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Releases: hyperledger-labs/business-partner-agent
Releases · hyperledger-labs/business-partner-agent
0.12.0 🌈
- Fix: not working notification links @etschelp (#843)
- Feature: Answer presentation request with self attested attributes (FE) @etschelp (#840)
- Feature: Support for self attested attributes in the proof template @etschelp (#839)
- model updates to prepare for selective disclosure and self attested attributes @etschelp (#824)
- switch default ledger @etschelp (#838)
- Bump jsdom and @vue/cli-plugin-unit-jest in /frontend @dependabot (#830)
- Bump async from 2.6.3 to 2.6.4 in /frontend @dependabot (#833)
- Bump minimist and @vue/cli-plugin-e2e-cypress in /frontend @dependabot (#828)
- Bump vuetify from 2.6.6 to 2.6.10 in /frontend @dependabot (#827)
- Allow all media types for jsonld fetch @schlagtim (#825)
- Bump actions/checkout from 2 to 3 @dependabot (#822)
- Use same BPA image for all instances in local scenario @schlagtim (#823)
- fix missing condition on revoc check @etschelp (#821)
- use websockets for events @etschelp (#819)
- postgres 14 @etschelp (#740)
- fix 815 - partner deletion @etschelp (#817)
- Bump smartsquaregmbh/delete-old-packages from 0.4.0 to 0.5.0 @dependabot (#818)
- Server Side Paging everywhere @DritonGoxhufi (#792)
- convert logging config to yml @etschelp (#816)
- Bump docker/metadata-action from 3 to 4 @dependabot (#813)
- Fix default schema creation when multi ledger support is enabled @etschelp (#811)
- Bump smartsquaregmbh/delete-old-packages from 0.3.1 to 0.4.0 @dependabot (#810)
- Bump docker/login-action from 1 to 2 @dependabot (#809)
- Bump docker/setup-buildx-action from 1 to 2 @dependabot (#808)
- Bump docker/setup-qemu-action from 1 to 2 @dependabot (#807)
- Bump docker/build-push-action from 2 to 3 @dependabot (#806)
- fix codeql @etschelp (#812)
- build pipeline updates @etschelp (#803)
- fix basic auth being active when keycloak is configured @etschelp (#804)
- Bump undici from 5.8.0 to 5.9.1 in /frontend @dependabot (#805)
- WSL support for "local-network" scenario #775 @bjoern-arnold (#797)
- Support more oob exchanges with attachments @etschelp (#796)
- Bump postgresql from 42.4.0 to 42.4.1 in /backend/business-partner-agent @dependabot (#794)
- multiple minor bug fixes @etschelp (#793)
- load example json-ld schema with default schema config @etschelp (#790)
- support for json-ld/dif presentation exchanges @etschelp (#769)
- Add server side paging to presentation exchange tables @DritonGoxhufi (#781)
- Bump undici from 5.5.1 to 5.8.0 in /frontend @dependabot (#786)
- Bump terser from 4.8.0 to 4.8.1 in /frontend @dependabot (#785)
- fixed genesis-url @etschelp (#782)
- switch all url's to @etschelp (#780)
- Bump moment from 2.29.3 to 2.29.4 in /frontend @dependabot (#776)
- Feature/fix local scenario @schlagtim (#777)
- Feature/default attribute @DritonGoxhufi (#773)
- upgrade to aca-py 0.7.4 @etschelp (#774)
- Feature/populate my did @DritonGoxhufi (#772)
0.11.0 🌈
- Support for DIF/W3C presentation exchanges
- Holder: Send proposal to verifier
- Verifier: Auto respond (request/validate) to proposal from holder
- Issue JSON-LD credentials + frontend support
- Server side paging for tables
- Frontend code full TypeScript conversion
- Frontend partner invitation copy button
- add --legacy-peer-deps flag to all pipelines @etschelp (#771)
- UI: Issue JSON-LD credential @schlagtim (#748)
- acapy-rc4 @etschelp (#768)
- Bump undici from 5.4.0 to 5.5.1 in /frontend @dependabot (#766)
