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Releases: RedisLabs/redis-enterprise-k8s-docs


06 Nov 04:33
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The Redis Enterprise K8s v6.2.8-2 release provides support for the Redis Enterprise Software release 6.2.8 and includes several enhancements and bug fixes.

The key new features, bug fixes, and known limitations are described below.


This release includes the following container images:

The following are the images and tags for this release:

Component k8s Openshift
Redis Enterprise redislabs/redis:6.2.8-41 redislabs/redis:6.2.8-41.rhel7-openshift
Operator redislabs/operator:6.2.8-2 redislabs/operator:6.2.8-2
Services Rigger redislabs/k8s-controller:6.2.8-2 redislabs/services-manager:6.2.8-2

New features

  • Certificate management capabilities through the Redis Enterprise cluster API (RED-61176)

Feature improvements

  • Support for managing database ports through the REDB API (RED-48286)
  • Use explicit object instead of wildcard for roles (RED-38013)
  • Advanced use case support for custom attributes for REC stateful set and rigger pods (RED-56502, RED-62550, RED-63426)
  • Services-rigger/K8s-controller image changed to ubi-minimal lightweight base image (RED-61866)
  • Support for the Redis upgrade policy setting through the REC API (RED-63000)

Fixed bugs

  • Fixed issue of log rotation not working on OpenShift (RED-64726)

Known limitations

Hashicorp Vault integration - no support for Gesher (RED-55080)

There is no workaround at this time

Long cluster names cause routes to be rejected (RED-25871)

A cluster name longer than 20 characters will result in a rejected route configuration because the host part of the domain name will exceed 63 characters. The workaround is to limit cluster name to 20 characters or fewer.

Cluster CR (REC) errors are not reported after invalid updates (RED-25542)

A cluster CR specification error is not reported if two or more invalid CR resources are updated in sequence.

An unreachable cluster has status running (RED-32805)

When a cluster is in an unreachable state, the state is still running instead of being reported as an error.

Readiness probe incorrect on failures (RED-39300)

STS Readiness probe does not mark a node as "not ready" when running rladmin status on the node fails.

Role missing on replica sets (RED-39002)

The redis-enterprise-operator role is missing permission on replica sets.

Private registries are not supported on OpenShift 3.11 (RED-38579)

Openshift 3.11 does not support DockerHub private registries. This is a known OpenShift issue.

Internal DNS and Kubernetes DNS may have conflicts (RED-37462)

DNS conflicts are possible between the cluster mdns_server and the K8s DNS. This only impacts DNS resolution from within cluster nodes for Kubernetes DNS names.

5.4.10 negatively impacts 5.4.6 (RED-37233)

Kubernetes-based 5.4.10 deployments seem to negatively impact existing 5.4.6 deployments that share a Kubernetes cluster.

Node CPU usage is reported instead of pod CPU usage (RED-36884)

In Kubernetes, the node CPU usage we report on is the usage of the Kubernetes worker node hosting the REC pod.

Clusters must be named "rec" in OLM-based deployments (RED-39825)

In OLM-deployed operators, the deployment of the cluster will fail if the name is not "rec". When the operator is deployed via the OLM, the security context constraints (scc) is bound to a specific service account name (i.e., "rec"). The workaround is to name the cluster "rec".

REC clusters fail to start on Kubernetes clusters with unsynchronized clocks (RED-47254)

When REC clusters are deployed on Kubernetes clusters with unsynchronized clocks, the REC cluster does not start correctly. The fix is to use NTP to synchronize the underlying K8s nodes.

Deleting an OpenShift project with a REC deployed may hang (RED-47192)

When a REC cluster is deployed in a project (namespace) and has REDB resources, the
REDB resources must be deleted first before the REC can be deleted. As such, until the
REDB resources are deleted, the project deletion will hang. The fix is to delete the
REDB resources first and the REC second. Afterward, you may delete the project.

REC extraLabels are not applied to PVCs on K8s versions 1.15 or older (RED-51921)

In K8s 1.15 or older, the PVC labels come from the match selectors and not the
PVC templates. As such, these versions can not support PVC labels. If this feature
is required, the only fix is to upgrade the K8s cluster to a newer version.

REC might report error states on initial startup (RED-61707)

There is not workaround at this time except to ignore the errors.

PVC size issues when using decimal value in spec (RED-62132)

The workaround for this issue is to make sure you use integer values for the PVC size.

Compatibility Notes

No longer supported

  • kOps K8s versions 1.16 and 1.17 (previously deprecated) are no longer supported
  • AKS K8s version 1.18 (previously deprecated) is no longer supported
  • GKE K8s version 1.18 (previously deprecated) is no longer supported
  • VMWare TKGI version 1.7 (K8s 1.16) (previously deprecated) is no longer supported
  • VMWare TKGI version 1.8 (K8s 1.17) (previously deprecated) is no longer supported

Deprecation notice

  • Rancher version 2.4 support is deprecated

Supported Distributions

Each release of the Redis Enterprise operator is thoroughly tested against a set of Kubernetes distributions. The table below lists the current release's support status for each distribution.

