Releases: opfab/operatorfabric-core
See the migration guide from release 4.5.X to release 4.6.0
- Archives and logging screens :
- Emails :
- #7663 : Added body prefix to recap emails
- #7664 : Added body postfix to recap emails
- #7564 : Permit to receive mail for not notified state in UI
- #5734 : Add an option to receive a weekly email recap
- #7653 : Permit to configure Timezone
- #7699 : Add the possiblity to access config parameters in handlebars mail template
- Cli :
- Opfab API :
- User cards :
- Card detail :
- Misc :
- #7339 : Add a user action log when user change notification configuration
- #7446 : Localized error message when impossible to send alarm signal to external device
- #7447, #7480 : Replace toNotify field with STORE_ONLY_IN_ARCHIVES card Action
- #7386 : Add setting to open next card on acknowledgment
- #7547 : Dashboard - Add a link to business menu for certain process/states
- #7662 : Add entity ID in entity selection for admin screens
- #7761 : Homogenize number of lines for table multiselect position
Bug Fixes
- #7152 : Fix archives screen sublines columns width
- #7403 : Missing space in templates if startDate, endDate and severity are not visible
- #7404 : Fix modal style
- #7410 : Opfab cli : fix error message when removing user from group/entity
- #7411 : It should not be possible to set string in "Interval between sound" in settings
- #7413 : User action logs : close popover when clicking on link in card detail
- #7414 : No entities in ack visible if one entity is not existing
- #7418 : Check for entity name in the entity creation form doesn't handle empty spaces
- #7425 : Archives/Logging screens : display error if there is no process group and no tag
- #7427 : UserCard: do not show "Create copy" button if user not allowed to publish the card
- #7526 : Exception in console when editing cards
- #7549 : Fix Supervisor default config value for arrays
- #7571 : Memory leak in regularlyCheckLttd in card
- #7585 : Impossible to change entity name for some entities
- #7632 : Redirection lost when using link provided in opfab email
- #7680 : Wrong dates send to external recipients
- #7665 : Took daylight savings time into account for recap emails
- #7811 : Opfab-cli : "opfab get log-level" for external-devices failed
- #7554 : Rename timeline domain TR to RT (Real Time)
- #7499 : Remove field "timespans.recurrence" in opfab
Dependencies upgrade
- ag-grid 32.3.3
- angular 18.2.13
- chart.js 4.4.7
- fortawesome/fontawesome-free 6.7.2
- ngx-translate/core 16.0.4
- quill 2.0.3
- swimlane/ngx-charts 21.1.2
Java services
- confluent 7.8.0
- v33.4.0-jre
- commons-io 2.18.0
- commons-text v1.13.0
- jackson-annotations 2.18.2
- jackson-databind to 2.18.2
- micrometer-registry-prometheus 1.14.2
- rabbitmq:amqp-client 5.24.0
- spring boot 3.4.1
- springKafka 3.3.1
- spring security 6.4.2
- spring-webflux to 6.2.1
Node services
- amqplib to 0.10.5
- axios 1.7.9
- express 4.21.2
- express-jwt 8.5.1
- mongodb 6.12.0
- node 22.13.1
- nodemailer 6.9.16
- winston 3.17.0
- mongo v7.0.16
- nginx Docker 1.27.3
- rabbitmq Docker 4.0.5
See the migration guide from release 4.5.X to release 4.6.0
- Archives and logging screens :
- Emails :
- #7663 : Added body prefix to recap emails
- #7664 : Added body postfix to recap emails
- #7564 : Permit to receive mail for not notified state in UI
- #5734 : Add an option to receive a weekly email recap
- #7653 : Permit to configure Timezone
- #7699 : Add the possiblity to access config parameters in handlebars mail template
- Cli :
- Opfab API :
- User cards :
- Card detail :
- Misc :
- #7339 : Add a user action log when user change notification configuration
- #7446 : Localized error message when impossible to send alarm signal to external device
- #7447, #7480 : Replace toNotify field with STORE_ONLY_IN_ARCHIVES card Action
