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Importing Files from ShareLaTeX

Harald Schilly edited this page Jul 25, 2018 · 9 revisions

I would like to import files from ShareLaTeX/Overleaf into a CoCalc project.

  1. Export:

    • ShareLaTeX: Open your ShareLaTeX project and choose Menu, Download, and Source. Download your project to your local computer as a .zip file.
    • Overleaf v2: In the project overview, select one or more LaTeX projects you want to export. Then, click on the Download button (at the top right of the listing, looks like a cloud with an arrow pointing downwards).
  2. Open the CoCalc File browser where you would like the imported LaTeX files to be stored. Select Upload at upper right and use the file picker to upload the zip file from the previous step.


  1. Click on the name of the zipfile in the CoCalc Files listing, then click Extract Files. A folder will be created with the name of the zipfile without the .zip extension. The files will be extracted into that folder. In case you've exported several projects, they'll extract as individual zip files. Just click on them again to extract the actual files.


Congratulations, now you are ready to edit your LaTeX files in CoCalc! Click on the *.tex file and the integrated LaTeX editor opens up for you.

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