  • "supported" indicates this distribution is supported for this release.
  • "deprecated" indicates this distribution is supported for this release but will be dropped in a future release.
  • "no longer supported" indicates support has been dropped for this distribution.
  • Any distribution not listed below is not supported for production workloads.
Distribution Support Status
Openshift 3.11 (K8s 1.11) deprecated
OpenShift 4.5 (K8s 1.18) supported
OpenShift 4.6 (K8s 1.19) supported
OpenShift 4.7 (K8s 1.20) supported
OpenShift 4.8 (K8s 1.21) supported
KOPS vanilla 1.18 supported
KOPS vanilla 1.19 supported
KOPS vanilla 1.20 supported
KOPS vanilla 1.21 supported
GKE 1.19 supported
GKE 1.20 supported
GKE 1.21 supported
Rancher 2.4 (K8s 1.17) deprecated
Rancher 2.4 (K8s 1.18) deprecated
Rancher 2.5 (K8s 1.17) supported
Rancher 2.5 (K8s 1.18) supported
Rancher 2.5 (K8s 1.19) supported
Rancher 2.5 (K8s 1.20) supported
VMWare TKGI** 1.10 (K8s 1.19) supported
AKS 1.19 supported
AKS 1.21 supported
EKS 1.18 supported
EKS 1.21 supported

* No longer supported by the vendor
** Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integrated Edition


14 Sep 18:32
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The Redis Enterprise K8s v6.2.4-1 release provides support for the Redis Enterprise Software release 6.2.4 and includes several enhancements and bug fixes.

The key new features, bug fixes, and known limitations are described below.


This release includes the following container images:

The following are the images and tags for this release:

Component k8s Openshift
Redis Enterprise redislabs/redis:6.2.4-55 redislabs/redis:6.2.4-55.rhel7-openshift
Operator redislabs/operator:6.2.4-1 redislabs/operator:6.2.4-1
Services Rigger redislabs/k8s-controller:6.2.4-1 redislabs/k8s-controller:6.2.4-1

New features

  • Internode encryption configuration through K8s custom resources (RED-59699, RED-60318)

Feature improvements

  • Support for addition attribute in REDB secret containing comma-separated list of service names (RED-48469)
  • Support OpenShift 4.8 (K8s 1.21) (RED-59424)
  • Support K8s 1.21 - GKE (RED-59048)
  • Support K8s 1.21 - kOps (RED-59047)
  • Support K8s 1.19-1.21 - EKS (RED-60287)
  • Support K8s 1.19, 1.20 - AKS (RED-59050)
  • Support K8s 1.20 - Rancher (RED-59049)

Fixed bugs

  • Fixed issue with Redis Enterprise pods not recovering from container fails (RED-53042)
  • Fixed rare problem of Redis Enterprise pod restarting too early while statefulSet was rolling out, causing quorum loss (RED-53042)
  • Improved Github public documentation around using the admission controller with multiple namespaces (RED-59915)
  • Fixed integration issues with HashiCorp Vault enterprise namespaces and custom auth paths (RED-61273)

Known limitations

Hashicorp Vault integration - no support for Gesher (RED-55080)

There is no workaround at this time

Long cluster names cause routes to be rejected (RED-25871)

A cluster name longer than 20 characters will result in a rejected route configuration because the host part of the domain name will exceed 63 characters. The workaround is to limit cluster name to 20 characters or fewer.

Cluster CR (REC) errors are not reported after invalid updates (RED-25542)

A cluster CR specification error is not reported if two or more invalid CR resources are updated in sequence.

An unreachable cluster has status running (RED-32805)

When a cluster is in an unreachable state, the state is still running instead of being reported as an error.

Readiness probe incorrect on failures (RED-39300)

STS Readiness probe does not mark a node as "not ready" when running rladmin status on the node fails.

Role missing on replica sets (RED-39002)

The redis-enterprise-operator role is missing permission on replica sets.

Private registries are not supported on OpenShift 3.11 (RED-38579)

Openshift 3.11 does not support DockerHub private registries. This is a known OpenShift issue.

Internal DNS and Kubernetes DNS may have conflicts (RED-37462)

DNS conflicts are possible between the cluster mdns_server and the K8s DNS. This only impacts DNS resolution from within cluster nodes for Kubernetes DNS names.

5.4.10 negatively impacts 5.4.6 (RED-37233)

Kubernetes-based 5.4.10 deployments seem to negatively impact existing 5.4.6 deployments that share a Kubernetes cluster.

Node CPU usage is reported instead of pod CPU usage (RED-36884)

In Kubernetes, the node CPU usage we report on is the usage of the Kubernetes worker node hosting the REC pod.

Clusters must be named "rec" in OLM-based deployments (RED-39825)

In OLM-deployed operators, the deployment of the cluster will fail if the name is not "rec". When the operator is deployed via the OLM, the security context constraints (scc) is bound to a specific service account name (i.e., "rec"). The workaround is to name the cluster "rec".

