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Releases: xcube-dev/xcube-viewer


27 Mar 14:17
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1.0.1-dev.1 Pre-release

Changes in version 1.0.1 (in development)


  • Fixed a crash when clicking the profile menu item for logged-in
    users. (#272)


  • For user login, the default value for the redirect URI
    is now baseUrl.href instead of window.location.origin
    in order for viewer deployments that make use of new xcube
    server endpoint "/viewer" introduced in xcube 1.0.

  • Now supporting dotenv
    for testing while developing xcube-viewer.
    We support server configuration and auth configuration variables:

      # Server configuration
      # Authentication configuration

Full Changelog: v1.0.0...v1.0.1-dev.1


10 Mar 17:11
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Changes in version 1.0.0


  • Values of branding parameters primaryColor and secondaryColor
    can now be arbitrary HTML color hex codes, such as "#76ff03".
    They used to be color names only, such as "red".
    Adapted src/recesources/config.schema.json to reflect the change.


  • Fixed src/recesources/config.schema.json where invalid item
    example: string was used instead of examples: string[].

  • Tiles of datasets with forward slashes in their identifiers
    (originated from nested directories) now display again correctly.
    Tile URLs have not been URL-encoded in such cases. (#269)

Full Changelog: v0.13.0...v1.0.0


02 Mar 16:12
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1.0.0-dev.1 Pre-release

Changes in version 1.0.0-dev.1


  • Values of branding parameters primaryColor and secondaryColor
    can now be arbitrary HTML color hex codes, such as "#76ff03".
    They used to be color names only, such as "red".
    Adapted src/recesources/config.schema.json to reflect the change.

  • Fixed src/recesources/config.schema.json where invalid item
    example: string was used instead of examples: string[].

  • Tiles of datasets with forward slashes in their identifiers
    (originated from nested directories) now display again correctly.
    Tile URLs have not been URL-encoded in such cases. (#269)

Full Changelog: v0.13.1-dev.1...v1.0.0-dev.1


22 Feb 16:48
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0.13.1-dev.1 Pre-release

Changes in version 0.13.1 (in development)


  • Tiles of datasets with forward slashes in their identifiers
    (originated from nested directories) now display again correctly.
    Tile URLs have not been URL-encoded in such cases. (#269)

Full Changelog: v0.13.0...v0.13.1-dev.1


08 Feb 13:50
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Changes in version 0.13.0


  • Added to information panel Python code that can be used
    to select a dataset or variable. This is useful for
    further analysing data, e.g., in Jupyter Notebooks.
    The feature can be disabled by setting
    "branding": {..., "allowViewModePython": false} in
    the Viewer's config.json.

  • Improved in information panels the display of selected
    items as JSON.

  • Can now run xcube Viewer in "compact" mode. This is
    primarily used for the JupyterLab integration.
    To enable compact mode, pass query parameter compact=1.

  • Added function to insert user places from CSV/Text, GeoJSON, and WKT
    either by copy & paste, from selected file(s), or from file(s)
    dragged & dropped over the map. (#88)

    Future enhancements will allow users:

    • importing many features into own user place group,
      • so users can switch group visibility, currently always shown;
      • so users can delete the group, currently only single user places can be deleted.
    • entering character encoding, currently assuming UTF-8.
    • entering CRS, currently assuming EPSG:4326.
    • entering style/color column, currently fixed to name "color".
      Default color is "red".
    • validating also CSV and WKT in dialog, currently we only do that for GeoJSON.
  • Added an experimental function that allows for rendering
    a 3D data volume. It utilizes the new experimental xcube Server
    endpoint /volumes/{datasetId}/{variableName}.
    The feature can be disabled by setting
    "branding": {..., "allow3D": false} in
    the Viewer's config.json.

  • The browser window's title and favicon can now be configured
    using the two parameters

    • windowTitle - a string
    • windowIcon - abs. or rel. URL to *.ico icon file
  • Color bar management has been slightly improved:

    • Color bars can now be reversed.
    • Color bar in the legend is now rendered according to the current
      settings "Hide small values", "Reverse", and "Opacity".


  • Fixed user places disappearing after map projection change (#247).

  • Export time series button is disabled, when there are no
    time-series to download. (#171)

  • Update the privacy notice for even more transparency.

  • Fixed issue with page reloading every 5 minutes after login. (#256)


  • Dropped support for language locales "it" and "ro".

  • Default map projection has changed from
    geographic (EPSG:4326) to web mercator (EPSG:3857)
    for performance reasons.

  • Configuration resource paths are now resolved against
    window.location.origin plus any given sub path used
    to deploy the application.

  • Tile URLs are now constructed by the viewer for well known endpoints
    /tiles/{datasetId}/{varName}/{z}/{y}/{x} and
    Prior to this, tile URLs from the server's dataset descriptor responses
    were used. These were wrong under certain server
    circumstances, e.g., when xcube server address is being rerouted.

