Releases: opfab/operatorfabric-core
This release contains breaking changes. Please see the migration guide.
- #1923 #1790 #1818 #1884 #1788 #1789 #1786 #1785 #1782 #1824 #1787 #1784 #1783 #1800 : Remove business data translation mechanism
- #1851 : Admin screen : add an error message when creating a perimeter with an existing id
- #1918 : Permit log rotation for nginx logs (web-ui)
- #1589 : Monitoring - adding filter for already answered cards
- #1925 : Avoid having to clean browser cache after opfab ui configuration change
- #1819 : Set template.userMemberOfAnEntityRequiredToRespond value for archives card
- #1791 : Make impossible to set the uid field when posting a card
- #1916 : Usercard : Set the possibility to fix lttd via the template code
- #1930 : Remove "service" and "process" columns from the monitoring screen
- #1970 : Do not make a sound for card sent by current user
- #1915 : Add "Emitter" column in the monitoring screen
- #1873 : Authorize sending response from entity emitting user card. Use 'state.response.emittingEntityAllowedToRespond' field in bundle config.json to enable it.
- #1908 : Use user perimeter to present process/state list in UI
- #1821 : Avoid having template.isLocked value to true when displaying an archive card
- #1901 : First day of week does not automatically change in time line when changing language
- #1987 : uiVisibility.monitoring/logging not taken into account for processes without process group
- #1984 : With slow network feed can end up empty after user change notification reception configuration
- #2004 : Usercard restricted recipient list persists when changing process/state
- #2014 : Admin UI : in groups and perimeters tables, edit and delete icons are truncated
- #2005 : Recipients list not well positioned in conference user card
- #2025 : Feedconfiguration screen : wrong display when no process/state for user but bundles exist
- #1286 : web-ui.json : rename parameters
See documentation. - #1990 : Add a spinner when loading archives
- #1868: Sort by alphabetical order state when editing user card
- #1808: Replay sound notifications until user interacts with app
- #1830: Have a different list of Tags for the Archives and for the Logging screens
See the documentation for the relevant configuration properties.
- #1859: Speed up card loading for feed and monitoring screens (Remove use of ngrx for lightCard list processing)
Migration from 2.10
- Monitoring screen :
- #1639 Add a response when creating card with API
- #1647 Add getDisplayContext() method to the template to know in which context the rendering is done
- #1445 Add opfab style for color warning, alert and success
- #1645 Add a method for template to get the entity used for response
- #1429 Add state column to logging screen. Group states by process in multiselect.
- #1736 Notification configuration screen : add a checkbox for filtering by processGroup
- #1761 Archives screen : Add an option to activate / desactivate collapsible updates
- #1774 Add option to store card only in archives DB
- #1807 Add entity name in top-right of the screen
- #1762 Sort by alphabetical order state / process filters in archives/logging screen
- #1804 In card detail header sort the entities to respond by name
- #1677 Do not show popover when lttd expired icon is not visible
- #1700 Fix lttd expired message in card detail
- #1678 Process name not translated in monitoring screen when no process group defined
- #1680 Charts not well display in archives screen
- #1715 Check perimeters existence on group creation or update
- #1547 Error messages and status are mixed up in ExternalAppClientImpl
- #1770 Wrong display when setting a process with only state having "isOnlyAChildState" set to true
- #1777 Default value for acknowledgmentAllowed is not coherent with documentation
- #1813 Optimization to avoid OutOfMemory or mongoDB exception using archive screen
- Card detail view:
- #1430 : In card header change the status value -> Card detail header for question cards now displays state type rather than state name
- #1274 : Add a method for template to get the list of entities allowed to respond
- #1415 : Add the possibility to use time as axis in chartjs
- #1444 : Add last response received information on card footer
- Monitoring :
- Notification configuration screen :
- #1263 Add configuration to exclude some states from the notification configuration screen. For more information :
- #1399 Allow feed notifications to be configured for a whole process
- #1628 Improve configuration notification screen display when there is a lot of processes
- Admin screens :
- Misc :
- #1479 Correct responsive problem with cards examples containing charts
- #1519 Restore margin for table in admin screens
- #1504 Correct conditions for allowing acknowledgment
- #1456 Admin UI : translate placeholder for multi-select component. Add placeholder for single-filter component
- #1441 Business Period selection for realtime screens - synchronization is incoherent
- #1605 On startup of the application, sometimes loading in progress appears when no cards are available for user
- #1669 Persist rabbitMQ consumer queues to be resilient to rabbitMQ restarts
#1241 : Take into account lttd when ack set to OnlyWhenResponseDisabledForUser
#1242 : Always use perimeter when routing cards
From now, whatever the type(s) of recipient(s), the perimeters are always checked. So if you are using users directly or groups as card recipients, you will now need to add receive rights (Receive or ReceiveAndWrite) for the corresponding process/state of the card.
