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KeyBinding and Actionbar Overrides

Timothy Minahan edited this page Feb 28, 2025 · 29 revisions

GSE has two modes that can be used to activate a GSE Sequence. Each mode requires you to make choices about how your UI is going to operate. Your choices on these modes will also affect all characters. For example if you Keybind 2 on one character and then set an Actionbar override for another with the key of 2 as its bind you will find that you have to keep setting things up. Both modes have plusses and minuses so read through this fully before starting.


Keybinding was added in GSE with in The War Within. Basically Blizzard changed the rules with TWW. The short version is the new rule is that you cannot have a macro (like on your actionbar) call another macro (like a GSE Sequence). What you need to instead, is KeyBind the GSE Sequence directly.

In the GSE main menu the KeyBinding button brings up the KeyBinding interface image

KeyBinding UI

image When you open KeyBindings, you will see a list on the left of your current KeyBindings. Selecting these will allow for editing them on the right. To set a KeyBinding Click the Button "Set Key to Bind" then hit the key or combination like SHIFT-Key. There are Special KeyBindings available those are on the next Button. When you bind it is binding for the spec you are in. To bind another spec you need to change specs.

Your Sequences are in the drop down list. By Default it will bind for All talent loadouts however you can select that this binding only works for specific loadouts. When you change loadouts these bindings will change. image

Note: Even if you plan on using Talent Loadout specific keybinds, still set a default specialisation level keybind. WoW’s Talent API works until it doesn’t and you can be in no man’s land without a fallback. GSE’s order of operations when you change loadouts or specialisation is that it will apply specialisation level keybinds and then overwrite/rebind the Talent Loadout level keybinds over the top.


Controllers can be KeyBound in the same manner as any keyboard or mouse control. The GamePad must be enabled in WoW via the /Console GamePadEnable 1 command.

Xbox Specifics

  • PAD1 = 'Xbox/A'
  • PAD2 = 'Xbox/B'
  • PAD3 = 'Xbox/X'
  • PAD4 = 'Xbox/Y'

Sky Riding when using Keybinds

Dragonflight added a special toolbar for "Sky Riding" formerly known as Dragon Riding. If you keybound Keys 1-7 to GSE those keys are no longer bound to the SkyRiding Action bar. You can still use these buttons for SkyRiding but you have to add an override into your macrotext. the mod [flying] is used to determine if you are flying.


An alternate solution is to "click" the Actionbar button corresponding to where your KeyBind used to be. This will also work for Vehicles.

/click [flying][vehicleui][overridebar][possessbar] ActionButton2

Note: The ActionButton2 may have a different name if you are using a mod like ElvUI or Bartender. To find out what the name is, hover over the button and use the command /fstack. After you have the name use the same command to turn off fstack.




GSE has an option on the Troubleshooting tab that will spam what mods have been seen when you try to use a sequence. It prints to your default chat window and is useful in figuring out if your mod keys are getting through.

image image You will need to Reload your UI when you turn this on or off.

There is also the ability to monitor this with a WeakAura.

Actionbar Overrides

While KeyBinds work they don't have the immediate feedback that the old dragging the macro to the action bar had. They also make using things like SkyRiding and Vehicles more complicated. An Actionbar Override instead overrides your actionbar slot and puts the GSE Sequence directly there. Use the /fstack command to find the actionbar button. This will only work if the slot is empty. You bind them similar to a KeyBind but they work without changing your WoW Keybinds and you can simply put a spell back into the slot to use it instead. Note: This works for the Standard Actionbars, ElvUI, NDui, Bartender4 and ConsolePort. This will not work for Dominos ... yet! Any mod that replaces or changes the default WoW Actionbars will need a custom implementation that I will look at on request.


The ElvUI/ConsolePort/Bartender4/NDui version has some benefits over standard action bars.

  • GSE Logo to show it's ready. Normal Actionbars can sometimes show an Empty slot.
  • All forms including override bar and vehicles supported. These two forms are hit-and-miss with normal Actionbars.

The ElvUI/ConsolePort/Bartender4/NDui version has the following known limitations

  • When switching off a mount in combat the actionbar is unable to swap back to a GSE Sequence until you leave combat._ The work around for this for Dungeons like Dawnbreaker is to switch to Steadyflight at the beginning of the dungeon._

Main Actionbar Paging - Rogue and Druid

When using a LibActionButton based action bars (ElvUI, BarTender4, ConsolePort, NDui) and playing on a class that pages an action bar, like Druids and Rogues, to specify that a bind should happen on a specific page Look for Paging in ElvUI's options or State Configuration in BarTender


NDui Specific States

NDui doesn't have a complete interface to manage Actionbar States from LibActionBar.

To configure a Druid's state, /tinspect button then look at the _state_action. Image

Compare this to the state_actions - Click the N/A next to state_actions Image

Use the state where this button appears on the right eg if 101 use state 9 in GSE's Keybindings Image

CVar ActionButtonUseKeyDown must be false

It is worth noting that Actionbar Override functionality also depends on the setting being set to KeyUp (ActionButtonUseKeyDown Disabled on the Troubleshooting tab).*

The last step that may needed if the Override doesn't immediately work after checking the value of ActionButtonUseKeyDown. You may need to change your bindings as a once off from SetBinding (Default) to SetBindingClick. If this is saved with /run SaveBindings(1) it will apply to all characters. If saved per character instead it will need to be done for each character.

*eg To bind ActionButton2 to the normal 2 key run these two commands to update the bind and save it

/run SetBindingClick("2", "ActionButton2", _G["ActionButton2"])
/run SaveBindings(1)

Note /run SaveBindings(1) can save per character as /run SaveBindings(2)

Troubleshooting Overrides

Sequence not firing

Some vehicles use the "Override Bar" not the Vehicle bar

  • Leave the following in your sequences to trigger the Override Bar. /click [overridebar] OverrideActionBarButton1 Change the number at the end for the corresponding OverrideActionBarButton. Again use /fstack to find its name

Useful Commands

Manually clearing all KeyBinds

/run GSE_C.KeyBindings = {} You will need to logout and back in after running this command.

Manually clearing all Overrides

/run GSE_C.ActionBarBinds = {} You will need to logout and back in after running this command.

Reloading KeyBinds

/run GSE.ReloadKeyBindings()