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How to Install Python Packages into CoCalc

Harald Schilly edited this page Oct 4, 2018 · 12 revisions

About Python Packages in CoCalc

You may need to install a Python package in a CoCalc project.

CoCalc already includes hundreds of packages for several Python development environments.

If a package may have general use but is not already installed in CoCalc, you can open a support request to install it. Uncomplicated install requests are typically handled within 1 business day for paying customers. Install will happen faster if you include as much as possible of the following information:

  • Python 2 or Python 3 language version
  • link to package website
  • special requirements and dependencies to build & install
  • include a complete example that we can easily use to verify that we properly installed the software.

You can install additional packages yourself, but only at user-permission level. CoCalc accounts do not have superuser (root) privileges. Software must be installed into user-writeable parts of the filesystem.

In a nutshell: a CoCalc project is a Linux user account under the username "user". Therefore, installing software and libraries can be done in ~/.local (i.e. /home/user/.local), which is the canonical location for user installs. Furthermore, in case the documentation mentions to specify a custom "prefix" path, set this to ~/.local.

How to install Python packages as a CoCalc user

Regarding Python 2 vs. Python 3:

  • Python 2: use pip2 or python2 -- pip and python should default to these variants.
  • Python 3: use pip3 or python3 below.

Note: pip and python commands below should be entered in a CoCalc .term file.


If your package can be installed with pip, then use pip install --user [package-name].

Your project must have the "Internet access" upgrade in order to download software from the pip repository to your project. The Python pip command will not work unless you upgrade your project to have internet access.

If your package is in a folder inside your project (e.g., you uploaded it) with a folder, you can do either python install --user or pip install --user --upgrade ./

(Some setup instructions alternatively mention python install --home)

If pip requires that any external dependencies be downloaded, then your project must have internet access.


You can avoid the need for --user flags if you work inside a Python virtual environment. See Virtualenv for more information.


A special case is SageMath, which is a fully integrated environment built on top of Python. To install a Python package in Sage, it needs to also install into your local home directory. To accomplish that, first start the Sage-environment in a Terminal, and then issue the pip-install command with --user. For example:

  1. sage -sh for the sage environemnt
  2. pip install --user git+

If it happens that Sage doesn't recognize packages in your local path, prepend them to your path via running

import site, sys
sys.path.insert(0, site.USER_SITE)


Install some software into my own Anaconda environment

The task below is to create a custom Anaconda overlay environment called myconda and, just for the sake of explanation,

  1. install "Microsoft's Open R" (which is an enhanced version of R by microsoft).
  2. Install the plotly library from PyPI

To get it installed in Anaconda as a user, do this:

  1. Open a terminal.

  2. Type anaconda5

  3. Type conda create -n myconda -c mro r This creates a new local environment called "myconda" (name it as you wish) with the package "r" as its source coming from the channel "mro" (Microsoft's Open R). Instead of that, you can add any other anaconda package in that spot. The example from the documentation is biopython, see

  4. When installing, it briefly shows you that it ends up in ~/.conda/envs/myconda/.... in your local files. Now that we have it installed, we can get out of this "root" environment via source deactivate or restart the session. In any case, you are back in the the normal Linux terminal environment.

  5. Now run this: source ~/.conda/envs/myconda/bin/activate myconda Note that myconda is the name specified above, and the prompt switches to (myconda) $. Typing which R shows: /projects/xxx-xxx-xxx/.conda/envs/myconda/bin/R and of course, just running R gives:

R version 3.2.3 (2015-12-10) -- "Wooden Christmas-Tree"
Copyright (C) 2015 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
Microsoft R Open 3.2.3
Default CRAN mirror snapshot taken on 2016-01-01
The enhanced R distribution from Microsoft
  1. In the very same spirit, you can also run pip installations:
(myconda)~$ pip install plotly
Downloading/unpacking plotly
Successfully installed plotly requests six pytz
(myconda)~$ python -c 'import plotly; print(plotly)'
<module 'plotly' from '/projects/20e4a191-73ea-4921-80e9-0a5d792fc511/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/plotly/__init__.pyc'>

Note that since I'm still in my own "myconda" overlay environment, the --user switch in pip install wasn't necessary. (Otherwise, it would be necessary.)

Configure a Jupyter kernel for my custom Anaconda environment

With Anaconda's conda command, you can create custom environments with specific versions of Python, R, and their packages. This is similar to capabilities provided by Python's environment manager, virtualenv.

Suppose you want to create a custom Anaconda environment with the mdtraj package and be able to use this environment in a Jupyter notebook. Here's how.

  1. Follow these steps in a .term file in CoCalc. In the last step, the display name of the new kernel is changed so that it does not duplicate the name of kernel installed by CoCalc.

     ~$ mkdir -p ~/.local/share/jupyter/kernels
     ~$ anaconda3
     (root) ~$ conda create --name mymdtraj mdtraj
     (root) ~$ source activate mymdtraj
     (mymdtraj) ~$ conda install ipykernel
     (mymdtraj) ~$ source deactivate
     ~$ mv ~/.conda/envs/mymdtraj/share/jupyter/kernels/python3 ~/.local/share/jupyter/kernels/mymdtraj
     ~$ open ~/.local/share/jupyter/kernels/mymdtraj/kernel.json
     ## change display_name from "Python 3" to "My mdtraj" and save the file
  2. Open a new Jupyter notebook in CoCalc.

  3. Click on the Kernel button and look for your new kernel, "My mdtraj", or whatever you used for display_name in kernel.json. If you don't see your new kernel, scroll to the bottom of the Kernel menu and click Refresh Kernel List, and your new kernel should appear.

  4. Select the new kernel. You will now be running the environment you created with the conda create command.

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