- #7386 : Add setting to open next card on acknowledgment
- #7547 : Dashboard - Add a link to business menu for certain process/states
- #7662 : Add entity ID in entity selection for admin screens
- #7761 : Homogenize number of lines for table multiselect position
Bug Fixes
- #7152 : Fix archives screen sublines columns width
- #7403 : Missing space in templates if startDate, endDate and severity are not visible
- #7404 : Fix modal style
- #7410 : Opfab cli : fix error message when removing user from group/entity
- #7411 : It should not be possible to set string in "Interval between sound" in settings
- #7413 : User action logs : close popover when clicking on link in card detail
- #7414 : No entities in ack visible if one entity is not existing
- #7418 : Check for entity name in the entity creation form doesn't handle empty spaces
- #7425 : Archives/Logging screens : display error if there is no process group and no tag
- #7427 : UserCard: do not show "Create copy" button if user not allowed to publish the card
- #7526 : Exception in console when editing cards
- #7549 : Fix Supervisor default config value for arrays
- #7571 : Memory leak in regularlyCheckLttd in card
- #7585 : Impossible to change entity name for some entities
- #7632 : Redirection lost when using link provided in opfab email
- #7680 : Wrong dates send to external recipients
- #7665 : Took daylight savings time into account for recap emails
- #7811 : Opfab-cli : "opfab get log-level" for external-devices failed
- #7554 : Rename timeline domain TR to RT (Real Time)
- #7499 : Remove field "timespans.recurrence" in opfab
Dependencies upgrade
- ag-grid 32.3.3
- angular 18.2.13
- chart.js 4.4.7
- fortawesome/fontawesome-free 6.7.2
- ngx-translate/core 16.0.4
- quill 2.0.3
- swimlane/ngx-charts 21.1.2
Java services
- v33.4.0-jre
- commons-text v1.13.0
- commons-io 2.18.0
- confluent 7.8.0
- jackson-annotations 2.18.2
- jackson-databind to 2.18.2
- micrometer-registry-prometheus 1.14.2
- rabbitmq:amqp-client 5.24.0
- spring boot 3.4.1
- springKafka 3.3.1
- spring security 6.4.2
- spring-webflux to 6.2.1
Node services
- amqplib to 0.10.5
- axios 1.7.9
- express 4.21.2
- express-jwt 8.5.1
- node 22.12.0
- nodemailer 6.9.16
- winston 3.17.0
- mongo 7.0.16
- nginx Docker 1.27.3
- rabbitmq Docker 4.0.5
See the migration guide from release 4.4.X to release 4.5.0
Deprecation removal :
- #6837 : Remove deprecated API method opfab.currentCard.getEntityUsedForUserResponse
- #6836 : Remove keepChildCards deprecated feature
Settings :
- #6881 : Interval between sound should be better controlled in settings screen
- #6858 : Prevented saving invalid settings by exiting the settings screen
- #7083 : Add a timezone selection for email notifications in user settings
- #7296 : Add hallway mode in user settings
- #7360 : Add user settings for showing acknowledgment footer in card details
- #6841 : Add a command to execute a list of cli commands
- #6848 : Add opfab cli completion in docker cli
- #7277 : Improve file completion of Opfab CLI
- #7236 : Add a command to add/remove a user from an entity
- #7235 : Add a command to add/remove a user from a group
- #7238 : Add a command to delete a user
- #7237 : Add a command to load a list of users
- #7293 : Add a command to set or unset an activity area
- #7323 : Add a command to delete all bundles
- #7336 : Add reminder command
- #7349 : Add version option
- #7332 : Add a command to add/remove user external devices
- #7331 : Add a command line to add or remove a supervised entity
- #7338 : Add singular to all commands
- #7337 : Rename commands for log
- #7330 : Add consistent command name in the CLI
- #7334 : Add command to enable / disable external device
- #7333 : Add a command to add/remove an external device
Misc :
- #6814 : Do not permit to send child card of child card
