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x11 help

Harald Schilly edited this page Nov 3, 2018 · 49 revisions

Running X11 Apps in CoCalc

  • coming soon!


Name Description Category Status
auctex latex ?
avogadro Advanced molecule editor and visualizer chem OK
code Visual Studio code code OK
google-chrome Chrome Web-browser web Crashes with multiple tabs due to Docker security requirements
dia Drawing graphics graphics ?
OpenModelica Modeling and simulation environment. Command: OMEdit & co. physics OK
firefox Web-browser web Crashes
gchempaint Draw chemical formulas (no single-window mode, though) chem ?
gedit edit ?
gitk Explore Git repository (in current directory) git OK
gitg git ?
gimp Draw and edit images. Select single window mode: paint OK
Main window → open "Window" menu → enable single-window
gnome-calculator Classical calculator math OK
gnumeric Spreadsheet calculations and statistics stats OK
gvim Graphical version of the famous VIM editor edit ?
idle Minimalistic Python IDE code ?
inkscape graphics ?
jedit edit ?
kexi-3.1 "Microsoft Access for Linux" db OK
kile LaTeX editor, but maybe try texmaker instead ... latex ?
latexdraw Draw PSTricks, etc. latex flickers
libreoffice Office suite consisting of office OK
localc, lowriter, loimpress, lobase, ...
lyx LaTeX editor latex ?
meld Visual "diff" of text files code OK
nteract Jupyter Notebook compatible UI calc OK
okular PDF reader and annotator (Tools → Review) pdf OK
pinta simple paint app for images paint OK
psppire PSPP is an open-source version of SPSS stats ?
RCommander in R: require(Rcmdr) stats OK
scribus office ?
spyder3 math FAIL
texmaker "Powerful, easy to use and elegant" LaTeX editor latex ?
texstudio latex FAIL
thunderbird Email client office OK
tikzit graphics ?
tuxpaint Children's paint program paint OK
wxmaxima Computer algebra system Maxima math ?
xedit Old graphical text editor in X edit OK
xournal draw notes or annotate a PDF pdf OK
xpaint Old pain program paint OK


Category Description
math mathematics
chem chemistry applications
statis statistics, data analysis, ...
physics tools for physics, engineering, modeling, etc.
office productivity tools for authoring text, presentations, spreadsheets, etc. (doc, docx, odt, ppt, xml, xmlx, ods, ...)
latex editor for working with LaTeX documents
edit general purpose text editors
code graphical interfaces for programming (IDE)
git working with Git
db graphical database interfaces
paint raster graphics editor
graphics vector grpahics editor
pdf for reading and maybe also annotating PDFs
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