Project Description
This repo provides an AWS Lambda Function designed to monitor AWS GuardDuty for malicious IPs, and import them into an Illumio PCE IP list. This allows Illumio customers to prevent malicious IPs and domains from accessing AWS-hosted applications by using threat intel from GuardDuty findings to complement Illumio policy rules.
Project Technology stack
The application is written for Python 3 and tested up to v3.9; it is designed to be run as an AWS Lambda function as a container or loaded into the Python runtime. For more details on packaging Lambda functions please visit
Project workflow
Detailed instructions on how to deploy the Lambda Function are located in the INSTALL document.
The AWS Lambda Function is released and distributed as open source software subject to the LICENSE. Illumio has no obligation or responsibility related to the AWS Lambda Function with respect to support, maintenance, availability, security or otherwise. Please read the entire LICENSE for additional information regarding the permissions and limitations. You can engage with the author & contributors team and community on SLACK.
You can visit us at If you have questions, please use slack or email to contact us directly. If you have issues, bug reports, etc, please file an issue in this repository's Issue Tracker.
Instructions on how to contribute: CONTRIBUTING.
- Illumio documentation page for configuring Illumio ASP