- #6854 : User action logs: add CLOSE_SUBSCRIPTION in action filter
- #6531 : Allow to load a custom handlebars helpers file
- #6753 : Set as impossible to load a perimeter with no right field
- #6863 : Don't display confirmation pop up if no changes have been made
- #7102 : Add a confirmation message when business data file is loaded
- #7124 : Send mail even if card has been read
- #6729 : Add three dots and dropdown text when too many entities in acknowledgment footer
- #7230 : Add entities answers popover in card header
- #7017 : Add opfab.alertMessage API
- #7243 : Update UI monitoring configuration when new monitoring configuration file is uploaded
- #7362 : Add search option for process/state selection in feed filters
- #7347 : Hallway mode : do not show card deleted message
- #6509 : Improve navbar menu accessibility
- #7379 : Task advanced : add the possibility to create non-recurrent card
Bug Fixes
- #6914 : "Publish from" field is reset in archives screen when clicking on "See only the cards I am recipient of"
- #6924 : Show an error in settings if an email checkbox is set and no email address is provided
- #6878 : Do not show "create copy" if user is not allowed to send card
- #6870 : Task advanced : Add a control on negative numbers
- #6998 : Settings screen: "Interval between sound replays" is set to 5 when entering a string on firefox
- #7039 : Monitoring processus screen : fields not in default config are not displayed
- #6829 : Json format check when loading business data is not working
- #6866 : Top border line of rich text editor component thicker than other
- #6865 : Fix geolocalization link when card detail is open
- #7139 : Mail notification configuration not available when only daily mail selected
- #7305 : Invalid timeline view when switching from calendar view to feed with day period
- #3625 : Wrong pointer for night/day icon with small screen
- #6901 : Unused field in CardDeletionService
- #6828 : Remove spring logs when bad request to card consultation service
- #6847 : Add consistent response for log level on cli
- #6979 : Github actions : Fix docker-compose command not found. Upgrade to docker compose v2
- #6877 : ReadOnly group renamed Maintainer group to avoid confusion
- #6895 : Replace moment.js with date-fns in timeline
- #6876 : Cards Reminder: modify log message when a card is deleted
- #7215 : Implement ui lazy loading
- #6734 : Move monitoring process configuration in a specific configuration file loaded via businessconfig API
Dependencies upgrade
- ag-grid v32.2.2
- Angular v18.2.5
- chart.js v4.4.4
- date-fns v4
- date-fns-tz v3.2.0
- ng-bootstrap v17.0.1
- ol v10.2.0
- virtual-select-plugin v1.0.46
Java services
- avro v1.12.0
- amqp-client v5.22.0
- commons-compress v1.27.1
- commons-io v2.17.0
- commons-lang3 v3.17.0
- com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind v2.18.0
- com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-annotations v2.18.0
- confluent v7.7.1
- date-fns v4
- date-fns-tz v3.2.0
- guava v33.3.1-jre
- kafka-avro-serializer v7.7.0
- kafka-clients v7.7.0-ce
- kafka-schema-registry-client v7.7.0
- micrometer-registry-prometheus v1.13.5
- ol v10.2.1
- slf4j-api v2.0.16
- spring boot v3.3.4
- spring-kafka v3.2.4
- spring security v6.3.3
- spring-webflux v6.1.13
Node services
- axios v1.7.7
- express v4.21.1
- Jsdom v25.0.1
- mongodb v6.9.0
- node v20.17.0
- nodemailer v6.9.15
- rimraf v6.0.1
- winston v3.14.2
- nginx v1.27.2
- rabbitmq v4.0.2
- mongodb v7.0.14
Bug Fixes
- #7204 Usercard not working if current user has an entity with no roles
Bug Fixes
- #7182 Mails not send anymore after Opfab restart
See the migration guide from release 4.3.X to release 4.4.0
This release introduces a Command Line Interface (CLI) to ease interaction with operator fabric.
