Releases: opfab/operatorfabric-core
Releases · opfab/operatorfabric-core
Migration from 3.5.0
See Migration Guide from release 3.5.0 to release 3.6.0
- General features :
- #2692 : Add the possiblity to automatically pin card
- Card detail view :
- User cards
- #2526 : Permit to choose the entity that publish if more than one is possible for the current user
- #2493 : Add the access to the current process and state in user card templates
- #2584 : Enable to set temporarily startDate after endDate during userCard creation
- #2495 : Add method in userTemplateGateway to set/get startDate,endDate, lttd
- #2673 : In usercard screen, show process select even if there is only one process
- #2675 : Add a method to tell the usercard template the entity used to send card
- #2712 : Add the possibility for the usercard template to set the list of recipient choices or the list of recipients
- #2577 : Transfert method getSpecificCardInformation from templateGateway to usercardTemplateGateway (use of templateGateway.getSpecificCardInformation is now deprecated)
- #2767 : Order by alphabetical order process and services in usercard screen
- Reponse cards :
- External devices
- #2765 : Automatically connect external devices on startup
- Misc
- #2594 : Added Dutch translation for date picker
- #2574 : Display disabled buttons in gray in pagination
- #2668 : Do not allow the same user to be connected twice at the same time
- #2595 : Allow user to filter by process without choosing a process group in archives, monitoring and logging screens
- #2665 : Remove unused feature business logs
- #2593 : Monitoring: ag-grid filter is not localized
- #2585 : Missing ag-grid translation in filter column feature
- #2596 : External devices screen : filter popup sometimes hidden
- #2583 : Feed : card indented whereas it should not
- #2581 : In settings, control the value "Interval between sound replays"
- #2592 : Administration screen : create new user/entity/group with existing id is permitted whereas it should not
- #2582 : In day mode, numbers in bubbles on timeline are not always fully visible
- #2140 : Fix card publishing path in nginx-cors-permissive.conf
- #2689 : Limit custom logo height to 48px (the parameter logo.limitSize in web-ui.json is not used anymore) to avoid hiding part of the ui.
- #2705 : Add error message instead of spinner when error in logging/archives screen
- #2710 : Archives/Logging screens : reset should disable timepicker arrows
- #2586 : Add information about minimum resolution to use OperatorFabric
- #2587 : Add remoteLoggingEnabled UI parameters in documentation
- #2459 : Entity labels : Add label with no need for the user to click enter
- #2573 : Add entity name in templates example instead of entityId
- #2578 : Add opfab version in package.json and use it for the about screen
- #2557 : Start even if translation file is not present for a declared language
- #1305 : Ensure version consistence by relying entirely on Gradle wrapper for building
- #2715 : Improve ui log library
- #2737 : Upgrade bootstrap to v5.1.3
- #2756 : Adjust log permission for nginx logs files
- #2760 : New chart example
- #2759 : Upgrade to chartjs 3.7.1
- #2798, #2797 : Upgrade spring components to solve security issue cve-2022-22965
Migration from 3.4.0 or 3.4.1
See Migration Guide from release 3.4.0 to release 3.5.0
- User cards
- #2467 : Remove timezone management feature
- #2429, #2479 #2480: Add a possibility for user to restrict the list of entities he is connected to
- #2491 : Set default publishDate search period in Archives and Logging screens
- #2519 #2546 : Added ability to deeplink to iFrames (give the possiblity to use subpath when calling business menu), breaking change for redirectToBusinessMenu template method : see migration documentation
- #2535 : Added Dutch translation
- #2381 : Add the possibility to lock/unlock the visibility domain in the feed and monitoring screens (when lock the visibilty domain does not shift with time)
- #2567 : Add a remote logging feature (experimental feature)
- #2427 : Add translation for date picker
- #2449 : The right side of the menus is not visible when the screen size is about 1024 x 600
- #2482 : Bug when in usercard the first process has only one state
- #2451 : Task example usercard : field "minutesForReminder" overwritten by default value when editing the card
- #2462 : Admin perimeter management is not working well when using a non-exising process in perimeter
- #2450 : Monitoring screen - "Card with response form my entity" should be darker color in day mode
- #2455 : Monitoring screen - Problem with padding below "Cards with response from my entities"
- #2454 : Feed : mix between french and english in summary of light card
- #2503 : Problem of html encoding with handlebars
- #2497 : Archives screen : title and summary columns not indented for collapsible archives
- #2539 : Connection not closed when exiting opfab on chrome or edge chromium
- #2506 : Logging screen : set max width on table columns
- #2472 : Card summary and card title showing Hex code instead of special characters
- #2529 : Acknowledge button on new line with screen size 1680*1050
- #2543 : Logrotate for nginx does not work.
- #2558 : No sound on external device when session ended
- #2092 : Add the possibility to set entityAllowedToRespond and entitiesRequiredToRespond in usercard template
- #2357 : Add an admin screen to configure external devices for users
- #2360 : Inform template when rendering is done (via method templateGateway.onTemplateRenderingComplete())
- #2386 : Add 'labels' field to Entity model to allow associate labels to an entity
- #2356, #2387, #2355, #2417: New Real Time Users screen. More information here :
- #2401 : Add endpoint to list all versions of a business process
- #2428 : Monitoring column answers : showing only EntitiesRequiredToRespond if present
- #2423 : Improve message in api response when error arise when posting card
- #1569 : Automatically send response from entity emitting user card - Experimental feature
- #2407 : If user is in entitiesAllowedToEdit but publisher is external, editing card is not allowed
- #2421 : Close subscription when token expired
- #2400 : When using a non-existing state in perimeter, admin perimeter management is not working well
- #2430 : Exception in console when loading administration screen
- #2435 : Monitoring screen : sometimes down arrow is hidden for the answers column
- #2388 : Take perimeter into account for search fields in archives and logging screen when no process groups
- #2460 : Loading in progress not visible anymore when loading a card
- #2464 : Connection not closed when user logout on chrome
- #1324 : Added Kafka example configurations to documentation
- #2342 : Update test scripts to work on macOS out of the box
- #2354 : Modify examples users and entities
- #2370 : Provide secure nginx conf when checkAuthenticationForCardSending is set to false
- #2238 : Add controls on tasks times when creating user card task example
- #2205 : Use publish date to show card on the feed : if card publish date is in user business selected period card will be visible even if card business period does not match with user selected business period.
