$xg_dispersion){
desc_stats$Max <- sapply(
\(x) {if(x |> is.numeric()) mana(x) else NA })
\(x) {if(x |> is.numeric()) mana(x) |> f_num(dig = fmt_digits) else NA })

if('IQR' %in% input$xg_dispersion){
desc_stats$IQR <- sapply(
\(x) {if(x |> is.numeric()) IQR(x, na.rm = T) else NA })
\(x) {if(x |> is.numeric()) IQR(x, na.rm = T) |> f_num(dig = fmt_digits) else NA })

if('range' %in% input$xg_dispersion){
desc_stats$Range <- sapply(
\(x) {
if(x |> is.numeric()){
paste('[', range(x), ']', collapse = '--->')
paste('[', range(x) |> f_num(dig = fmt_digits) , ']', collapse = '--->')
} else { NA }
Expand All @@ -122,13 +125,13 @@ descriptive_stats_server <- function(id, df) {
if('var' %in% input$xg_dispersion){
desc_stats$Variance <- sapply(
\(x) {if(x |> is.numeric()) var(x, na.rm = T) else NA })
\(x) {if(x |> is.numeric()) var(x, na.rm = T) |> f_num(dig = fmt_digits) else NA })

if('sd' %in% input$xg_dispersion){
desc_stats[['Standard Deviation']] <- sapply(
\(x) {if(x |> is.numeric()) sd(x, na.rm = T) else NA })
\(x) {if(x |> is.numeric()) sd(x, na.rm = T) |> f_num(dig = fmt_digits) else NA })

Expand All @@ -145,7 +148,8 @@ descriptive_stats_server <- function(id, df) {
output$gt_stats <- render_gt({
gt_stats() |>
sub_missing() |>
sub_missing(missing_text = '-') |>
sub_values(values = 'NA', replacement = '-') |>

Expand Down
82 changes: 41 additions & 41 deletions R/f_num.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,41 +1,41 @@

#' Format number with abreviation and separators
#' Return is character class
#' @param x Object with values
#' @param big Thousand separator
#' @param dec Decimal separator
#' @param thousand Abreviation for thousands
#' @param million Abreviation for millions
#' @param billion Abreviation for billions
#' @param dig Digits after decimal mark
#' @examples
#' f_num(12345678956, billion = 'G')
#' f_num(512347896, million = 'Mi')
#' f_num(9995198, thousand = 'm', dig = 3, dec = ',', big = '.')
#' f_num(55566312345678956, billion = 'G')
#' f_num(Inf)
#' f_num(-Inf)
#' @export
#' @importFrom data.table fcase

f_num <- function(x, big = ',', dec = '.', thousand = 'K',
million = 'M', billion = 'B', dig = 0){

is.infinite(x), paste(x),
x > 1e9,
paste(format(round(x/1e9, digits = dig),
decimal.mark = dec, big.mark = big, scientific = F), billion),
x > 1e6,
paste(format(round(x/1e6, digits = dig),
decimal.mark = dec, big.mark = big, scientific = F), million),
x > 1e3,
paste(format(round(x/1e3, digits = dig),
decimal.mark = dec, big.mark = big, scientific = F), thousand),
default = format(round(x, dig), scientific = F)

#' Format number with abreviation and separators
#' Return is character class
#' @param x Object with values
#' @param big Thousand separator
#' @param dec Decimal separator
#' @param thousand Abreviation for thousands
#' @param million Abreviation for millions
#' @param billion Abreviation for billions
#' @param dig Digits after decimal mark
#' @examples
#' f_num(12345678956, billion = 'G')
#' f_num(512347896, million = 'Mi')
#' f_num(9995198, thousand = 'm', dig = 3, dec = ',', big = '.')
#' f_num(55566312345678956, billion = 'G')
#' f_num(Inf)
#' f_num(-Inf)
#' @export
#' @importFrom data.table fcase

f_num <- function(x, big = ',', dec = '.', thousand = 'K',
million = 'M', billion = 'B', dig = 0){

is.infinite(x), paste(x),
x > 1e9,
paste(format(round(x/1e9, digits = dig), nsmall = dig,
decimal.mark = dec, big.mark = big, scientific = F), billion),
x > 1e6,
paste(format(round(x/1e6, digits = dig), nsmall = dig,
decimal.mark = dec, big.mark = big, scientific = F), million),
x > 1e3,
paste(format(round(x/1e3, digits = dig), nsmall = dig,
decimal.mark = dec, big.mark = big, scientific = F), thousand),
default = format(round(x, dig), nsmall = dig, scientific = F)
64 changes: 26 additions & 38 deletions R/normality_test_module.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ normality_test_ui <- function(id) {
full_screen = T,
card_header('Normality Test', class = 'mini-header'),
layout_sidebar(bg = '#02517d',
sidebar = sidebar(uiOutput(ns('parameters')), bg = '#e3e3e4'),
layout_sidebar(bg = main_color,
sidebar = sidebar(uiOutput(ns('parameters')), bg = sidebar_color),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -199,24 +199,18 @@ normality_test_server <- function(id, df, df_metadata, color_fill, color_line) {
output$conditional_staticard_ks <- renderUI({
statiCard(ks_results()$results |>
filter(results %in% c('statistic.D')) |>
pull(values) |>
as.numeric() |>
f_num(dig = 5),
subtitle = 'Statistic D (test value)',
left = T,
animate = T,
duration = 30),
statiCard(ks_results()$results |>
filter(results %in% c('p.value')) |>
pull(values) |>
as.numeric() |>
f_num(dig = 5),
subtitle = 'p value',
left = T,
animate = T,
duration = 30)
stati_card(ks_results()$results |>
filter(results %in% c('statistic.D')) |>
pull(values) |>
as.numeric() |>
f_num(dig = 5),
'Statistic D (test value)'),
stati_card(ks_results()$results |>
filter(results %in% c('p.value')) |>
pull(values) |>
as.numeric() |>
f_num(dig = 5),
'p value')

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -288,24 +282,18 @@ normality_test_server <- function(id, df, df_metadata, color_fill, color_line) {
output$conditional_staticard_sw <- renderUI({
statiCard(sw_results() |>
filter(results %in% c('statistic.W')) |>
pull(values) |>
as.numeric() |>
f_num(dig = 5),
subtitle = 'Statistic W (test value)',
left = T,
animate = T,
duration = 30),
statiCard(sw_results() |>
filter(results %in% c('p.value')) |>
pull(values) |>
as.numeric() |>
f_num(dig = 5),
subtitle = 'p value',
left = T,
animate = T,
duration = 30)
stati_card(sw_results() |>
filter(results %in% c('statistic.W')) |>
pull(values) |>
as.numeric() |>
f_num(dig = 5),
'Statistic W (test value)'),
stati_card(sw_results() |>
filter(results %in% c('p.value')) |>
pull(values) |>
as.numeric() |>
f_num(dig = 5),
'p value')

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion R/sidebar_module.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ sidebar_ui <- function(id) {
ns <- NS(id)

bg = '#e3e3e4',
bg = sidebar_color,
open = F,
open = T,
Expand Down

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