- #6308 : Add security authorization logs in java services
- #6309 : Add security authentication logs in java services
- #6301 : Add security authorization logs in node services
- #6302 : Add security authentication logs in node services
- #6407 : Restrict access to endPoint /rateLimiter in cards-publication to admin only
Activity Area
- #6359 : Show a popup if too many users are connected
- #6361 : Confirmation pop up when leaving Activity Area screen without saving
Built-in cards :
- #6468 : Use rich text editor for question built-in template
- #5479 : Task advanced usercard, use rich text editor for task description field
- #6705 : In message or question list : permit to hide summary in usercard
- #6668 : Add a title in built-in question card
- #6884 : Question usercard built-in template set title from question if empty
- #6785 : Add severity action for question builtInTemplate
- #6784 : Add an option to set severity in built in templates
- #6670 : In built-in question usercard add option to keep response history
Monitoring processus :
- #6230 : Memorize selected tags in preferences
- #6244 : Add the possibility to define columns per process
- #6835 : Added a body postfix to sent emails
- #6927 : Add in the email content the start date and the end date as for the title
- #6319 : Add filters LESSTHAN & GREATERTHAN to FilterMatchTypeEnum
- #6516 : Allow POST requests to update existing perimeters
- #6660 : Add new endpoints to set a process / state as notified/not notified for all user
- #6456 : Give the possibility to update an existing card by modifying only some properties
User Action logs :
- #6416 : Rich Text Editor: allow to disable component
- #6360 : Add input validation for email address settings
- #6457 : Add the possiblity to load custom javascript on startup
- #6490 : Add possibility to delete Admin group
- #6239 : Allow to get the list of tags from a custom code
- #6623 : Card-external-diffusion: send mail even if user is currently connected
- #5879 : Add sound and notification when receiving child card with action PROPAGATE_READ ACK_TO_PARENT_CARD
- #6715 : Set default settings in mongoDB
- #6669 : Added choice to keep child cards in usercard
- #6767 : Improve the display of feed notification configuration screen
- #6826 : Use HTML in tooltip component
Bug Fixes
- #6367 : Corners of pop-up are not rounded
- #6374 : When going in the administration menu, the "User management" table is pre selected but not highlighted
- #6381 : Wrong display of pagination in user action logs screen
- #6388 : Fix incoherent translations of menus in dutch
- #6380 : Fix "bad request" error message translation
- #6369 : Add new supervised entity modal : aesthetic defect
- #6362 : Set fixed and big enough width for the selectors in "User action logs" screen
- #6472 : Setting hidden value "sendCardsByEmail" in web-ui.json does not hide email field in settings
- #6379 : Admin perimeters : fix filter on state rights column
- #6372 : Signal mapping screen : mapping with negative numbers is not well displayed
- #6480 : Fix logout procedure in IMPLICIT mode
- #6553 : Impossible to change opfab url base path
- #6532 : Fix bug to avoid sound notification is played when it should not
- #6727 : Exception generated by card limiter that prevent cards to be sent
- #6733 : Process and state multiselect not visible in monitoring processus screen
- #7084 : Fix usercard error if one Entity has no roles
- #6363 : Update the dates in the "Planned outage" example card
- #6573 : Add a more consistent nginx configuration
- #6583 : Set base path for businessconfig service to /
- #6740 : Remove unneeded client_id parameter in password flow
- #6747 : Correct swagger description for get card
Dependencies upgrade
- ag-grid-angular v31.3.2
- ag-grid-community v31.3.2
- angular v17.3.11
- axios v1.7.2
- chart.js v4.4.3
- config v3.3.12
- com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-annotations v2.17.2
- com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind v2.17.2
- v33.2.1-jre
- fullcalendar v6.1.14
- io.micrometer:micrometer-registry-prometheus v1.13.2
- jsdom v24.1.0
- mongodb(npm package) v6.8.0
- nginx v1.27.0
- nodemailer v6.9.14
- Node.js v20.15.1
- ol v9.2.4
- openjdk v17.0.11
- org.apache.commons:commons-compress v1.26.2
- org.springframework:spring-webflux v6.1.11
- quill v2.0.2
- rabbitmq v3.13.4
- springboot 3.3.1
- spring-kafka v3.2.1
- spring security v6.3.1
- virtual-select-plugin v1.0.44
- winston v3.13.1
- zone.js v0.14.7
See the migration guide from release 4.3.X to release 4.4.0
This release introduces a Command Line Interface (CLI) to ease interaction with operator fabric.