- #2283 : Adding security to the External Devices API - External devices API should only be accessible to ADMIN users - except notifications endpoint
- #2296 : Possibility to get entity information and the list of all entities in templates
- #2257 : Permit to access to log api only to members of admin group
- #2273 : Hide "Play sound on external device" setting if none is configured for the user
- #2337 : Add sound when user session end
- #2268 : Admin screen : words can be cut and displayed in two lines sometimes
- #2277 : Logging export file : bad name of the file
- #2301 : Handling empty configurations for external devices ("Empty" configurations cause Internal Server Error when posting notifications)
- #2269 : Admin screen : filtering on several columns doesn't work
- #2309 : Timeline automatic shifting does not work properly
- #2235 : Admin screen - the popup for the filters is sometimes half hidden
- #2270 : Admin screen : Incoherence between pagination and displayed results after deleting a filter
- #2282 : Wrong behaviour trying to load a not existent card
- #2274 : Do not change button name for response on questionState for defaultProcess example
- #2281 : Adding Karate tests for External Devices
- #1946 : Docker recreates volumes every time a docker-compose up is triggered (add a script)
- #2293 : Improve subscription mechanism to be more resilient with cut or slow networks
See Migration Guide from release 3.1.0 to release 3.2.0
- #2126 : Admin screen : Use state names instead of state ids for perimeter screens
- #1991 : Add a spinner when loading logging cards
- #2181 : Add checkbox to apply filters to timeline or not
- #2145 : Put scrollbar of administration modals directly in modals
- #2197 : Remove unused tag feature
- #1646 : Permit multiple entity to edit the same card
- #2127 : Make editable the labels of the validation/edition buttons of the reponse according to the "State"
- #2195 : Improve external devices configuration management API
- #2209 : Offer the possiblity to hide the recipient list in usercard
- #2136 : Monitoring screen - Answers filtering based on id instead of name
- #2271 : Monitoring screen : Missing - between startDate and endDate in column business period in export file
- #2171 : Monitoring : The sort by severity doesn't work anymore
- #2028 : Admin screen - pagination and displayed results not coherent after a delete
- #2144 : Admin screen : remove empty space in array of users/groups/entities/perimeters
- #2137 : Archives screen : spinner almost hidden when already displayed results
- #2184 : Usercard update : startDate and endDate overwritten with default value
- #2133 : In usercard sometimes lttd is after enddate
- #2240 : Correct bug in usercard when using same stateId in different processes
- #2141 : Fitlering column State Rights in perimeter management screen is not working
- #2236 : Perimeters management UI : sorting on State Rights column is not good
- #2243 : Editing a received card "breaks" subsequent sound notifications
- #2029 : Instance-wide default values mechanism for settings properties can be confusing
- #2289 : Sound activation improvements . Using chromium based browser, when reloading the application (via F5 for example) the sound is only activated if user interact with the application (due to autoplay policy ). This correction force the user to click on the page to activate the sound if the case arise
- #2155 : Publish documentation for the external devices API to website
- #2156 : Set up publication of client jar for external devices in build
- #2170 : Do not cache i18n files to avoid the user having to clean his cache when upgrading opfab
- #2161 : Add the external devices service & dummies to default docker-compose
- #2054 : Update to Angular v13
- #2104 : UI - Deal with delete child card
This version corrects the following bug:
- Using chromium based browser, when reloading the application (via F5 for example) the sound is only activated if user interact with the application (due to autoplay policy ). This correction force the user to click on the page to activate the sound if the case arise
Migration from 3.0
See Migration Guide from release 3.0.0 to release 3.1.0
- #1937, #2039, #2037, #1644 and #1862 : External devices support - alpha version
- #2002 : Add vertical scroll bar for usercard preview
- #1849 : Notify external recipients when one of their cards is deleted
- #2091 : Add a menu to change the user password
- #1906 : Add Answers column in the monitoring screen
- #2056 : Recipients list is partially visible when usercard screen is too small
- #2135 : Monitoring & Feed - Answers not visible after card update
- #2090 : The LTTD value does not change when a usercard is modified
- #2060 : Updated AVRO files to better reflect CardPublicationData. See the migration guide for details.
- #1532 : Fixed AVRO compiler warnings (updated to avro plugin v 1.2.1)
- #2066 : Explain how sounds for browser notifications can be customized
- #1294 : Organize i18n assets (particularly filters)
- #1350 : Gradle - Removing legacy/duplicate plugin declaration
- #2027 : Admin UI multiselect filters are not sorted
- #2048 : When no process group define and no tags, double select field for process (in archive and logging screens)
This release contains additional information on the migration to 3.0.0.RELEASE. Please see the updated migration guide.
- #2043: When no process groups are defined, the select field for process (in archive and logging screens) is duplicated
- #2045: Adjust migration documentation for release 3.0.0