REC clusters fail to start on Kubernetes clusters with unsynchronized clocks (RED-47254)

When REC clusters are deployed on Kubernetes clusters with unsynchronized clocks, the REC cluster does not start correctly. The fix is to use NTP to synchronize the underlying K8s nodes.

Deleting an OpenShift project with a REC deployed may hang (RED-47192)

When a REC cluster is deployed in a project (namespace) and has REDB resources, the
REDB resources must be deleted first before the REC can be deleted. As such, until the
REDB resources are deleted, the project deletion will hang. The fix is to delete the
REDB resources first and the REC second. Afterward, you may delete the project.

REC extraLabels are not applied to PVCs on K8s versions 1.15 or older (RED-51921)

In K8s 1.15 or older, the PVC labels come from the match selectors and not the
PVC templates. As such, these versions can not support PVC labels. If this feature
is required, the only fix is to upgrade the K8s cluster to a newer version.

REC might report error states on initial startup (RED-61707)

There is not workaround at this time except to ignore the errors.

PVC size issues when using decimal value in spec (RED-62132)

The workaround for this issue is to make sure you use integer values for the PVC size.

Compatibility Notes

See [Supported Kubernetes distributions]({{<relref "/platforms/kubernetes/reference/">}}) for the full list of supported distributions.

Now supported

  • OpenShift 4.8
  • GKE K8s version 1.21
  • kOps K8s version 1.21
  • EKS K8s versions 1.19-1.21
  • AKS K8s versions 1.19-1.20
  • Rancher K8s version 1.20

No longer supported

  • GKE K8s version 1.17 (previously deprecated)
  • kOps K8s version 1.15 (previously deprecated)

Deprecation notice

  • kOps 1.16 and 1.17 are deprecated
  • VMWare TKGIE 1.7 (K8s 1.16), VMWare TKGIE 1.8 (K8s 1.17) are deprecated (no longer supported by VMWare)
    • Openshift 3.11 (K8s 1.11) is now deprecated. Redis will continue to support existing deployments for the lifetime of Openshift 3.11, but new deployments are strongly discouraged.

Supported Distributions

Each release of the Redis Enterprise operator is thoroughly tested against a set of Kubernetes distributions. The table below lists the current release's support status for each distribution.

  • "supported" indicates this distribution is supported for this release.
  • "deprecated" indicates this distribution is supported for this release, but will be dropped in a future release.
  • "no longer supported" indicates support has been dropped for this distribution.
  • Any distribution not listed below is not supported for production workloads.
Distribution Support Status
Openshift 3.11 (K8s 1.11) deprecated
OpenShift 4.6 (K8s 1.19) supported
OpenShift 4.7 (K8s 1.20) supported
OpenShift 4.8 (K8s 1.21) supported
KOPS vanilla 1.16 deprecated
KOPS vanilla 1.17 deprecated
KOPS vanilla 1.18 supported
KOPS vanilla 1.19 supported
KOPS vanilla 1.20 supported
KOPS vanilla 1.21 supported
GKE 1.18 supported
GKE 1.19 supported
GKE 1.20 supported
GKE 1.21 supported
Rancher 2.4 (K8s 1.17) supported
Rancher 2.4 (K8s 1.18) supported
Rancher 2.5 (K8s 1.17) supported
Rancher 2.5 (K8s 1.18) supported
Rancher 2.5 (K8s 1.19) supported
Rancher 2.5 (K8s 1.20) supported
VMWare TKGIE* 1.7 (K8s 1.16) deprecated
VMWare TKGIE* 1.8 (K8s 1.17) deprecated
VMWare TKGIE** 1.10 (K8s 1.19) supported
AKS 1.18 supported
AKS 1.19 supported
AKS 1.20 supported
EKS 1.18 supported
EKS 1.19 supported
EKS 1.20 supported
EKS 1.21 supported

* No longer supported by VMware
** Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integrated Edition


12 Jul 16:25
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The Redis Enterprise K8s 6.0.20-12 release is a major release on top of 6.0.20-4 providing support for the Redis Enterprise Software release 6.0.20-97 and includes several enhancements and bug fixes.

This release of the operator provides:

  • New features
  • Various bug fixes


This release includes the following container images:

  • Redis Enterprise: redislabs/redis:6.0.20-97 or redislabs/redis:6.0.20-97.rhel7-openshift
  • Operator and Bootstrapper: redislabs/operator:6.0.20-12
  • Services Rigger: redislabs/k8s-controller:6.0.20-12 or redislabs/services-manager:6.0.20-12 (on the Red Hat registry)

New features

  • EKS support
  • Feature parity for Openshift OLM; added support for:
    • REDB
    • admission
    • Hashicorp Vault integration
  • Hashicorp Vault integration is now GA
  • Moved Operator environment variables to configmap

