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kevnam edited this page Sep 13, 2010 · 4 revisions

Here are our current To Do items:

- Write a script to convert JSON to TreeML or convert CSVs to TreeML. (TreeML format is used by Prefuse)
— this is almost done. I need to change the script just a little bit to include all the data components.
- Set up Eclipse with github access – done
- Create a basic tree map with data – done
- Add more interactive features to the tree map
– show appropriate labels so it’s easy to distinguish among the levels
– Is it easy to tell what nodes belong to what parent??
- Create a view for content

- Create a controller for changing views (date range, etc) – this will take the longest time, I think, since I have to write a controller from scratch. Thinking about using Processing toolkit for this.
– I am basically thinking about doing something similar to a controller similar to what I saw on Yahoo Finance for stock data.

- Create a author – topic network
– It’s easy to create a social network, but visualizing it in a way that is useful to an instructor may need some research…

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