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Releases: opfab/operatorfabric-core


19 Jul 13:59
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Due to changes in the setup of queues in RabbitMQ (see OC-812), it’s best to completely remove the RabbitMQ docker container you were using with previous versions before running (either in dev or docker mode) version 1.2.0.RELEASE. This won’t cause any data loss as cards are stored in MongoDB.


  • [OC-835] Remove lttd from feed sorts and make publication date sort (rather than severity then publication date) the default

    Now, the toggle button introduced by OC-624 lets the users choose between :

    • by publication date (newest at the top) (default)

    • by severity then publication date

      Resolved OC-771, OC-766 and OC-820


  • [OC-799] Show date when timeline is on 1 day

  • [OC-791] Add translation mechanism for timeline buttons

  • [OC-816] API testing - User update (PUT) - error "500" NullPointerException instead of "'400" BAD_REQUEST

  • [OC-360] On very wide screens, the filter panel at the top of the feed appears wider than the cards below it.

  • [OC-648] API testing - Group fetching - wrong response when fetching information about an existing group

  • [OC-709] Change card update mechanism in Mongo : if we removed a field in the new card , for certain fields it was conserved from the old version in MongoDB , it is now deleted which is the wanted behavior


  • [OC-753] Add API tests with karate DSL

  • [OC-798] Remove Pulse mechanism in UI and unused UI option operatorfabric.feed.timeFilter.followClockTick

  • [OC-801] Allow for custom certification authorities or certificates

    See the relevant section of the deployment documentation for details

  • [OC-819] Solve Sonar Issues

  • [OC-812] Refactor sending card via rabbit queue "GROUP"

  • [OC-818] Implement automatic logout when token expired (code flow authentication mode )

  • [OC-814] Remove registry and configuration microservice for action service

    • Actions service is now configured with it’s own application.yml (or application-docker.yml) configuration file.*

    • Client-gateway service need to be configured manually to reach the actions service. See the client gateway configuration for details.*

    • The deploy docker-compose now sets predefined names for its containers ("users" rather than "deploy_users_1" for example). These names match the ones defined in the application-docker.yml file of the Actions service.


19 Jul 14:01
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Version 1.1.0.RELEASE


  • [OC-636] - Delete backend time service

    The OperatorFabric deployment no longer requires a Time microservice.

  • [OC-749] Build is passing even though documentation wasn’t pushed

    Builds with a documentation stage will now fail if the push to the website repository wasn’t successful.


  • [OC-614] The possibility to associate sounds to cards is described in the card API but not implemented

    The API described the possibility to associate sounds to cards and to provide them in bundles. However, this was never fully implemented. So in this release we removed all the existing code and API documentation regarding this feature. Instead, OC-682 (see above) implements instance-wide sound notifications (one sound by severity).


    Existing bundles and cards with media information will continue to work as before. Pushing a bundle or a card with media information won’t generate an error.

  • [OC-730][OC-797] Correct bugs in timeline and major refactoring

    Please note that configuration and settings under timeLineDefaultClusteringFormats, defining date and time formats for the timeline, no longer exist and have been replace by hard-coded defaults.

  • [OC-783] Fix settingsOrConfig selector behaviour for booleans

  • [OC-698] API testing - Get css - wrong response when fetching non-existing css file

  • [OC-342] Set a new version of feed time filter to solve firefox incompatibility with datetime-local html5 attribut

  • [OC-795] API testing - DELETE endpoints - deletion of "Content-Type:application/json" for header

  • [OC-679] API testing- UserCreation - wrong response when the request body is erroneous

  • [OC-779] API testing - Push cards - update documentation for return codes


  • [OC-682] As a user I want sound to be played on cards arrival

    This feature allows (predefined) sounds to be played when cards of a given severity are added or updated in the feed. Only cards that are currently visible in the feed based on its filters (severity, tag, time) can trigger sounds. For sounds to be played for a given severity, the administrator needs to set the corresponding property to true. See operatorfabric.sounds.* properties in the configuration documentation for more details. Depending on their browser default settings, users might also need to allow sounds (globally or for the OperatorFabric url) for this to work.


    Due to the autoplay policy of some browsers (recent versions of Chrome for example), sounds won’t be played until the user has "interacted" with the application at least once: clicked a filter or menu, a card, etc. This is to prevent malicious sites to autoplay unwanted content.

    Sound effects obtained from

  • [OC-773] As a user I want sound notifications to be manageable in my settings

    This feature allows the user to override the sound playing policy that has been defined in the configuration by the administrator (see OC-682) in the settings screen.


    To disable sounds for a given severity, you need to click the checkbox twice (check then uncheck) to set it to false, otherwise your settings for this severity will remain "undefined" an the instance-wide configuration value will be applied instead.


19 Jul 14:02
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Version 1.0.0.RELEASE


  • [OC-624] As a user I want to sort cards on the feed either by severity, lttd, publishDate or by lttd, publishDate only.

    In the feed, the cards remain sorted by default by severity, then by lttd (last time to decide) desc. (i.e. closest lttd first), then by publication date asc. (i.e. latest cards first).

    This version adds a toggle to the feed buttons to switch to a second sort order that doesn’t take severity into account, so that cards are sorted by closest lttd then latest publication date.

    Note: No configuration is necessary.


  • [OC-549] - Thirds API does’t return 404 when requested third doesn’t exist.

  • [OC-325] - Put a long heartbeat timeout to avoid losing cards

  • [OC-349] - Correct bug in token silent refresh (Implicit Mode)

  • [OC-715] - [Cards-consultation][tests] : clean must be done after each unit test

  • [OC-727] - regression in Action Service - feign.codec.DecodeException

  • [OC-368] - Cards with an end date that is before their start date should be refused

  • [OC-720] - CSS in card detail is not correctly applied until reload

  • [OC-604] - On first opening the app, the feed filter isn’t synchronized with timeline time horizon


  • [OC-669] Card publication service refactoring

    • Remove unused and non working recipient options : INTERSECT , RANDOM, WEIGHTED and FAVORITE

    • Remove unused field mainRecipient

    • Remove internal asynchronous mecanism to push cards in Mongo and Rabbit

  • [OC-643] - Remove code regarding unused virtual time in frontend

  • [OC-687] - Remove unused OAuth2 micro-service

  • [OC-712] - When Token refresh is not possible redirect to login page (Implicit Mode)

  • [OC-724] - Adding an Endpoint for the logout process

    To successfully destroy the current session user in Keycloak, you need to provide a logout-url as explained in the doc

  • [OC-649] - Upgrade the backend

  • [OC-681] - Migrate angular from version 7 to 8

    In this task, we moved to version 8 of Angular, we would draw your attention that there is a breaking changes during this migration, especially, we passed from v10.10.0 to v10.16.3 of node, and from 7 to 8 of ng command (angular-cli) Please refer to angular.json file the packages we have migrated

  • [OC-652] - Update API Action documentation, more precisely, remove unused fields : lockCard, needsConfirm, updateState, contentStyle, inputs


  • [OC-204] - As a Client, I need a about section "about" with a fixed value and a freely configurable value

    • adds release version and application name into jar manifests;

    • displays current release version of OperatorFabric into the UI about section;

    • enables new settings into web-ui.yml of config service to be displayed in the UI about section, cf user guide - web-ui section for more details.