Important fixes

  • Admission controller deployment combined with operator deployment to simplify deployment (RED-52701)
  • Additional verbosity in the kubectl get redb command output (RED-55042)
  • Support for Redis Enterprise license storage within secrets; Vault and K8s secrets (RED-55587)
  • Support for manual procedure to replace the REC credentials (RED-56529, RED-56530)
  • Fixed cluster recovery issue - recovery process was not starting (RED-55500)
  • When a pod status is CrashLoopBackOff and we run the cluster recovery, the process will not complete (RED-33713)
  • Master pod is not always labeled in Rancher (fixed in 6.0.8 but was not documented) (RED-42896)

Known limitations

Hashicorp Vault integration - no support for Gesher (RED-55080)

There is no workaround at this time

Nodes down indefinitely after the redis-enterprise-node container of a REC pod is restarted (53042)

In some cases where the Redis Enterprise Cluster container in the Redis Enterprise Cluster(REC) pod is restarted, the REC node remains down. Workaround: restart the pod, while ensuring the majority of REC nodes are available.

CrashLoopBackOff causes cluster recovery to be incomplete (RED33713)

When a pod's status is CrashLoopBackOff and we run the cluster recovery, the process will not complete. The workaround is to delete the crashing pods manually. The recovery process will then continue.

Long cluster names cause routes to be rejected (RED25871)

A cluster name longer than 20 characters will result in a rejected route configuration because the host part of the domain name will exceed 63 characters. The workaround is to limit cluster name to 20 characters or fewer.

Cluster CR (REC) errors are not reported after invalid updates (RED25542)

A cluster CR specification error is not reported if two or more invalid CR resources are updated in sequence.

An unreachable cluster has status running (RED32805)

When a cluster is in an unreachable state, the state is still running instead of being reported as an error.

Readiness probe incorrect on failures (RED39300)

STS Readiness probe does not mark a node as "not ready" when running rladmin status on the node fails.

Role missing on replica sets (RED39002)

The redis-enterprise-operator role is missing permission on replica sets.

Private registries are not supported on OpenShift 3.11 (RED38579)

Openshift 3.11 does not support DockerHub private registries. This is a known OpenShift issue.

Internal DNS and Kubernetes DNS may have conflicts (RED37462)

DNS conflicts are possible between the cluster mdns_server and the K8s DNS. This only impacts DNS resolution from within cluster nodes for Kubernetes DNS names.

5.4.10 negatively impacts 5.4.6 (RED37233)

Kubernetes-based 5.4.10 deployments seem to negatively impact existing 5.4.6 deployments that share a Kubernetes cluster.

Node CPU usage is reported instead of pod CPU usage (RED36884)

In Kubernetes, the node CPU usage we report on is the usage of the Kubernetes worker node hosting the REC pod.

Clusters must be named "rec" in OLM-based deployments (RED39825)

In OLM-deployed operators, the deployment of the cluster will fail if the name is not "rec". When the operator is deployed via the OLM, the security context constraints (scc) is bound to a specific service account name (i.e., "rec"). The workaround is to name the cluster "rec".

Master pod label in Rancher (RED42896)

The master pod is not always labeled in Rancher.

REC clusters fail to start on Kubernetes clusters with unsynchronized clocks (RED47254)

When REC clusters are deployed on Kubernetes clusters with unsynchronized clocks, the REC cluster does not start correctly. The fix is to use NTP to synchronize the underlying K8s nodes.

Deleting an OpenShift project with an REC deployed may hang (RED47192)

When a REC cluster is deployed in a project (namespace) and has REDB resources, the
REDB resources must be deleted first before the REC can be deleted. As such, until the
REDB resources are deleted, the project deletion will hang. The fix is to delete the
REDB resources first and the REC second. Afterwards, you may delete the project.

REC extraLabels are not applied to PVCs on K8s versions 1.15 or older (RED51921)

In K8s 1.15 or older, the PVC labels come from the match selectors and not the
PVC templates. As such, these versions can not support PVC labels. If this feature
is required, the only fix is to upgrade the K8s cluster to a newer version.

Compatibility Notes

  • EKS is now supported (K8s 1.18)
  • OpenShift 4.4 (previously deprecated) is no longer supported
  • GKE K8s versions 1.15, 1.16 (previously deprecated) is no longer supported
  • VMWare TKGIE 1.10 (K8s 1.19) is now supported

Deprecation notice

  • GKE K8s version 1.17 (no longer supported by Google) is deprecated
  • kOps 1.15 is deprecated
  • VMWare TKGIE 1.7 (K8s 1.16), VMWare TKGIE 1.8 (K8s 1.17) are deprecated (no longer supported by VMWare)


10 May 14:38
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The Redis Enterprise K8s 6.0.20-4 release is a major release on top of 6.0.8-20 providing support for the Redis Enterprise Software release 6.0.20-69 and includes several enhancements and bug fixes.

