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@forman forman released this 04 Feb 13:15

Changes in version 0.13.0-dev.2


  • Added to information panel Python code that can be used
    to select a dataset or variable. This is useful for
    further analysing data, e.g., in Jupyter Notebooks.
    The feature can be disabled by setting
    "branding": {..., "allowViewModePython": false} in
    the Viewer's config.json.

  • Improved in information panels the display of selected
    items as JSON.

  • Can now run xcube Viewer in "compact" mode. This is
    primarily used for the JupyterLab integration.
    To enable compact mode, pass query parameter compact=1.

  • Added function to insert user places from CSV/Text, GeoJSON, and WKT
    either by copy & paste, from selected file(s), or from file(s)
    dragged & dropped over the map. (#88)

    Future enhancements will allow users:

    • importing many features into own user place group,
      • so users can switch group visibility, currently always shown;
      • so users can delete the group, currently only single user places can be deleted.
    • entering character encoding, currently assuming UTF-8.
    • entering CRS, currently assuming EPSG:4326.
    • entering style/color column, currently fixed to name "color".
      Default color is "red".
    • validating also CSV and WKT in dialog, currently we only do that for GeoJSON.
  • Added an experimental function that allows for rendering
    a 3D data volume. It utilizes the new experimental xcube Server
    endpoint /volumes/{datasetId}/{variableName}.

  • The browser window's title and favicon can now be configured
    using the two parameters

    • windowTitle - a string
    • windowIcon - abs. or rel. URL to *.ico icon file
  • Color bar management has been slightly improved:

    • Color bars can now be reversed.
    • Color bar in the legend is now rendered according to the current
      settings "Hide small values", "Reverse", and "Opacity".


  • Fixed user places disappearing after map projection change (#247).

  • Export time series button is disabled, when there are no
    time-series to download. (#171)

  • Update the privacy notice for even more transparency.

  • Fixed issue with page reloading every 5 minutes after login. (#256)


  • Dropped support for language locales "it" and "ro".

  • Default map projection has changed from
    geographic (EPSG:4326) to web mercator (EPSG:3857)
    for performance reasons.

  • Configuration resource paths are now resolved against
    window.location.origin plus any given sub path used
    to deploy the application.

Full Changelog: v0.13.0-dev.0...v0.13.0-dev.2