Releases: Vendare/DarkHeresy2E-FoundryVTT
Fixed #166 Rolls are now correctly added to the chatmessage so foundry treats it as representing a roll
Fixed #165 Twin-Linked Weapons now roll and correctly add the extra hit
Fixed #164 Items in the items tab could not be edited due to experimental code breaking when the item didn't have an owner
Fixed Melee Weapons without an Ammo Value prompting the reload message
Fixed Damage rolls defaulting to the Impact Damage Type
Changed the Behavior of the Damage Roll Card. The indivdual rolls now only open on a double click
Changed code for most functions deprecated with V12
Weapons will now use up remaining ammo in Burst and Full-Auto modes before prompting to reload
Fixed #158 by making the scroll bars smaller and colouring them to fit the sheme as suggested
Fixed #155 Spay Weapons should roll correctly now and minimize the sheet while placing them,
Fixed #152 Spray Weapon now use their set Weaponrange correctly for the template
Fixed #141 Items with a quantity should now correctly calculate encumbrance
Added #72 Attack and Damage no longer shown in the same Message - details on the wiki
Fixed #132 Melee weapons no longer get an additional +10 to their attacks
Mild Fix for #136 Linked Actors can now reload from the chat message - details on the wiki
Fixed a CSS issue when popping out the Combat-Tracker
System is now V11 compatible
When using Spray Weapons you now set down a template. Thanks @FilippoPolo
The System now has it's very own set of Status Conditions. No more standard Foundry.