This release of the operator provides:

  • New features
  • Various bug fixes


This release includes the following container images:

  • Redis Enterprise: redislabs/redis:6.0.20-69 or redislabs/redis:6.0.20-69.rhel7-openshift
  • Operator and Bootstrapper: redislabs/operator:6.0.20-4
  • Services Rigger: redislabs/k8s-controller:6.0.20-4 or redislabs/services-manager:6.0.20-4 (on the Red Hat registry)

New features

  • Support for Openshift 4.7
  • Support for Kubernetes 1.20

New preview features

  • Hashicorp Vault integration - REC secret
  • Hashicorp Vault integration - REDB secrets

Important fixes

  • Fixed upgrade issue with custom container repositories specifying port numbers (RED-53192)
  • REDB controller no longer performs reconciliation until Redis Enterprise software version complies with operator (RED-53194)
  • Removed unused node.js package from Services Rigger image (RED-53536)
  • Fixed operator crash on change of uiServiceType (RED-54621)
  • Avoid excessive logging within RS pod (envoy_access.log) (RED-55525)

Known limitations

OpenShift 4.7 - v6.0.20-4 cannot be deployed by OLM

6.0.20-4 does not appear in OLM. Workaround - deploy manually. A future maintenance release will address this.

Hashicorp Vault integration - no support for Gesher (RED-55080)

There is no workaround at this time

Nodes down indefinitely after the redis-enterprise-node container of a REC pod is restarted (53042)

In some cases where the Redis Enterprise Cluster container in the Redis Enterprise Cluster(REC) pod is restarted, the REC node remains down. Workaround: restart the pod, while ensuring the majority of REC nodes are available.

CrashLoopBackOff causes cluster recovery to be incomplete (RED33713)

When a pod's status is CrashLoopBackOff and we run the cluster recovery, the process will not complete. The workaround is to delete the crashing pods manually. The recovery process will then continue.

Long cluster names cause routes to be rejected (RED25871)

A cluster name longer than 20 characters will result in a rejected route configuration because the host part of the domain name will exceed 63 characters. The workaround is to limit cluster name to 20 characters or fewer.

Cluster CR (REC) errors are not reported after invalid updates (RED25542)

A cluster CR specification error is not reported if two or more invalid CR resources are updated in sequence.

An unreachable cluster has status running (RED32805)

When a cluster is in an unreachable state, the state is still running instead of being reported as an error.

Readiness probe incorrect on failures (RED39300)

STS Readiness probe does not mark a node as "not ready" when running rladmin status on the node fails.

Role missing on replica sets (RED39002)

The redis-enterprise-operator role is missing permission on replica sets.

Private registries are not supported on OpenShift 3.11 (RED38579)

Openshift 3.11 does not support DockerHub private registries. This is a known OpenShift issue.

Internal DNS and Kubernetes DNS may have conflicts (RED37462)

DNS conflicts are possible between the cluster mdns_server and the K8s DNS. This only impacts DNS resolution from within cluster nodes for Kubernetes DNS names.

5.4.10 negatively impacts 5.4.6 (RED37233)

Kubernetes-based 5.4.10 deployments seem to negatively impact existing 5.4.6 deployments that share a Kubernetes cluster.

Node CPU usage is reported instead of pod CPU usage (RED36884)

In Kubernetes, the node CPU usage we report on is the usage of the Kubernetes worker node hosting the REC pod.

Clusters must be named "rec" in OLM-based deployments (RED39825)

In OLM-deployed operators, the deployment of the cluster will fail if the name is not "rec". When the operator is deployed via the OLM, the security context constraints (scc) is bound to a specific service account name (i.e., "rec"). The workaround is to name the cluster "rec".

Master pod label in Rancher (RED42896)

The master pod is not always labeled in Rancher.

REC clusters fail to start on Kubernetes clusters with unsynchronized clocks (RED47254)

When REC clusters are deployed on Kubernetes clusters with unsynchronized clocks, the REC cluster does not start correctly. The fix is to use NTP to synchronize the underlying K8s nodes.

Deleting an OpenShift project with an REC deployed may hang (RED47192)

When a REC cluster is deployed in a project (namespace) and has REDB resources, the
REDB resources must be deleted first before the REC can be deleted. As such, until the
REDB resources are deleted, the project deletion will hang. The fix is to delete the
REDB resources first and the REC second. Afterwards, you may delete the project.

REC extraLabels are not applied to PVCs on K8s versions 1.15 or older (RED51921)

In K8s 1.15 or older, the PVC labels come from the match selectors and not the
PVC templates. As such, these versions can not support PVC labels. If this feature
is required, the only fix is to upgrade the K8s cluster to a newer version.

Compatibility Notes

  • OpenShift 4.7 and Rancher/kOps 1.20 are now supported
  • OpenShift 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 (previously deprecated) are no longer supported
  • GKE K8s version 1.14 (previously deprecated) is no longer supported
  • kOps (upstream K8s) 1.13, 1.14 (previously deprecated) are no longer supported

Deprecation notice

  • OpenShift 4.4 (no longer supported by Red Hat) is deprecated
  • GKE K8s versions 1.15, 1.16 (no longer supported by Google) are deprecated
  • kOps (upstream K8s) 1.15 is deprecated


17 Feb 17:40
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The Redis Enterprise K8s 6.0.12-5 release is a major release on top of 6.0.8-20 providing support for the Redis Enterprise Software release 6.0.12-57 and includes several enhancements and bug fixes.

