Changes in version 0.13.0 (in development)
Added function to insert user places from CSV/Text, GeoJSON, and WKT
either by copy & paste, from selected file(s), or from file(s)
dragged & dropped over the map. (#88)
TODO:- i18n it, currently EN only.
- Opt: import many features into own user place group,
- so we can switch visibility, currently always shown;
- delete it entirely, currently only single user places can be deleted.
- Opt: allow entering character encoding,
currently assuming UTF-8. - Opt: allow entering CRS,
currently assuming EPSG:4326. - Opt: allow entering style/color column, currently fixed to name "color".
Default color is "red". - Opt: validate also CSV and WKT in dialog,
currently we only do that for GeoJSON.
The browser window's title and favicon can now be configured
using the two parameterswindowTitle
- a stringwindowIcon
- abs. or rel. URL to*.ico
icon file
Color bar management has been slightly improved:
- Color bars can now be reversed.
- Color bar in the legend is now rendered according to the current
settings "Hide small values", "Reverse", and "Opacity".