- fix duplicated api calls on credential request @etschelp (#765)
- Fix not all exchanges being removed on partner delete @etschelp (#761)
- support for dif presentation exchanges @etschelp (#751)
- latest working node version @etschelp (#758)
- Bump eventsource from 1.1.0 to 1.1.1 in /frontend @dependabot (#756)
- refactor using vue refs in copy schema id to clipboard method @chriamue (#752)
- added copy to clipboard button for created invitation @chriamue (#750)
- Bump lodash from 4.17.10 to 4.17.15 in /frontend @dependabot (#729)
- Bump set-value from 0.4.3 to 2.0.1 in /frontend @dependabot (#727)
- Bump shelljs from 0.7.8 to 0.8.5 in /frontend @dependabot (#726)
- Bump follow-redirects from 1.5.8 to 1.14.9 in /frontend @dependabot (#725)
- return partnerId in invitations post response @chriamue (#749)
- issue ld credential fixes @etschelp (#742)
- server side paging @etschelp (#730)
- gitpod 2 @etschelp (#739)
- fix exchange logo via sysprops @etschelp (#738)
- gitpod fixes @etschelp (#737)
- fix for issue 731 @etschelp (#733)
- fix security audit findings @etschelp (#722)
0.10.0 🌈
- import json-ld schema
- request/receive w3c credentials
- send credential offer in invitation
- option to send notifications via email (backend)
- send, receive revocation notifications
Breaking Changes
- proof templates and related exchanges will be wiped clean during the upgrade, because of an incompatible change in the data structure
- clean proof templates @etschelp (#728)
- Feature/UI connectionless @schlagtim (#723)
- small backend fix for PR: 723 @etschelp (#724)
- updated chat badge to point to discord @etschelp (#721)
- w3c interoperability fixes @etschelp (#718)
- Bump url-parse from 1.5.7 to 1.5.10 in /frontend @dependabot (#719)
- issue, request and receive w3c credentials @etschelp (#701)
- Bump url-parse from 1.5.3 to 1.5.7 in /frontend @dependabot (#717)
- added single quotes on file patterns in prettify command for frontend @chriamue (#716)
- Update licenses @schlagtim (#715)
- Bump markdown-it from 12.2.0 to 12.3.2 in /frontend @dependabot (#712)
- Bump follow-redirects from 1.14.5 to 1.14.8 in /frontend @dependabot (#714)
- Bump shelljs from 0.8.4 to 0.8.5 in /frontend @dependabot (#713)
- JSON-LD schema import UI @schlagtim (#711)
- fix v2 credentials not being shown in wallet @etschelp (#710)
- adding arm support to the build pipeline @etschelp (#709)
- send mesages on event @etschelp (#707)
- cleanup backend package structure @etschelp (#706)
- create and receive oob invitation with attached credential offer @etschelp (#705)
- upgrade to java 17 @etschelp (#694)
- codeql warnings - locale in register did script @etschelp (#703)
- aca-py 0.7.3 @etschelp (#695)
- Test Setup @schlagtim (#700)
- Delete milestones.yml @frank-bee (#699)
- latest log4j version @etschelp (#698)
- Feature/nodejs update @schlagtim (#697)
- Fix gitpod download URL @schlagtim (#696)
- Optimized runtime variables script @schlagtim (#691)
- API Endpoint to post a json-ld schema config @etschelp (#682)
- Hide sidebar @schlagtim (#690)
- Bugfix for CVE-2021-44228 increased Log4J version @Martin-Aulich (#689)
- fix link to local-network scenario @Jsyro (#687)
- Readme for aca-py flags @Jsyro (#685)
- TypeScript Conversion + Project Cleanup @schlagtim (#686)
- Move license header config to different directory @schlagtim (#684)
0.9.0 🌈
- Add Polish translation file @schlagtim (#683)
- Full language support @schlagtim (#681)
- option to filter wallet documents by type @etschelp (#680)
- fix bad url @Jsyro (#679)
