Early stage addon - looking for help
This Ember addon parses your app for Modernizr references and creates a small, custom Modernizr 3.0 build.
You can learn more about Modernizr 3.0 by reading the following resources:
ember install ember-cli-modernizr
Simply install the addon. It will run when you build your app in a production environment or set the shouldParseFiles
option to true
Options can be customized in your Brocfile. The default options are shown as examples below.
var EmberApp = require('ember-cli/lib/broccoli/ember-app');
var app = new EmberApp({
modernizr: {
fileOptions: { encoding: 'utf8' },
outputDir: 'assets',
outputFileName: 'ember-cli-modernizr',
shouldParseFiles: false,
/* If you use a class prefix (e.g. .mod-csstransitions
instead of .csstransitions) */
classPrefix: '',
/* Add feature AMD paths (see lib/config-all.json)
if you want a feature regardless of file parsing */
'feature-detects': [],
/* Set options for Modernizr extensions here */
options: {
addTest: false,
atRule: false,
domPrefixes: false,
hasEvent: false,
html5shiv: false,
html5printshiv: false,
load: false,
mq: false,
prefixed: false,
prefixes: false,
prefixedCSS: false,
setClasses: true, // Adds classes to <html>
testAllProps: false,
testProp: false,
testStyles: false
module.exports = app.toTree();
I would love help with the following requirements:
- Automatically add
instead of creating another HTTP request - Minify the
output - Retrieving configAll from the Modernizr namespace instead of a copy in the addon tree
- Testing the asset path in the
hook - Using some install hook to create the development build instead of a static file in the
If you have an issue or feature request please open an issue or submit a PR.
The test suite can be ran as follows:
npm test