#1264 : Date filters : make impossible to enter a start date later than end date
#1257 : Manage core menu visibility
Core menus such as the archives, usercard creation, settings etc. are now managed in the ui-menu.json file, and can be made visible to certain groups only just like custom menus. See the migration guide for details as it will require changes to your configuration.
#1275 : Add the possibility to send a user card to a third party via the use of externalRecipients
#1245 : Error in style when showing field description in settings tab
#1243 : Deleting cards by endDateBefore using api does not remove cards from the feed
#1273 : In Archive page the values of service multifilter should not wrap
#1272 : Posting a perimeter with blank string state cause 500 internal error
#1384 : Clean templateGateway when loading card from archives or usercard
#1387 : Card publication service does not start if rabbit goes up too late
#1412 : Users with a login claim containing capital letters are not authenticated
#1256 : Make sound notifications behaviour more consistent when switching from feed to monitoring
#1244 : Remove unused btnColor in process.state (businessConfig)
#1240 : Manage Web-UI configuration variants
See migration guide for details.
#1247 : Move documentation for "showDetailCardHeader" config value
Dependency updates:
#1236 : Add cypress tests for archives screen
#1169 : Add cypress tests for Real time users screen
#1303 : Create external-config folder in Dockerfile
#1265 : Admin table styling
#1396 : Add common library (/tools) analysis in SonarCloud
#1392 : Simplified MongoDB configuration
This requires a change in your configuration files. See migration guide for details.
#1417 : Remove unused code in tools/generic/utilities
#1312 : Caching cypress installation to speed up CI/CD
#1413 : Only trigger UI build if inputs or outputs have changed
#1359 : Remove dependency reporting plugins from Gradle build
Reports regarding dependency licences and security vulnerabilities are now provided by LFX Security
#1454 : Handlebars helpers - Fix dateFormat to work with strings + new helper objectContainsKey
Monitoring & logging screen :
OC-1772 : Monitoring and logging screen adjustment
OC-1691 : Add publisherName in child card for custom export in monitoring
OC-1794 : Monitoring export : allow exporting more that one array from json
OC-1768 : Cards with a process state that doesn’t have a 'type' property won’t be displayed in monitoring screen
OC-1734 : Secure endPoint for sending card
The API endPoint
will now require authentication by default. It is possible to configure the endpoint to not require authentication by setting the configuration parametercheckAuthenticationForCardSending
in cards-publication service configuration file. -
OC-1742 : Add a spinner in feed when opfab is loading cards in background
OC-1671 : UI -Automatic reload user perimeter when changed by admin
OC-1762 : When all user entities are not allowed to send card do not show user card form
OC-1750 : Sometimes cards does not show on calendar
OC-1717 : Issue with usercard process template
OC-1776 : Bug in dev mode when using moment object in ngrx store
OC-1775 : Reminder isn’t triggered when "Minutes to remind before task" is 0
OC-1760 : Monitoring screen : need to click again on search sometimes
OC-1759 : Monitoring screen : cards no longer displayed unless you click on search
OC-1765 : UI does not take into account uiVisibility configuration
OC-1752 : User card: changing process/state does not reset startDate, endDate and lttd
OC-1790 : Card not seen when removing sender entity
OC-1786 : Bug when using entity with name matching an i18n prefix
OC-1791 : Bug when a non existing entity is set in userCard.recipientList
OC-1761 : Admin interface - Deal with invalid perimeter
OC-1804 : Do not round up publish date to the second
In previous versions, when a card was published its publication date was rounded up to the nearest second (that’s why all publishDate values ended with 000). It caused issues when several updates of the cards were published in rapid succession (in the same second) as their order was not taken into account.
OC-1748 : Card detail screen deleted when the card is deleted : Adding a cypress test
OC-1739 : Simplify Gradle dependency management
OC-1779 : Updating swagger-codegen-cli to 2.4.20
OC-1777 : Remove dead code related to old version of monitoring screen
OC-1747 : Authorize the use of . for login when creating new user in admin screen
OC-1698 : Fix validation conditions for login in admin screen to only allow lowercase
OC-1788 : Doc adjustment regarding response card
OC-1787 : Refactoring of logging screen
OC-1792 : Fixed the failing Kafka Autoconfiguration Unit test by adding a default for the value deserializer.