- Add YT links to readmes. @Jsyro (#677)
- Added Redis option to balance websocket sessions across multiple instances @etschelp (#676)
- Issuer option to select credential definition when receiving a proposal @etschelp (#675)
- Add credential request workflow in partner view @schlagtim (#674)
- aca-py 0.7.2 @etschelp (#673)
- Option to reissue an existing credential if it is in state revoked @etschelp (#672)
- fix jar name in dockerfile @etschelp (#671)
- Display build number in settings @etschelp (#670)
- Feature/UI polish: Decline with reason @schlagtim (#669)
- Disable auto respond credential request @etschelp (#668)
- fixing holder revocation states in partner details @etschelp (#667)
- Support sending and receiving V2 Indy Proof Requests @etschelp (#661)
- Bug: get Cred Ex for review was triggering state change @usingtechnology (#666)
- Lts alpine @usingtechnology (#665)
- Update notification badges logic for manual vs auto Cred Exchange @usingtechnology (#664)
- Feature list in readme @etschelp (#663)
- highlight revoked credentials in presentation exchange @etschelp (#660)
- Option to handle credential offer manually @etschelp (#655)
- Remove Edit button on Add partner Profile @usingtechnology (#659)
- Small wording changes @Jsyro (#658)
- New Presentation Exchange Modal, View completed one @Jsyro (#652)
- Schema Attribute RegEx change. @usingtechnology (#657)
- Badge on Notifications only. @usingtechnology (#656)
- Selected Credential not being used in backend @usingtechnology (#654)
- Merge Credential Issuer And Holder Tables @etschelp (#651)
- Partner Select List bug - remove Invitations @usingtechnology (#648)
- Ordered connection states in case events are received unordered @etschelp (#646)
- Update logo/agent avatar configuration. @usingtechnology (#645)
- Set Nav/Dashboard Icon colors @usingtechnology (#643)
- The Org Name/Agent Name needed alignment @usingtechnology (#640)
- Fix attribute format from PR 641 @etschelp (#642)
- Feature/cred offer manual accept @schlagtim (#641)
- Proof Template: Allow multiple restrictions @etschelp (#638)
- value not needed. @Jsyro (#639)
- Bcgov wording @Jsyro (#632)
- Public Profile layout @usingtechnology (#636)
- Proof Template Adjustments @schlagtim (#606)
- Fix: save credential data if auto-respond-credential-proposal is set to true @etschelp (#633)
- Connection by Invitation Activity Log @usingtechnology (#631)
- Feature/matching credential @schlagtim (#629)
- Option to set auto respond credential proposal flag to false @etschelp (#624)
- delete old packages @etschelp (#628)
- Reset build.yml output tags @usingtechnology (#627)
- Update build.yml @usingtechnology (#626)
- Update build.yml @usingtechnology (#625)
- Handle valid invitation type (didcomm) @usingtechnology (#623)
- Import Error Message - show backend message. @usingtechnology (#621)
- ternary instead of pipe @Jsyro (#619)
- formatting for nev header image with max dimensions @Jsyro (#615)
- Expert Mode - Issue Credential from CSV @usingtechnology (#618)
- Show Partner and Cred. Def on Credential Data Form @usingtechnology (#614)
- Label updates (Issue Credential -> Credential Definition). @usingtechnology (#613)
- Cred Def - make Tag required (help with our display of cred defs). @usingtechnology (#612)
- Axios Error Message Fix @usingtechnology (#610)
- Invitation parser fix and test @etschelp (#604)
- Update @domwoe (#602)
- Bump vuetify and vue-advanced-chat + more coherent design @domwoe (#601)
- Upgrade to micronaut 3 @etschelp (#596)