Full Changelog: v0.12.0...v0.13.0


08 Feb 07:48
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0.13.0-dev.3 Pre-release

Changes in version 0.13.0-dev.3

  • Tile URLs are now constructed by the viewer for well known endpoints
    /tiles/{datasetId}/{varName}/{z}/{y}/{x} and
    Prior to this, tile URLs from the server's dataset descriptor responses
    were used. These were wrong under certain server
    circumstances, e.g., when xcube server address is being rerouted.

Full Changelog: v0.13.0-dev.2...v0.13.0-dev.3


04 Feb 13:15
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0.13.0-dev.2 Pre-release

Changes in version 0.13.0-dev.2


  • Added to information panel Python code that can be used
    to select a dataset or variable. This is useful for
    further analysing data, e.g., in Jupyter Notebooks.
    The feature can be disabled by setting
    "branding": {..., "allowViewModePython": false} in
    the Viewer's config.json.

  • Improved in information panels the display of selected
    items as JSON.

  • Can now run xcube Viewer in "compact" mode. This is
    primarily used for the JupyterLab integration.
    To enable compact mode, pass query parameter compact=1.

  • Added function to insert user places from CSV/Text, GeoJSON, and WKT
    either by copy & paste, from selected file(s), or from file(s)
    dragged & dropped over the map. (#88)

    Future enhancements will allow users:

    • importing many features into own user place group,
      • so users can switch group visibility, currently always shown;
      • so users can delete the group, currently only single user places can be deleted.
    • entering character encoding, currently assuming UTF-8.
    • entering CRS, currently assuming EPSG:4326.
    • entering style/color column, currently fixed to name "color".
      Default color is "red".
    • validating also CSV and WKT in dialog, currently we only do that for GeoJSON.
  • Added an experimental function that allows for rendering
    a 3D data volume. It utilizes the new experimental xcube Server
    endpoint /volumes/{datasetId}/{variableName}.

  • The browser window's title and favicon can now be configured
    using the two parameters

    • windowTitle - a string
    • windowIcon - abs. or rel. URL to *.ico icon file
  • Color bar management has been slightly improved:

    • Color bars can now be reversed.
    • Color bar in the legend is now rendered according to the current
      settings "Hide small values", "Reverse", and "Opacity".


  • Fixed user places disappearing after map projection change (#247).

  • Export time series button is disabled, when there are no
    time-series to download. (#171)

  • Update the privacy notice for even more transparency.

  • Fixed issue with page reloading every 5 minutes after login. (#256)


  • Dropped support for language locales "it" and "ro".

  • Default map projection has changed from
    geographic (EPSG:4326) to web mercator (EPSG:3857)
    for performance reasons.

  • Configuration resource paths are now resolved against
    window.location.origin plus any given sub path used
    to deploy the application.

Full Changelog: v0.13.0-dev.0...v0.13.0-dev.2


16 Dec 12:22
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0.13.0-dev.1 Pre-release

Changes in version 0.13.0-dev.1

  • The browser window's title and favicon can now be configured
    using the two parameters

    • windowTitle - a string
    • windowIcon - abs. or rel. URL to *.ico icon file
  • Fixed user places disappearing after map projection change (#247).

  • Color bar management has been slightly improved:

    • Color bars can now be reversed.
    • Color bar in the legend is now rendered according to the current
      settings "Hide small values", "Reverse", and "Opacity".
  • Export time series button is disabled, when there are no
    time-series to download. (#171)

  • Update the privacy notice for even more transparency.

  • Fixed issue with page reloading every 5 minutes after login. (#256)


23 Nov 12:54
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0.13.0-dev.0 Pre-release

Changes in version 0.13.0 (in development)


  • Added function to insert user places from CSV/Text, GeoJSON, and WKT
    either by copy & paste, from selected file(s), or from file(s)
    dragged & dropped over the map. (#88)

    • i18n it, currently EN only.
    • Opt: import many features into own user place group,
      • so we can switch visibility, currently always shown;
      • delete it entirely, currently only single user places can be deleted.
    • Opt: allow entering character encoding,
      currently assuming UTF-8.
    • Opt: allow entering CRS,
      currently assuming EPSG:4326.
    • Opt: allow entering style/color column, currently fixed to name "color".
      Default color is "red".
    • Opt: validate also CSV and WKT in dialog,
      currently we only do that for GeoJSON.
  • The browser window's title and favicon can now be configured
    using the two parameters

    • windowTitle - a string
    • windowIcon - abs. or rel. URL to *.ico icon file
  • Color bar management has been slightly improved:

    • Color bars can now be reversed.
    • Color bar in the legend is now rendered according to the current
      settings "Hide small values", "Reverse", and "Opacity".


  • Fixed user places disappearing after map projection change (#247).

  • Export time series button is disabled, when there are no
    time-series to download. (#171)

  • Update the privacy notice for even more transparency.


25 Jul 15:00
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Changes in version 0.12.0


  • xcube Viewer can now be used with any OIDC 1.0 compliant auth service.


  • A new refresh icon in the main bar now allows updating
    server-side resources and refresh the page.
    For this to work, the configuration setting
    branding.allowRefresh must be true.

  • The viewer app can now display also 2D datasets published by
    xcube server (starting with xcube version 0.11.3).