Author: Suryansh Kumar
This code implements basic SfM pipeline. I hope this code will be useful to the students and reseachers who wants to understand or revise basic SfM. I have tried not to use template programming as few people find it difficult to undertand.
To quickly check the code, few sample images and its intrinsic matrix has been provided with this code. This code has implemented the theory described in "Multiple View Geometry" text book by Richard Hartley and Andrew Zisserman. I have also taken help from "A structure and Motion Toolkit in Matlab" developed by P.H.S Torr while implementing this code.
Dependencies: a) cmake b) OpenCV (C++) (Tested on 2.4.10 and 3.0 version)
To view 3D points -> I have used MeshLab. It's screenshot is provided in output folder.
Compilation Instructions a) cd StructurefromMotion b) mkdir build c) cd build d) cmake .. e) make
To execute binary a) go to app folder inside build directory (cd apps) b) ./reconstruction To save your output to a file c) ./reconstruction >
Use MeshLab to view .xyz file.
NOTE: You can try with your own data. Remember to change Intrinsic matrix and path to the image file. Moreover, feature correspondance between the images should be good for triangulation to give correct 3D reconstruction.