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Synchrotron Accelerators

ThePoleThatFishes edited this page Mar 30, 2022 · 19 revisions

Synchrotron Accelerators accelerate particles put into them to much higher energies.


Synchrotron Accelerators are a square torus of Accelerator Casings or Glass that must be 5 wide. Like all Accelerators they require a Coolant vent in input and output modes and an Energy Port. There must be a continuous ring of Accelerator Beams down the centre, as shown below. Any Beam Port must be placed on the same level as the beam ring and there must be a beam block connecting it to the beam ring. At each corner and beam port intersection there must be a dipole magnet. Lastly, the inside corners of the accelerator must not be accelerator casing or accelerator glass. That area can instead be used to place certain coolers!

Pictured is a empty Synchrotron Accelerator without dipoles. 2020-08-12_17 42 58

With dipoles. 2020-08-12_17 50 51

With an extra beam port in the middle 2020-08-12_19 11 07

Inside the Accelerator there can be 3 types of structure A Radio Frequency (RF) Cavity, a Quadrupole Magnet or a Dipole Magnet.


A Synchrotron Accelerator functions the same as any other accelerator requiring power and coolant. It requires an existing particle beam to be pipe in at a minimum energy of 5 MeV (by default). Synchrotrons can have multiple beam ports but only one can be an input and output at any given time. A redstone pulse applied to a beam port will make that beam port the active beam port. What it switches to (either output or input) can be controlled by shift right clicking the beam port with the multitool. Just like the Linear Accelerator a redstone signal applied to the controller will turn it on and the output particle energy will be the (redstone strength)/15 of the maximum particle energy. See Linear Accelerator for more detail

Particle Energy

The resulting Particle Energy is more complicated to figure out than a Linear Accelerator the energy is limited by 2 factors whichever factor is smaller will be the maximum particle output energy Emax=min(Ef,Er). These factors are from the dipole field strength and the synchrotron radiation losses.

The maximum energy (in GeV) from the dipole strength is Ef=(qBdR)2/(2m) where q is the particles charge, Bd is the dipole strength which is the sum of the strengths of the dipoles, R is the radius of the synchrotron and m is the mass of the particle in MeV/c^2. For heavy particles like the proton this is the major concern.

The maximum energy (in GeV) from the Radiation losses Er=m(3VR/|q|)0.25 where V is the accelerator's voltage (in kV). For light particles like the electron this is the major concern.

Synchrotron Ports

Synchrotron accelerators can have one special port installed an Accelerator Synchrotron Port. This port lets out synchrotron radiation (High energy photons). The same position rules as beam ports apply to Synchrotron ports. The amount of pu/t of photons produced is equal to the amount of pu/t of particles going through the synchrotron, the focus is the same as the particles going through the synchrotron and the energy (in MeV) is Es=E3/(2πR(1000m)3) where E is the energy (in MeV) of the particle outputted by the synchrotron. Therefore light particles like electrons are the best to use.

Synchrotron Port set up 2020-08-12_20 19 42