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Install instructions for Illumio Guard Duty Shield

Illumio has provided two deployment methods, either as a container using the included Dockerfile, or as a .zip file. These instructions are intended for a Unix-type system, such as Linux or macOS.

Docker Container

These instructions require that git, Docker, and the AWS CLI be installed locally.

  1. Clone the illumio-guard-duty-shield repository and navigate to the directory
git clone
cd ./illumio-guard-duty-shield
  1. Build the docker image
docker build -t illumio-guard-duty-shield:latest -f src/Docker/Dockerfile .
  1. Create a new ECR repo and push the image. Substitute your accountID and region where required
aws ecr create-repository --region <region> --repository-name illumio-guard-duty-shield --image-scanning-configuration scanOnPush=true
docker tag illumio-guard-duty-shield:latest <accountID>.dkr.ecr.<region>
aws ecr get-login-password --region <region> | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin <accountID>.dkr.ecr.<region>
docker push <accountID>.dkr.ecr.<region>
  1. You can automate the final steps by using the included CloudFormation template to complete the following steps:
    1. Edit the src/Docker/illumio-Guard-Duty-Shield-Docker.yaml file with your relevant variables and then use CloudFormation to create the Illumio Guard Duty Shield Lambda function
    aws cloudformation deploy --template-file src/Docker/illumio-Guard-Duty-Shield-Docker.yaml --stack-name illumio-guard-duty-shield --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM
  2. Otherwise, you may log in to AWS and continue with the AWS Web UI
  3. Navigate to the AWS Lambda service and click the orange Create function button in the top right corner
  4. Select Container image to deploy a container-based Lambda function
  5. Provide a Function Name, such as Illumio-Guard-Duty-Shield
  6. Enter the Container image URI you pushed earlier
  1. Click Create Function at the bottom right
  2. You will be directed to the Illumio-Guard-Duty-Shield's Function overview page
  3. Select the Configuration tab towards the bottom of the page, and then Environment variables
  4. Create the following Environmental variables by clicking Edit and Add environment variable
  • ILLUMIO_SERVER - The Illumio PCE hostname (ex.
  • ILO_API_KEY_ID - The API key id
  • ILO_API_KEY_SECRET - The API key secret
  • ILO_API_VERSION - Version of Illumio API
  • ILO_ORG_ID - Illumio PCE Org ID to be utilized for this deployment
  • ILO_PORT - Illumio PCE port
  • THREAT_LIST_KEY - Numerical href id of the IP list to be updated. It is found in the URL as seen in this image
  1. Once you have added values for each of these variables, click the orange Save button at the bottom right
  2. We will need to create a CloudWatch Rule for this, so navigate to the AWS CloudWatch service
  3. On the left side of the screen click Rules under Events
  4. Click Create rule and under Event Source select GuardDuty as the Sevice Name
  5. Click Add target to the right, and select Illumio-Guard-Duty-Shield as the Lambda Function
  6. Click Configure details at the bottom right of the page and
  7. Provide a Rule Name, such as IllumioGuardDutyRule and click Create rule
  8. If you return to the Illumio-Guard-Duty-Shield Lambda function we created earlier, you will see an EventBridge (CloudWatch Events) has been added to the triggers.

.zip File

These instructions require that git and pip3 are installed locally.

  1. Clone the illumio-guard-duty-shield repository and navigate to the app subdirectory
git clone
cd ./illumio-guard-duty-shield/src/app
  1. Install the requests package to a subdirectory with pip
pip3 install requests --target ./package
  1. Navigate to the package subdirectory, create a .zip file in the zip folder containing the package folder contents, then add the to the .zip file, and return to the root directory.
cd ./package
zip -r ../src/zip/ .
cd ../src/app/
zip -g ../zip/
  1. You can automate the final steps by using the included CloudFormation template and an S3 bucket to complete the following steps:
    1. If necessary, create an S3 bucket
    aws s3api create-bucket --bucket <globally unique bucket name> --region <region> --create-bucket-configuration LocationConstraint=<region>
    1. Upload the zip file to your S3 bucket
    aws s3 cp src/zip/ s3://<globally unique bucket name>/
    1. Edit the src/zip/illumio-Guard-Duty-Shield.yaml file with your relevant variables and then use CloudFormation to create the Illumio Guard Duty Shield Lambda function
    aws cloudformation deploy --template-file src/zip/illumio-Guard-Duty-Shield.yaml --stack-name illumio-guard-duty-shield --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM
  2. Otherwise, you may log in to AWS and continue with the AWS Web UI
  3. Navigate to the AWS Lambda service and click the orange Create function button in the top right corner
  4. Select Author from scratch to deploy from a .zip file
  5. Provide a Function Name, such as Illumio-Guard-Duty-Shield
  6. Click Create Function at the bottom right
  7. Within "Code source" panel click Upload from and select Upload a .zip file
  8. Click Upload and choose the file created in the src/zip folder
  9. Next, click the Configuration tab, and then Environment variables
  10. Create the following Environmental variables by clicking Edit and Add environment variable
  • ILLUMIO_SERVER - The Illumio PCE hostname (ex.
  • ILO_API_KEY_ID - The API key id
  • ILO_API_KEY_SECRET - The API key secret
  • ILO_API_VERSION - Version of Illumio API
  • ILO_ORG_ID - Illumio PCE Org ID to be utilized for this deployment
  • ILO_PORT - Illumio PCE port
  • THREAT_LIST_KEY - Numerical href id of the IP list to be updated. It is found in the URL as seen in this image
  1. Once you have added values for each of these variables, click the orange Save button at the bottom right