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QS1 wait cmd

maybites edited this page Nov 14, 2021 · 1 revision

<wait until="{expr}">
<wait while="{expr}">
<wait trigger="(string)">
<wait anim="(string)">
<wait faded="(string)">
<wait timer="time|{expr}">
<wait countdown="time|{expr}">
<wait hourglass="time|{expr}">
<wait clock="time|{expr}">
<wait complex="and|or|not">

Simple Example

<while name="whileLoop" init="{:whilevar = 0}" condition="{whilevar lt 100}" next="{whilevar = (whilevar + 1)}">
    <if true="{whilevar lt 50}">
        <print>inside while below 50: {whilevar}</print>
            <print>inside while above 50: {whilevar}</print>
<wait anim="whileLoop"/>


  • until = waits until the {expr}-condition turns true.

  • while = waits while the {expr}-condition is true.

  • timer = waits until the <timer> has reached the specifed time. 1)

  • watch = waits until the watch has reached the specifed time. 1)

  • hourglass = waits until the watch has reached the specifed time inside this hour. 1)

  • countdown = starts it own countdown with the specified length and waits until it has reached 0. 1)

  • anim = waits until an 'anim' message with this name is sent. an 'anim' message are sent from <anim> or <while>. It happens when the <anim> finished its animation. If the <anim> is looping (normal or palindrome), this will never happen for that animation. For <while> a name has to be set. the message is sent once the condition is FALSE.

  • faded = waits until a 'faded' message with this name is sent.

a 'faded' message can only be sent by an <anim> cmnd and happens once the animation has finished fading out.

  • trigger = waits until a 'trigger' message with this pattern is sent.

A trigger message can be send by a <trigger> cmd or by a Max message to the QueScript object:

trigger token1

A trigger message can also have multiple tokens:

trigger token1 token2

where the following logic applies:

<wait trigger="token1"/>        TRUE  IF 'trigger token1'
<wait trigger="token1"/>        TRUE  IF 'trigger token1 token2'
<wait trigger="token1 token2"/> TRUE  IF 'trigger token1 token2'
<wait trigger="token2"/>        FALSE IF 'trigger token1 token2'
<wait trigger="token1 token2"/> FALSE IF 'trigger token1'
<wait trigger="token1 token2"/> FALSE IF 'trigger token2'
  • complex = waits until the nested <wait> child commands are logicaly 'and'/'or'/'not'


 <wait complex="and">
     <wait trigger="triggername"/>
     <wait complex="or">
         <wait hourglass="1m"/>
         <wait timer="0m:10s"/>

This example waits until (( the minute finger of a clock is either past the first minute ) OR ( the timer has passed 10 seconds )) AND ( a trigger messgage 'triggername' was sent ).

<wait> cmnds that are nested inside a <wait>-complex behave a bit different. <wait>s are waiting for conditions that might be only true for one momemnt in time (like a 'trigger' or 'anim' - message). So their condition is only true for one bang. If you combine them in more complex conditions, then you would run into problems, because the different <wait> conditions happen at different moments in time. So inside a complex, if a <wait> has met its condition, it stays true.

Child Commands

  • <wait>


the <wait> cmd requires only one of the above attributes. It halts the further execution of the script until its set condition has occured. Meanwhile, animation command like <anim> or <while> will continue to run according to their settings.

Notice 1)

When using {expr} inside 'timer', 'watch', 'hourglass' and 'countdown', the evaluated number is interpreted as milliseconds.

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