This is a single player only version of the Italian board game which is also known as Forma O Colore or OXXO.
I don't speak or write Italian so finding info on this game was difficult. The following are the rules as I understand them from typing text from this image into google translate.
One of the players will be the form player. The other player will the colour player.
###Goal The goal of the form player is to get four pieces in a row with the same symbol (X or O). The goal of the colour player is to get four pieces in a row with the same colour.
The form player plays with the 8 white pieces. The colored player plays with the 8 colored pieces.
The form player goes first.
On each turn, each player can make one of the following two types of moves :
Place in an empty slot one of their previously unused pieces.
Flip over one of their pieces which has already been placed.
Once a player has placed all their pieces then they may only make the second type of move.
The victory of both players is not possible. Players cannot make a move that would result in a line of four of the same colour and form.