#6308 : Add security authorization logs in java services
#6309 : Add security authentication logs in java services
#6301 : Add security authorization logs in node services
#6302 : Add security authentication logs in node services
#6407 : Restrict access to endPoint /rateLimiter in cards-publication to admin only
Activity Area
#6359 : Show a popup if too many users are connected
#6361 : Confirmation pop up when leaving Activity Area screen without saving
Built-in cards :
#6468 : Use rich text editor for question built-in template
#5479 : Task advanced usercard, use rich text editor for task description field
#6705 : In message or question list : permit to hide summary in usercard
#6668 : Add a title in built-in question card
#6884 : Question usercard built-in template set title from question if empty
#6785 : Add severity action for question builtInTemplate
#6784 : Add an option to set severity in built in templates
#6670 : In built-in question usercard add option to keep response history
Monitoring processus :
#6230 : Memorize selected tags in preferences
#6244 : Add the possibility to define columns per process
#6319 : Add filters LESSTHAN & GREATERTHAN to FilterMatchTypeEnum
#6516 : Allow POST requests to update existing perimeters
#6660 : Add new endpoints to set a process / state as notified/not notified for all user
#6456 : Give the possibility to update an existing card by modifying only some properties
User Action logs :
#6534 : Add user ui version in user action logs screen
#6742 : Added client id to user logs
#6416 : Rich Text Editor: allow to disable component
#6360 : Add input validation for email address settings
#6457 : Add the possiblity to load custom javascript on startup
#6490 : Add possibility to delete Admin group
#6239 : Allow to get the list of tags from a custom code
#6623 : Card-external-diffusion: send mail even if user is currently connected
#5879 : Add sound and notification when receiving child card with action PROPAGATE_READ ACK_TO_PARENT_CARD (#5879)
#6715 : Set default settings in mongoDB
#6669 : Added choice to keep child cards in usercard
#6767 : Improve the display of feed notification configuration screen
Bug Fixes
#6367 : Corners of pop-up are not rounded
#6374 : When going in the administration menu, the "User management" table is pre selected but not highlighted
#6381 : Wrong display of pagination in user action logs screen
#6388 : Fix incoherent translations of menus in dutch
#6380 : Fix "bad request" error message translation
#6369 : Add new supervised entity modal : aesthetic defect
#6362 : Set fixed and big enough width for the selectors in "User action logs" screen
#6472 : Setting hidden value "sendCardsByEmail" in web-ui.json does not hide email field in settings
#6379 : Admin perimeters : fix filter on state rights column
#6372 : Signal mapping screen : mapping with negative numbers is not well displayed
#6480 : Fix logout procedure in IMPLICIT mode
#6553 : Impossible to change opfab url base path
#6532 : Fix bug to avoid sound notification is played when it should not
#6727 : Exception generated by card limiter that prevent cards to be sent
#6733 : Process and state multiselect not visible in monitoring processus screen
#6363 : Update the dates in the "Planned outage" example card
#6573 : Add a more consistent nginx configuration
#6583 : Set base path for businessconfig service to /
#6740 : Remove unneeded client_id parameter in password flow
#6747 : Correct swagger description for get card
Dependencies upgrade
ag-grid-angular v31.3.2
ag-grid-community v31.3.2
angular v17.3.11
axios v1.7.2
chart.js v4.4.3
config v3.3.12
com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-annotations v2.17.2
com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind v2.17.2 v33.2.1-jre
fullcalendar v6.1.14
io.micrometer:micrometer-registry-prometheus v1.13.2
jsdom v24.1.0
mongodb(npm package) v6.8.0
nginx v1.27.0
nodemailer v6.9.14
Node.js v20.15.1
ol v9.2.4
openjdk v17.0.11
org.apache.commons:commons-compress v1.26.2
org.springframework:spring-webflux v6.1.11
quill v2.0.2
rabbitmq v3.13.4
springboot 3.3.1
spring-kafka v3.2.1
spring security v6.3.1
virtual-select-plugin v1.0.44
winston v3.13.1
zone.js v0.14.7
Bug Fixes
- #6761 : Cards not visible after notification configuration