- Pro
prisma-extension-soft-delete Public
Forked from olivierwilkinson/prisma-extension-soft-deletePrisma extension for adding soft delete to Prisma models, even when using nested queries
TypeScript Apache License 2.0 UpdatedNov 13, 2023 -
ember-tooltips Public
Easy and extendible tooltips for Ember components - http://sir-dunxalot.github.io/ember-tooltips/
cypress-nextjs-auth0 Public
Cypress commands to support Auth0 and Next.js
ember-new-relic Public
Adds New Relic to your Ember CLI app based on the app's environment
ember-google-charts Public
Google's Material charts made easy for Ember apps - http://sir-dunxalot.github.io/ember-google-charts/
ember-cli-concat Public
An Ember addon that enables you to concatinate Ember CLI's app and vendor files into a single JS file and a single CSS file
adapters Public
Forked from nextauthjs/adaptersCustom next-auth adapters maintained by the community to support any database.
JavaScript ISC License UpdatedApr 13, 2021 -
next-auth Public
Forked from nextauthjs/next-authAuthentication for Next.js
JavaScript ISC License UpdatedApr 4, 2021 -
electron-auth0-login Public
Forked from jbreckmckye/electron-auth0-loginHelper widget for Auth0 authentication in Electron desktop apps
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedFeb 8, 2021 -
popper.js Public
Forked from floating-ui/floating-uiA kickass library to manage your poppers
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedOct 23, 2018 -
ember-disqus Public
An easy way to integrate the Disqus comments platform with your Ember.js apps using components and lazy loading
vue-undo-redo-stack Public
A simple Vue Mixin that adds an undo/redo stack to any Vue Component
ember-cli-sass-lint Public
Pure Node.js sass/scss linting for Ember CLI projects
flask-boilerplate Public
Docker container with Flask, livereload, and a light frontend: flask-assets, scss, and jsmin
jrny Public
Customization of the Ghost JRNY theme for my blog, http://blog.duncangwalker.com
facebook-page-post-scraper Public
Python script for scraping Facebook data from public pages' posts
compass-boilerplate Public
The foundation for clean, compass-based stylesheets, powered by Libsass.
webpack-boilerplate Public
Quick start config for webpack apps using babel, node-sass, npm scripts, and webpack-dev-server
JavaScript UpdatedJan 27, 2017 -
broccoli-sass-lint Public
Pure Node.js sass linting for Broccoli-based projects
ember-flash-messages Public
Adds API-like functionality for rendering and managing flash messages in your Ember CLI apps
ember-text-editor Public
A text editor component with syntax highlighting and theming
ember-modals Public
A customizable Ember addon to add API-like functionality for rendering modals in your Ember application. Basic styling is optionally imported.
ember-easy-form-extensions Public
Manages form submission in the controller/component and route layers of Ember apps
ember-cli-google-analytics Public
Forked from pgrippi/ember-cli-google-analyticsEmber CLI addon that adds the Google Analytics tracking code
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedOct 27, 2015 -
wheel-of-innovation Public
Add any categories to a wheel of fortune and spin it, with accompanying, cheesy sounds effects.
JavaScript UpdatedOct 20, 2015 -
ember-froala Public
Forked from froala/ember-froalaEmber component for Froala WYSIWYG HTML Rich Text Editor.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedOct 20, 2015 -
ember-suave Public
Forked from DavyJonesLocker/ember-suaveMake your Ember App Stylish
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedOct 3, 2015 -
ember-travis-status Public
Retrieve the build status of any Travis CI public repo in an Ember app or addon
ember-cli-modernizr Public
Parses your Ember CLI app for Modernizr references and creates the smallest possible Modernizr build