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Lach01298 edited this page Mar 9, 2023 · 8 revisions

In Quantum Minecraft Dynamics (QMD) there are many particles each with different properties. Currently in QMD are:

  • All the fundamental particles of the standard model of particle physics
  • Some light nuclei and anti-nuclei
  • some mesons

A Particles properties can be seen using Jei: 2020-01-20_12 36 34

Particle Stacks

In QMD particles are stored in "particle stacks" like items in minecraft are stored in "item stacks". But there are major differences between particle stacks and item stacks. Particle Stacks cannot be held by the player they are not items but generally beams of particles. Particle stacks have 3 properties: Amount, Energy and Focus. Recipes can require certain particles to have certain amounts, energies and focuses. This can be seen in JEI.


Is the amount of particles measured in particle units (pu). Generally it represents the particle units per tick for example a tungsten filament gives off 10 kpu of electrons in a Ion Source this means it gives 10 kpu/t. But in recipes like the Target Chamber, Beam Dump and Neutral Containment it is the cumulative amount needed to complete the recipe. For example a recipe that requires 12 Mpu will take 1200 ticks to complete with a 10 kpu/t input. Increasing pu/t is the hardest property to increase it can only be done with clever manipulation of particles in target chambers and/or decay chambers to create effective "particle multiplier" setups.


Is the energy of the particles in units of electron volts (eV). For most recipes they require a particles energy to be in a range for example between 10 Mev and 20 MeV. Manipulation of a particles energy is done through accelerators. Linear and Synchrotrons Accelerators increase the energy, while Decelerators lower the energy. Beam Diverters also lower energy if the beam is turned, but the loss in energy is generally very small. See their pages for details.


Is how focused/confined the particles are this can be thought as the inverse area of the beam e.g. m^-2. Focus has 2 functions. One it tells you how far the particles will travel. This is because focus is lost for every block a beam travels. The amount lost is based on the attenuation rate (default 0.02) and the pu/t of the beam, via the equation: α * (1 + |q|*sqrt(I / Ii)). If the focus is less than or equal to 0 the beam will not travel any further. The second function of focus is that some recipes require a minimum focus e.g. a recipe might require a focus greater than or equal to 2.0. Focus is increased in accelerators using Quadrupole Magnets structures. See Accelerators for details.


Particle stacks travel through beam blocks (inside multiblocks) and in beamline pipes (outside multiblocks), losing focus for each block travelled. The focus loss is described in the above section! (eg. a 10 kpu/t proton beam loses 0.02 * (1 + 1 * sqrt(1)) = 0.04 focus per block travelled)

Particle being transported from a Linear Accelerator to a Synchrotron Accelerator then out. 2020-08-12_20 45 13