OC-1746 : Update Spring librairies
Spring Boot 2.5.1
Spring Cloud 2020.0.3
Spring Webflux 5.3.8
Spring Security 5.5.0
Spring Retry 1.3.1
Administration :
OC-1695 : Add authorized ip address settings in user administration screen
OC-1697 & OC-1699 : Add an admin screen to see open subscriptions
User card :
OC-1723 : Check that Lttd is not before start date and not after endDate
OC-1740 : Use entity description attribute for recipient list in user card as an option
Misc :
OC-1633 : Add the option to filter notifications that has already been answered by user own entity
OC-1672 : Reload the UI configuration when bundles change
OC-1741 : Remove detail card view when card is deleted
OC-1711 : Clicking on a link to a third application from a card in modal shall close the modal
OC-1712 : Screen adjustement for archives screen when resolution smaller than 1920*1080
OC-1713 : Screen adjustement for logging screen when resolution smaller than 1920*1080
OC-1722 : Response to card example IT incident is not confirmed
OC-1728 : Acknowledging all cards shouldn’t change their read status
OC-1716 : Adjustement to view for mobile phone when language is set to French
OC-1736 : Correct bug when child card is received before parent card
OC-1714 : Invalid group from token shall not prevent to start application
OC-1721 : When getting entities from token, it shall take into account groups of entities configured in mongo
OC-1738 : Parent card data not available in child card when using Kafka
OC-1729 : Removing push_card_loop script (use instead scripts provided in ./src/test/resources)
OC-1730 : Fixing baseUrls in swagger for documentation
OC-1701 : Set indexes in mongoDB
OC-1737 : Do not freeze the UI when loading a lot of cards
OC-1743 : Add cypress tests for acknowledgment feature
OC-1663 : Removing Ribbon and updating Spring Boot to 2.4.6
Please see the migration guide regarding the configuration of a new mandatory deployment property.
OC-1584 : Permit to have a restricted list of recipients
OC-1682 : Let the possibility to have no recipient
OC-1692 : Monitoring screen - set text color for Process Status value
OC-1442 : Add the possibility to have a specific export format in monitoring
See the documentation for details on how to configure it.
OC-1649 : New handlebars helper : replace character
OC-1648 : Add an option for control of IP address for user access (WIP)
OC-255, OC-1513 : Making the client library available in Maven Central
Starting from this release, you can now pull the client library as a regular dependency rather than building the jar locally. The clientApp example is now relying on these published jars.
OC-1612 : Improve design for very small screen
OC-1653 : See on feed when there is a response form the entity of the user
Misc :
OC-1639 : Add option to use user perimeter to populate services/process/state list in archives/logging/monitoring/feedconfiguration
OC-1655 : Add representative concept when sending card
OC-1673 : Editing a usercard : a wrong template is loaded at the beginning of display
OC-1684 : Bug in usercard preview when displaying a lot of recipients
OC-1704 : Correct bug when displaying feed on mobile phone
OC-1715 : Acknowledging a card shouldn’t trigger sound
OC-1659 : Refactoring DetailComponent for using functions of new UI service "ActionService"
OC-1646 : Change the response of the card creation endpoint
Please see our migration guide
OC-1690 : Improve card detail view when state or process does not exist
OC-1619 : Remove "recipient" deprecated card field
This deprecated field is now deleted, so please see our migration guide
OC-1693 : Add an option that waits for opfab to start in
OC-1577 : Documentation - add an example for routing card with perimeter
OC-1696 : Name and surname should not be mandatory in admin screen
OC-1670 : Deletion of ADMIN group should not be possible
OC-1702 : Upgrade to last version of chart.js
OC-1602 : Add delete cards endpoint to delete multiple cards by date criteria
OC-1636 : UserCard : Choose the first service in the list by default
OC-1652 : Admin screen : permit to create logins of 3 characters
OC-1609 : Confirmation popups : harmonize size for text and title
OC-1613 : Confirmation popup shall be on the middle of the screen
OC-1657 : Card deletion result should be displayed with an alert message instead of popover
OC-1621 : Admin UI - When deleting a Perimeter remove from cache as well
OC-1634 : When changing perimeter attached to a group it is not propagated to the card-publication service
OC-1624 : Card preview in user card shall not set the template in full screen mode
OC-1644 : When only one process is accessible to usercard , it does not work
OC-1674 : Editing a usercard : multi-select component for state field is not set with the right value
OC-1623 : Fix bug when removing a timeline domain from web-ui configuration
OC-1641 : When card selected in the feed is updated, it should stay unread
OC-1604 : Acknowledge all cards : manage states with acknowledgmentAllowed set to "OnlyWhenResponseDisabledForUser"
OC-1654 : After an update of a question card, the entities that have already answered shall be orange in card header
The entities will be marked in green only once they give an answer to the updated version of card.
OC-1627 : Tasks card example does not fill the repetition date, duration and hour/min when editing the card
OC-1607 : Remove reactive code from card publication and solve a bug (hang of HTTP requests)
This changes things for card-sending endpoints (see the migration guide)
OC-1585 : Authorization mode 'NONE' fix with CardService and Perimeters.
