Bug Fixes
1 - Exploratory Page > Boxplot by groups: error when plot Integer vs Numeric: The error occurs because there is more unique values in Variable 2 than in colors() function tha is used to sample colors. Changed to replace = T. (#11)
2 - Exploratory Page > Stats table: Mode NA for numeric, date, logical and complex var: the gt table was receiving tha NA value as character and the function sub_missing() does not have effect on those values. Now the Mode is passed as character only if it is not NA.
1 - Descriptive Stats module: now Mode returns NA (not as character) and only paste/collapse values if Mode exists. Inserted sub_missing() in gt_stats for better look and consistency with other views
2 - Stats table module: now Mode returns NA (not as character) and only paste/collapse values if Mode exists
3 - Exploratory module: now the Variable 2 can not be float in Boxplot by Groups, because does not seam reasonable to have an infinite number of groups. Related to (#11)