This release of the operator provides:

  • New features
  • Various bug fixes


This release includes the following container images:

  • Redis Enterprise: redislabs/redis:6.0.12-57 or redislabs/redis:6.0.12-57.rhel7-openshift
  • Operator and Bootstrapper: redislabs/operator:6.0.12-5
  • Services Rigger: redislabs/k8s-controller:6.0.12-5 or redislabs/services-manager:6.0.12-5 (Red Hat registry)

New features

  • Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) is now supported. (RED40323)
  • Database custom resources now support roles permissions (role to Redis ACL bindings). (RED49780)

Feature Improvements

  • The license information has been added to the REC status. (RED43078)
  • kubectl get rec now displays more information (i.e., added "NODES", "VERSION", "STATE", "SPEC STATUS"). (RED46428)
  • The extraLabels in the cluster spec now applies to the PV and PVC at creation. (RED48694)
  • Added Rancher 2.5 support. (RED50211)
  • Added K8s (Kops) 1.19 support. (RED50211)
  • Added OpenShift 4.6 support. (RED50495)
  • Database resources can now disable the default database user. (RED50215)
  • REC credentials no longer use environment variables in pods. (RED47969)

Important fixes

  • Fixed an issue where pods are stuck terminating during teardown. (RED44726)
  • Fixed an issue where pods are stuck terminating during cluster recovery. (RED43846)
  • Changed the operator logs to use human-readable dates and times. (RED39026)
  • Fixed the display of resources in the OLM (OpenShift). (RED48116)
  • Fixed backup configuration issue for GCS without a subdir. (RED49299)

Known limitations

CrashLoopBackOff causes cluster recovery to be incomplete (RED33713)

When a pod's status is CrashLoopBackOff and we run the cluster recovery, the process will not complete. The workaround is to delete the crashing pods manually. The recovery process will then continue.

Long cluster names cause routes to be rejected (RED25871)

A cluster name longer than 20 characters will result in a rejected route configuration because the host part of the domain name will exceed 63 characters. The workaround is to limit cluster name to 20 characters or fewer.

Cluster CR (REC) errors are not reported after invalid updates (RED25542)

A cluster CR specification error is not reported if two or more invalid CR resources are updated in sequence.

An unreachable cluster has status running (RED32805)

When a cluster is in an unreachable state, the state is still running instead of being reported as an error.

Readiness probe incorrect on failures (RED39300)

STS Readiness probe does not mark a node as "not ready" when running rladmin status on the node fails.

Role missing on replica sets (RED39002)

The redis-enterprise-operator role is missing permission on replica sets.

Private registries are not supported on OpenShift 3.11 (RED38579)

Openshift 3.11 does not support DockerHub private registries. This is a known OpenShift issue.

Internal DNS and Kubernetes DNS may have conflicts (RED37462)

DNS conflicts are possible between the cluster mdns_server and the K8s DNS. This only impacts DNS resolution from within cluster nodes for Kubernetes DNS names.

5.4.10 negatively impacts 5.4.6 (RED37233)

Kubernetes-based 5.4.10 deployments seem to negatively impact existing 5.4.6 deployments that share a Kubernetes cluster.

Node CPU usage is reported instead of pod CPU usage (RED36884)

In Kubernetes, the node CPU usage we report on is the usage of the Kubernetes worker node hosting the REC pod.

Clusters must be named "rec" in OLM-based deployments (RED39825)

In OLM-deployed operators, the deployment of the cluster will fail if the name is not "rec". When the operator is deployed via the OLM, the security context constraints (scc) is bound to a specific service account name (i.e., "rec"). The workaround is to name the cluster "rec".

Master pod label in Rancher (RED42896)

The master pod is not always labeled in Rancher.

REC clusters fail to start on Kubernetes clusters with unsynchronized clocks (RED47254)

When REC clusters are deployed on Kubernetes clusters with unsynchronized clocks, the REC cluster does not start correctly. The fix is to use NTP to synchronize the underlying K8s nodes.

Deleting an OpenShift project with an REC deployed may hang (RED47192)

When a REC cluster is deployed in a project (namespace) and has REDB resources, the
REDB resources must be deleted first before the REC can be deleted. As such, until the
REDB resources are deleted, the project deletion will hang. The fix is to delete the
REDB resources first and the REC second. Afterwards, you may delete the project.

REC extraLabels are not applied to PVCs on K8s versions 1.15 or older (RED51921)

In K8s 1.15 or older, the PVC labels come from the match selectors and not the
PVC templates. As such, these versions can not support PVC labels. If this feature
is required, the only fix is to upgrade the K8s cluster to a newer version.

Compatibility Notes

  • OpenShift 4.6 and Rancher/kOps 1.19 are now supported.
  • Rancher 2.5 is now supported.
  • AKS (K8s 1.18) is now supported.

Deprecation notice

  • OpenShift 4.1, 4.2, and 4.3 are now deprecated.
  • GKE K8s version 1.14 is deprecated.
  • kOps 1.13 and 1.14 are deprecated.


