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QS1 que cmd

maybites edited this page Nov 14, 2021 · 1 revision

<que name="(string)" loop="no|normal|palindrome">

Simple Example

<que name="Start" loop="no">
    <play name="Reset"/>
    <wait trigger="resetDone"/>
    <print>Reseted. Ready for action</print>
<que name="Reset" loop="no">
    <print>Executing Reset</print>


  • name = required. name of que
  • loop = loop mode: no|normal

If the no loop is set, the <que> simply shuts itself down once the script reaches its end. Shuting down the <que> means, it will allow all <anim>'s that are still running to start fadeout until they are finished and then stop. If the loop is set to normal, the <que> will stop all still running animations (<anim>, <while>) on the spot and start from the top again.

Child Commands


<que> defines the core structure of QueScript. <que>'s are executed with a Max message to the QueScript object like play 'queName' or from within another <que> with <play>.

The messages pause 'queName' and resume 'queName' will pause and resume a specific que. This also can be achieved with <pause> and <resume> from within another <que>.

If the autostart 1 message is sent to the QueScript objects before a script is loaded, QueScript will play the first <que> inside the <script> upon finishing loading.

If a new script is loaded and a <que> is still playing, it will keep on running until it either finishes or is stopped by a <stop> or <shutdown> command.

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