OC-1635 : Allow Cypress tests to run with ng serve
OC-1640 : Implement basic test plan as Cypress test using resources scripts
OC-1625 : Usercard process template example : store in the card data the status value
OC-1622 : Set a value for state.description fields in all card examples
OC-1630 : Adding package-lock.json to git for npm ci
From now on, to build the ui:
If you have changed anything in the package.json, use npm install to install/update the dependency and update the package-lock.json accordingly.
If you just want to reproduce the current state of the ui, use npm ci instead: it will clear node_modules and install dependencies using the versions stated in package-lock.json, ensuring that what your local development environment is identical to what’s being built on the CI/CD pipeline.
OC-1611 : Remove core-js dependency
OC-1656 : user.service.ts : rework isCurrentUserAdmin() and isCurrentUserInAnyGroup()
OC-1661 : Removing inconsistent tooling configuration and changing gradle node plugin
OC-1664 : UI tests - removal of unused class ProcessesServiceMock
This release changes the way of exchanging between opfab and template when using response cards. If you are using response cards, you must modify your templates .To migrate your templates, see
OC-1562 : Remove web-ui option to hidetime line as the user can himself hide timeline
OC-1227 : Add lttd field as an option in user card
OC-1572 : Do not use entiyAllowedToRespond to show/hide the clock for last time to decide
OC-1505 : Add parent entities to edition modal in Admin
OC-1491 : UserCard: check that end date is after start date, show a clear error message otherwise
OC-1589 : Move the "from entity" for user cards from title to summary in feed
OC-1606 : Add method isUserMemberOfAnEntityRequiredToRespond() for card template
OC-1288 : Add a link to acknowledge all notification in 1 click (optional feature)
OC-1538 : FeedNotification configuration - processes not sorted by their label
OC-1560 : User card : fix title when using "process example" template
OC-1509 : Fix recurring error message when posting user cards (endDate constraint)
OC-1559 : EntitiesRequiredToRespond constraint doesn’t handle parent entities
OC-1582 : Fix bug when exporting to excel in logging screen
OC-1581 : Deleting an entity that is listed as parent entity in some children entities should cause it to be removed from said children
OC-1591 : Notification configuration screen : bug in display near the "save" button
OC-1598 : ConfigService.getConfigValue() : function always returns the fallback if the variable is a boolean set to false (in web-ui.json)
OC-1608 : Timeline buttons : replace "7 Day" by "7 Days"
OC-1628 : BUG - Feed - receiving cards : changing a user setting stops cards reception
OC-1629 : Bug when resetting user cache in consultation card service
OC-1556 : Modify Karate API test to add test card with no end date
OC-1566 : Adapt doc for settings.tags.hide option
OC-1552 : Entity emitting the card shall not be able to respond
OC-1476 : Migrating ngrx from v9 to v10. Replace deprecated Effect decorator (OC-1579)
OC-1462 : Admin UI - Adapt column fiter to night mode
OC-1471 : Updating to Angular v11 and bringing dependencies up to date
This shouldn’t have any impact for deployments using docker. If you need to build the UI however, you need to run "npm install" first to get the new dependencies. In addition, see the documentation to troubleshoot any errors.
OC-1567 : Activate nginx gzip compression
OC-1537 : Fix karate tests to work with Karate 1.0.0
OC-1554 : Adapting CICD for hotfixes
OC-1575 : Refacto api tests launching to adapt for karate 1.0.0
OC-1571 : Create a repository with common bundles
OC-1522 : Remove unused SpringFox dependency
OC-1578 : Create shell scripts for creating/deleting perimeters and cards. It replaces karate scripts (in src/test/utils/karate) for manual testing
OC-1580 : Remove irrelevant UI tests
OC-1573 : Re-factorize countdown module
OC-1588 : Minor Kafka documentation update. Now mentions the card response topic setting.
OC-1569 : Remove unused ui-home-e2e project configuration in angular.json
OC-1487 : UI - User model exports (duplicate) Entity class
OC-1536 : Usercard - Do not show Process or State if only one choice
OC-1590 : Update dependencies (Update nginx to v1.19.9,gradle to v6.8.3, keycloak to v12.0.4 )
OC-1601 : Launch api tests via gradle
OC-1282 : Test with karate endpoint cardSubscription
OC-1481 : When card references an existing process but for a state that doesn’t exist, an error should be thrown
OC-1597 : Improve communication between template and opfab
This change the way of exchanging between opfab and template when using response cards . If you are using response cards, you must modify your templates . To migrate your templates, see
OC-1605 : Stop angular building for IE11
OC-666 : Execute api none regression tests in travis build process
OC-1586 : Remove TitlePositionEnum (dead code)
OC-1610 : Confirmation popups : harmonize the closing cross
OC-1594 : Translate true/false values in the Entity admin table