[ Note: I rewrote all of the original code, so this is actually a new repo. If you had cloned the old repo from here, delete and re-clone to get the latest. ]
Still have some small bits to complete and some more testing to do in the next few days.
* This version isn't ready for production use yet. *
-- coyled, 2011-03-27
- Asset de-duplication
- Compressed asset storage on disk
- Ability to disable serving of specific assets without deleting
The packages of Ruby shipping with Ubuntu don't include built-in zlib support. I prefer using RVM [ http://rvm.beginrescueend.com/ ] anyway.
Built & testing with Ruby v1.9.2.
Install gems:
# gem install dm-mysql-adapter dm-types hpricot sinatra
Tested with Thin, but should also work with Passenger. So:
# gem install thin
# gem install passenger
If using Thin, just:
$ ./runme.sh
for a single instance.