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Beam Diverter

Lach01298 edited this page Mar 9, 2023 · 11 revisions

Beam Diverters can change the direction a charged particle beam goes. Doing so the particle beam losses a small amount of energy to synchrotron radiation.


Beam Diverters are a 5x5x5 cube of accelerator casing that has a dipole filling the centre. The dipole can also be in the vertical direction. All the same requirements of an accelerator are required. So it must have a Coolant vent in input and output mode and an energy port. Beam Diverters does not need coolers in them.

Left: is a horizontal Beam Diverter, right a vertical beam diverter 2020-08-12_20 32 39


To start the Beam Diverter just give the controller a redstone signal. Like Synchrotrons the input and output beam ports can be selected with a redstone pulse see Synchrotron for more detail.

Maximum Particle Energy

The maximum particle energy (in GeV) the Beam Diverter can bend is Ef=(qBdR)2/(2m) where q is the particle charge, Bd is the dipole strength (this depends on what electromagnet you use), R is the Beam diverters effective radius (this by default is 160 but can be set in the configs) and m is the mass of the particle in MeV/c^2.

Particle Energy loss

The amount of Energy lost by a particle bent in the Beam Diverter is Eloss= Eq2/(6m4R2)
Note: the energy loss only occurs when the beam is bent if it goes straight through no energy is lost.


The Beam Focus is lost like in Accelerators so make sure that the Focus is high enough to get through the beam diverter.