11 Dec 02:21
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The Redis Enterprise K8s 6.0.8-20 release is a major release on top of 6.0.8-1 providing support for the latest Redis Enterprise Software release 6.0.8-30 and includes several enhancements and bug fixes.

This release of the operator provides:

  • The latest release version of the operator
  • New features
  • Various bug fixes


  • Redis Enterprise - redislabs/redis:6.0.8-30 or redislabs/redis:6.0.8-30.rhel7-openshift
  • Operator - redislabs/operator:6.0.8-20
  • Services Rigger - redislabs/k8s-controller:6.0.8-20 or redislabs/services-manager:6.0.8-20 (Red Hat registry)

New features

  • Databases custom resources (REDB) can be created in separate consumer namespaces from the operator and cluster namespace. The operator deployment is configured to watch specific namespaces for these database REDB CR’s.
  • The Gesher admission control proxy is now certified by Red Hat.
  • REDB CR’s no longer require a Redis Enterprise cluster name. The name will default to the cluster in the context of the operator.
  • REC and REDB CR’s are now validated via a schema.

Important fixes

  • Using database controller (REDB) no longer generates errors:  “failed to update database status" (RED44919)
  • Issues with configuring replica-of through the database controller (REDB) and TLS have been fixed. (RED48285)
  • A time out issue with “rlutil upgrade” was fixed. (RED48700)

Known limitations

CrashLoopBackOff causes cluster recovery to be incomplete (RED33713)

When a pod status is CrashLoopBackOff and we run the cluster recovery, the process will not complete. The workaround is to delete the crashing pods manually and recovery process will continue.

Long cluster names cause routes to be rejected (RED25871)

A cluster name longer than 20 characters will result in a rejected route configuration as the host part of the domain name exceeds 63 characters. The workaround is to limit cluster name to 20 characters or less.

Cluster CR (REC) errors are not reported after invalid updates (RED25542)

A cluster CR specification error is not reported if two or more invalid CR resources are updated in sequence.

An unreachable cluster has status running (RED32805)

When a cluster is in an unreachable state the state is still running instead of being reported as an error.

Readiness probe incorrect on failures (RED39300)

STS Readiness probe doesn't mark a node as not ready when rladmin status on the node fails.

Role missing on replica sets (RED39002)

The redis-enterprise-operator role is missing permission on replica sets.

Private registries are not supported on OpenShift 3.11 (RED38579)

Openshift 3.11 doesn't support dockerhub private registry. This is a known OpenShift issue.

Internal DNS and Kubernetes DNS may have conflicts (RED37462)

DNS conflicts are possible between the cluster mdns_server and the K8s DNS. This only impacts DNS resolution from within cluster nodes for Kubernetes DNS names.

5.4.10 negatively impacts 5.4.6 (RED37233)

Kubernetes-based 5.4.10 deployments seem to negatively impact existing 5.4.6 deployments that share a Kubernetes cluster.

Node CPU usage is reported instead of pod CPU usage (RED36884)

In Kubernetes, the node CPU usage we report on is the usage of the Kubernetes worker node hosting the REC pod.

Clusters must be named "rec" in OLM-based deployments (RED39825)

In OLM-deployed operators, the deployment of the cluster will fail if the name is not "rec". When the operator is deployed via the OLM, the security context constraints (scc) is bound to a specific service account name (i.e., "rec"). The workaround is to name the cluster "rec".

Master pod label in Rancher (RED42896)

Master pod is not always labeled in Rancher.

Cluster fail to start for clusters with unsynchronized clocks (RED47254)

When REC clusters are deployed on clusters with unsynchronized clocks, the cluster does not start correctly. The fix is to use NTP to synchronize the underlying K8s nodes.

Compatibility Notes



04 Nov 18:32
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The Redis Enterprise K8s 6.0.8-1 release is a major release on top of 6.0.6-24 providing support for the latest Redis Enterprise Software release 6.0.8-28 and includes several enhancements (including OpenShift 4.5 and Kubernetes 1.18 support) and bug fixes.

This release of the operator provides:

  • The latest release version of the operator
  • New features
  • New support K8s distributions and platforms
  • Various bug fixes


  • Redis Enterprise - redislabs/redis:6.0.8-28 or redislabs/redis:6.0.8-28.rhel7-openshift
  • Operator - redislabs/operator:6.0.8-1
  • Services Rigger - redislabs/k8s-controller:6.0.8-1 or redislabs/services-manager:6.0.8-1 (Red Hat registry)

New features

Important fixes

  • Added the missing Services Rigger health check (RED47062)
  • Fixed failures when updating the ui service type (RED45771)

Known limitations

CrashLoopBackOff causes cluster recovery to be incomplete (RED33713)

When a pod status is CrashLoopBackOff and we run the cluster recovery, the process will not complete. The workaround is to delete the crashing pods manually and recovery process will continue.

Long cluster names cause routes to be rejected (RED25871)

A cluster name longer than 20 characters will result in a rejected route configuration as the host part of the domain name exceeds 63 characters. The workaround is to limit cluster name to 20 characters or less.

