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libbyh edited this page Mar 7, 2011 · 5 revisions

Project Notes

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The main Overherd team uses a Mac OS development environment. We have tested Overherd only on Mac OS 10.6 using Apple’s Java 1.6.0_22.

To run, Overherd requires:

  • Java 1.6 (or higher)

To compile, Overherd requires:

  • JDK 6


Save your data file (forumTree.xml) and the Overherd archive (overherd.jar) in the same folder.


To run Overherd, navigate to the file where you’ve saved overherd.jar and forumTree.xml. Then run

java -jar overherd.jar forumTree.xml

where “forumTree.xml” is your board’s content.


Overherd expects discussion board data in describe structure.

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