This repository was archived by the owner on Feb 13, 2024. It is now read-only.
0.10.0 🌈
576 commits
to refs/heads/main
since this release
- import json-ld schema
- request/receive w3c credentials
- send credential offer in invitation
- option to send notifications via email (backend)
- send, receive revocation notifications
Breaking Changes
- proof templates and related exchanges will be wiped clean during the upgrade, because of an incompatible change in the data structure
- clean proof templates @etschelp (#728)
- Feature/UI connectionless @schlagtim (#723)
- small backend fix for PR: 723 @etschelp (#724)
- updated chat badge to point to discord @etschelp (#721)
- w3c interoperability fixes @etschelp (#718)
- Bump url-parse from 1.5.7 to 1.5.10 in /frontend @dependabot (#719)
- issue, request and receive w3c credentials @etschelp (#701)
- Bump url-parse from 1.5.3 to 1.5.7 in /frontend @dependabot (#717)
- added single quotes on file patterns in prettify command for frontend @chriamue (#716)
- Update licenses @schlagtim (#715)
- Bump markdown-it from 12.2.0 to 12.3.2 in /frontend @dependabot (#712)
- Bump follow-redirects from 1.14.5 to 1.14.8 in /frontend @dependabot (#714)
- Bump shelljs from 0.8.4 to 0.8.5 in /frontend @dependabot (#713)
- JSON-LD schema import UI @schlagtim (#711)
- fix v2 credentials not being shown in wallet @etschelp (#710)
- adding arm support to the build pipeline @etschelp (#709)
- send mesages on event @etschelp (#707)
- cleanup backend package structure @etschelp (#706)
- create and receive oob invitation with attached credential offer @etschelp (#705)
- upgrade to java 17 @etschelp (#694)
- codeql warnings - locale in register did script @etschelp (#703)
- aca-py 0.7.3 @etschelp (#695)
- Test Setup @schlagtim (#700)
- Delete milestones.yml @frank-bee (#699)
- latest log4j version @etschelp (#698)
- Feature/nodejs update @schlagtim (#697)
- Fix gitpod download URL @schlagtim (#696)