- Chat Icon hides buttons @usingtechnology (#598)
- Fix proof template view + other small fixes @schlagtim (#595)
- Fix/expansion and label @domwoe (#594)
- Resolves #592 @domwoe (#593)
- fix docs github action @domwoe (#590)
- Refactor Partner Detail/Proof Exchange Detail Pages @etschelp (#580)
- attempt to fix action @domwoe (#589)
- add links to clips and add screenshot to readme @domwoe (#588)
- Feature/receive invite @usingtechnology (#585)
- Presentation Requests with Proof Templates @schlagtim (#584)
- Feature/docs restructure @jaredweinfurtner (#581)
- Dashboard Update - more cards, get counts from backend. @usingtechnology (#577)
- fix aca-py webhook auth @etschelp (#582)
- Issue and receive v2 Indy credentials @etschelp (#574)
- Add schema labels and prevent duplicate selection in Proof Template UI @schlagtim (#579)
- master 2 main @etschelp (#578)
- bugfix: proof template view/create pages not loading on refresh @jaredweinfurtner (#576)
- Refactor 1 of Credential Management screen layout, prep for refactor 2 @usingtechnology (#575)
- Ux/move did off dashboard @Jsyro (#570)
- these are only used by multi-sort, so remove those too. @Jsyro (#573)
- Ux/remove multi sort @Jsyro (#571)
- Update .gitignore @usingtechnology (#572)
- Feature/message persistence @usingtechnology (#567)
- Keycloak vcauthn login @Jsyro (#565)
- Add credential revocation/revocation status @etschelp (#566)
- Virtual Partner Name/Alias @etschelp (#569)
🚀 Features
- Expert Mode - Issue Credential from JSON @usingtechnology (#617)
0.8.0 🌈
- Activity/Task - persistence and events from backend to frontend notifications. @parc-jason (#561)
- lamejs optional @etschelp (#563)
- Set partner name in backend @etschelp (#559)
- Webhook Security @etschelp (#560)
- Remove docker-compose-backend-webonly.yml @domwoe (#557)
- Issue 553 - Trusted Issuers aren't stored correctly @domwoe (#556)
- Fix example did's @etschelp (#555)
- Issue: 548 Optional Trustping @etschelp (#550)
- fixed aca-py config @etschelp (#549)
🚀 Features
0.7.0 🌈
- fixed aca-py config @etschelp (#549)
- fix logging for prod @frank-bee (#545, #544, #543)
- aca-py rc1 @etschelp (#540)
- Check if tails is configured @frank-bee (#536)
- fix endorser related methods after aca-py0.7.0rc0 changes @etschelp (#538)
- Use did exchange protocol for all connections @etschelp (#535)
- Fix did doc web @etschelp (#527)
- add configuration for a tails server @frank-bee (#521)
- Fix misnamed property in resource file. @parc-jason (#522)
- Fix/null schema attributes @etschelp (#520)
- auto generate milestone document @frank-bee (#516)
- Feature/aca py resolver @etschelp (#467)
- Tune gitpod @frank-bee (#512)
- Fix/dockercompose @frank-bee (#511)
🚀 Features
0.6.0 🌈
- Gitpod introduced @frank-bee (#499, ...)
- Customized UX @parc-jason (#477)
- remove leftovers @frank-bee (#494)
- fix link to issues @domwoe (#493)
- Adding GLN as another Identifier along side the LEI, DUNS, etc. IDs @Echsecutor (#492)
- Feature/proof request rejection problem report @Jsyro (#480)
- Improving Quick Setup in docker-compose README @Echsecutor (#466)
- Add release drafter @frank-bee (#475, #474)
- Fix Issue 456 where dialogs retain values. @parc-jason (#468)
- Release process / versioning @frank-bee (#463)
- Feature/health check3 @frank-bee (#462)
- missing filter on the partners issued credential list @etschelp (#455)
- Pr 407 manual proof request @etschelp (#452)
🚀 Features
- Standardize secondary buttons (text, outlined), @parc-jason (#497)
Just a dummy to have something to start with