Hi. I haven't used OpenSim for over 3 years, and I'm unlikely to update SRAS in the future, so rather than keep it lingering as a project of unknown compatibility with current versions of OpenSim I'm just going to officially declare SRAS abandonware.
I wrote the first version in an afternoon back in 2010, and it was only supposed to be a stop-gap measure for "2 or 3 weeks". Hopefully today there are better, more up-to-date options available to you.
Thanks for your support.
-coyled 2014-12-18
- Asset de-duplication
- Compressed asset storage on disk
- Ability to disable serving of specific assets without deleting
The packages of Ruby shipping with Ubuntu don't include built-in zlib support. I prefer using RVM [ http://rvm.beginrescueend.com/ ] anyway.
Built & tested with Ruby v1.9.2.
Install via:
$ gem install sras
then copy the following text into /etc/sras/sras.conf
and edit as appropriate: ::
default_asset_dir: /srv/sras
port: 8003
log_file: /var/log/sras.log
pid_file: /tmp/sras.pid
adapter: mysql
host: localhost
username: sras
password: sras
database: sras
Then just:
$ sras start
to start a single instance. In a production environment you would likely want to run several instances behind a reverse proxy like Nginx.
To see additional options:
$ sras --help
To test asset creation:
$ curl -d @test/test.asset -X POST -w '%{http_code}\n' \
You should get a 200 HTTP response, have an entry in your assets table, and have a file contain the asset data on disk.
To test retrieval of that asset:
$ curl -X GET -w '%{http_code}\n' \
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