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Releases: xcube-dev/xcube-viewer


31 Mar 14:03
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Changes in version 0.4.4

  • Time-series legends are now always shown. (#151)
  • In the time-series charts with multiple graphs, dots have only been drawn
    for the last graph added. Now they are shown for existing graphs too. (#146)
  • Time-series graphs will no longer hide points. (#145)
  • Fixed some labels used in the UI:
    • Renamed label "Show data points only" into "Show dots only, hide lines".
    • Corrected translation for "Show graph after adding a place".
  • Updated package dependencies:


20 May 11:12
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Changes in version 0.4.3

  • Indicating invalid color bar name in map legend.
  • Added language translations for phrase "Time (UTC)".
  • Minor
    • Fixed manifest icon paths.
    • Removed unnecessary console dumps.


05 May 08:11
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Changes in version 0.4.2

  • Fixed a problem during release process. No code changes.

Changes in version 0.4.1

  • Using Roboto font in UI which increases readability of text.


05 May 06:57
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Changes in version 0.4.1

  • Using Roboto font in UI which increases readability of text.


08 Apr 06:14
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Changes in version 0.4.0


  • Users can now switch between median and mean methods for the spatial aggregation of
    polygons when creating time-series. The setting is available in the settings dialog.
    (partly addresses #135).
  • Added a "RGB" switch to the app bar that is used to display the selected dataset's RGB layer,
    if any. Currently, RGB layers can only be configured through the xcube server. Later xcube viewer
    versions will allow users selecting three variables and their respective value ranges for normalisation.
  • Users can now login (and sign on) if the viewer is build with OAuth2 settings, if any, given
    in a .env.local file (#22):
  • Now displaying dataset attributions when clicking the lower right info button in the map.
  • Added a new panel to display information about the selected dataset, variable, and place (#114).
  • Added a tool button to locate the selected dataset in the map.
  • Notification "snackbars" will now disappear after 5 seconds (#107).
  • The number of data points fetched within a time-series update can now be adjusted.
  • Attached tooltips to many prominent viewer functions.


  • Date/time displayed in the date/time select field and displayed in time-series plots
    are now aligned. Both use Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and ISO format (#133).
  • When in "Show data points only" mode, values at chart points where no not shown. This now works (#120).
  • Fixed broken map selection interaction and fly-to introduced in v0.3.2 (#115).
  • If the server cannot be reached, the tool bar and colour legend are hidden
    as datasets and variables are no longer available.

Other changes

  • Made the app bar a little more dense (48 instead of 56px).
  • Using more intuitive icons for user login and settings.
  • Added Help-icon providing a sub-menu with User Manual (coming soon) and the obligatory imprint.
  • Developers can now overwrite the branding's xcube web API server setting, if any, given in a .env.local file:
    This eases testing of yet undeployed xcube web API versions in the viewer.


20 Jan 15:55
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Changes in version 0.3.2


  • It is now possible to change the base map layer from settings. (#30)
  • Different deployments can now be configured through .env.local file. (#24)

Other changes

  • Updated code to use latest React 16.8 features i.e. React.FC with hooks (#111)


25 Nov 14:43
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Changes in version 0.3.1

Fixed translation of legal agreement.


21 Nov 17:46
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Changes in version 0.3.0


  • It is now possible to adjust the color bar min/max value and the colors. (#29)

Other changes

  • Now requires xcube 0.3.0 as backend.


12 Nov 15:18
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Changes in version 0.2.1


  • A new setting allows to turn image smoothing of image layers on and off.
    By default it is off now, so that crisp image pixels are shown without any blurring. (#86)
  • The color bar legend uses 5 tick marks instead of the two.
  • Added simple scale indicator to map.

Other changes

  • Now using OpenLayers 6.1.1.


25 Sep 13:46
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Changes in version 0.2

  • Users can now draw polygons and circles and show respective time-series. (#32)
    In total there are now 4 new interactions with the map:
    • Select a geometry
    • Draw a point
    • Draw a geometry
    • Draw a circle
  • Improved selection of places:
    • If a place is selected in the list it is zoomed to and highlighted in the map;
    • Places can now be selected in the map if the "Select" map interaction is active;
    • Places are also selected if a time-series line is clicked.
      (However, that doesn't work nicely yet due to issues in the Recharts lib).
  • Minor fixes:
    • Fixed (actually avoided) problem indicated by text "something went wrong" appearing instead of map
      after server change.
    • Changed user setting "show graph after adding point" to be on by default.
    • Added translations for message "server did not respond".
    • Time-series charts now have constant spacing;
    • A loading icon is shown, while time-series are being loaded.
    • Restrict zooming out, so that only a single world is shown. (#79)
    • Added legal agreement to inform about using HTML local storage. (#77)
    • Colors used for geometries in the map and for lines in the time-series charts are now exactly the same.
    • Time-series charts now have constant spacing
    • Restrict zooming out, so that only a single world is shown. (#79)
    • Added legal agreement to inform about using HTML local storage. (#77)
    • Corrected Romanian translations
  • Users can now generate time series for any selected variable and any selected place. (#50)
    User places can now be also removed, which will remove related time series too.
    Removing time series, on the other hand, does no longer remove user added places.
  • Selection of exact time steps has been improved. Introduced new time picker and user can also
    select move forward and backward in time by single steps. (#58)
  • User can now browse settings and adjust them according to preferences in a new settings dialog:
    • xcube servers;
    • UI language;
    • whether to connect points by line (#62);
    • whether to show error bars / whether to compute stdev yes/no;
    • auto-play speed / time interval in millis;
    • whether to auto-add time-series chart if point is added (#46);
    • system-information (#93).
  • Removed dummy app bar icons ("Notifications", "Avatar") and menu entry ("Settings...")
  • Place groups dropdown menus are no longer displayed if a dataset has no
    place groups and the places dropdown is no longer shown if no place group is selected.
  • Place groups (GeoJSON feature collections) are now only loaded if selected which significantly
    increases viewer loading time for server configurations whose data cubes
    are associated with lots of vector data. (#61)
  • Viewer loads now in the MS Edge browser (#59)
  • Fixed problem where viewer did not showInMap to selected place if that is a point location. (#52)
  • Time-series are now loaded in increments so user see constantly growing time-series graph
    instead of doing nothing for tens of seconds until the server returns the complete series (#38)
  • When animating through time, the index into a dataset's time coordinates array is incremented
    rather than incrementing current UI time by constant delta (#40)
  • The viewer now allows for multiple time-series groups based on the variable's units (#27)
  • Fixed a problem where selecting data points in time-series didn't show any data (#41)
  • Added translation for Italiano and Rumeno (#25)
  • Time-series are now plotted with standard deviation, if available e.g. for weekly means (#19)
  • Colors of of time-series line charts are now synchronised with fill colors of points in map (#17)
  • Map points and extracted time-series are now synchronised (#16):
    • When in "multi" mode, if all time-series are removed, also remove all related points in map
    • When not in "multi" mode, delete old point in map (if any) once new point is added
  • It is now possible to switch between different servers (#14)