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@forman forman released this 08 Apr 06:14

Changes in version 0.4.0


  • Users can now switch between median and mean methods for the spatial aggregation of
    polygons when creating time-series. The setting is available in the settings dialog.
    (partly addresses #135).
  • Added a "RGB" switch to the app bar that is used to display the selected dataset's RGB layer,
    if any. Currently, RGB layers can only be configured through the xcube server. Later xcube viewer
    versions will allow users selecting three variables and their respective value ranges for normalisation.
  • Users can now login (and sign on) if the viewer is build with OAuth2 settings, if any, given
    in a .env.local file (#22):
  • Now displaying dataset attributions when clicking the lower right info button in the map.
  • Added a new panel to display information about the selected dataset, variable, and place (#114).
  • Added a tool button to locate the selected dataset in the map.
  • Notification "snackbars" will now disappear after 5 seconds (#107).
  • The number of data points fetched within a time-series update can now be adjusted.
  • Attached tooltips to many prominent viewer functions.


  • Date/time displayed in the date/time select field and displayed in time-series plots
    are now aligned. Both use Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and ISO format (#133).
  • When in "Show data points only" mode, values at chart points where no not shown. This now works (#120).
  • Fixed broken map selection interaction and fly-to introduced in v0.3.2 (#115).
  • If the server cannot be reached, the tool bar and colour legend are hidden
    as datasets and variables are no longer available.

Other changes

  • Made the app bar a little more dense (48 instead of 56px).
  • Using more intuitive icons for user login and settings.
  • Added Help-icon providing a sub-menu with User Manual (coming soon) and the obligatory imprint.
  • Developers can now overwrite the branding's xcube web API server setting, if any, given in a .env.local file:
    This eases testing of yet undeployed xcube web API versions in the viewer.