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QS0 Expr Arrays

maybites edited this page Oct 23, 2021 · 2 revisions

Arrays can be instantiated with the ARRAY()-function:

ARRAY(1, 2, 'text1', 'text3', 4.652)

and can contain any number of floats and strings.

It needs to be assigned to a variable, either with a <var> node:

<var name="arrayVar">ARRAY(1, 2, 'text1', 'text3', 4.652)</var>

or an <expr> node:

<expr>{:onTheFly = ARRAY(5, 'Paris', 'NY', 4.652)}</expr>

Accessing the Array is done by specifying the indices with the [] delimiter:

<print>onTheFly {onTheFly[0]} {onTheFly[2]}</print>

It is also possible to use variables as indices:

<que name="que" loop="no">
   <var name="myArray">ARRAY('Zuerich','Vienna', 'Berlin', 'London', 'Madrid', 'Casablanca')</var>
   <while name="while" init="{:index = 0}" condition="{index lt LENGTH(myArray)}" next="{index = index + 1}">
       <print>Cities to go: {myArray[index]}</print>
   <wait anim="while"/>

where the LENGTH()-function returns the number of elements inside an Array.


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