Cluster CR (REC) errors are not reported after invalid updates (RED25542)

A cluster CR specification error is not reported if two or more invalid CR resources are updated in sequence.

An unreachable cluster has status running (RED32805)

When a cluster is in an unreachable state the state is still running instead of being reported as an error.

Readiness probe incorrect on failures (RED39300)

STS Readiness probe doesn't mark a node as not ready when rladmin status on the node fails.

Role missing on replica sets (RED39002)

The redis-enterprise-operator role is missing permission on replica sets.

Private registries are not supported on OpenShift 3.11 (RED38579)

Openshift 3.11 doesn't support dockerhub private registry. This is a known OpenShift issue.

Internal DNS and Kubernetes DNS may have conflicts (RED37462)

DNS conflicts are possible between the cluster mdns_server and the K8s DNS. This only impacts DNS resolution from within cluster nodes for Kubernetes DNS names.

5.4.10 negatively impacts 5.4.6 (RED37233)

Kubernetes-based 5.4.10 deployments seem to negatively impact existing 5.4.6 deployments that share a Kubernetes cluster.

Node CPU usage is reported instead of pod CPU usage (RED36884)

In Kubernetes, the node CPU usage we report on is the usage of the Kubernetes worker node hosting the REC pod.

Master pod label in Rancher (RED42896)

Master pod is not always labeled in Rancher.

Cluster fail to start for clusters with unsynchronized clocks (RED47254)

When REC clusters are deployed on clusters with unsynchronized clocks, the cluster does not start correctly. The fix is to use NTP to synchronize the underlying K8s nodes.

Errors in operator log for REDB status (RED44919)

Benign errors are reported in the operator log when using database controller (REDB) (e.g., “failed to update database status". These errors can be ignored.

Compatibility Notes

  • Support for OpenShift 4.5 was added,
  • Support for Kubernetes 1.18 was added,
  • Support for the previous deprecated Kubernetes 1.11 and 1.12 has been removed.


08 Sep 18:02
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The Redis Enterprise K8s 6.0.6-24 release is a maintenance release on top of 6.0.6-23 providing support for the latest Redis Enterprise Software release 6.0.6-39 and includes several bug fixes.

This release of the operator provides:

  • The latest release version of the operator
  • Various bug fixes


  • Redis Enterprise - redislabs/redis:6.0.6-39 or redislabs/redis:6.0.6-39.rhel7-openshift
  • Operator - redislabs/operator:6.0.6-24
  • Services Rigger - redislabs/k8s-controller:6.0.6-24 or redislabs/services-manager:6.0.6-24 (on the RedHat registry)

Important fixes

  • A fix for database observability where after 24 hours after creation or update, the controller was unable to observe the database (RED46149)
  • A fix for a log collector crash on Windows when pods were not running (RED45477)

Known limitations

CrashLoopBackOff causes cluster recovery to be incomplete (RED33713)

When a pod status is CrashLoopBackOff and we run the cluster recovery, the process will not complete. The solution is to delete the crashing pods manually and recovery process will continue.

Long cluster names cause routes to be rejected (RED25871)

A cluster name longer than 20 characters will result in a rejected route configuration as the host part of the domain name exceeds 63 characters. The workaround is to limit cluster name to 20 characters or less.

Cluster CR (REC) errors are not reported after invalid updates (RED25542)

A cluster CR specification error is not reported if two or more invalid CR resources are updated in sequence.

An unreachable cluster has status running (RED32805)

When a cluster is in an unreachable state the state is still running instead of being reported as an error.

Readiness probe incorrect on failures (RED39300)

STS Readiness probe doesn't mark a node as not ready when rladmin status on the node fails

Role missing on replica sets (RED39002)

The redis-enterprise-operator role is missing permission on replica sets.

Private registries are not supported on OpenShift 3.11 (RED38579)

Openshift 3.11 doesn't support dockerhub private registry. This is a known OpenShift issue.

Internal DNS and K8s DNS may have conflicts (RED37462)

DNS conflicts are possible between the cluster mdns_server and the K8s DNS. This only impacts DNS resolution from within cluster nodes for K8s DNS names.

5.4.10 negatively impacts 5.4.6 (RED37233)

K8S-based 5.4.10 clusters seem to negatively impact existing 5.4.6

Node CPU usage is reported instead of pod CPU usage (RED36884)

In Kubernetes, the node CPU usage we report on is the usage of the K8S worker node hosting the REC pod.

Clusters must be named "rec" in OLM-based deployments (RED39825)

In OLM-deployed operators, the deployment of the cluster will fail if the name is not "rec". When the operator is deployed via the OLM, the security context constraints (scc) is bound to a specific service account name (i.e., "rec"). The workaround is to name the cluster "rec".

Updating UI service in Rancher (RED45771)

Updating the UI service type may fail in Rancher. When this happens, delete the service manually and the operator will recreate it correctly.

Master pod label in Rancher (RED42896)

Master pod is not always labeled in Rancher.

Deprecation notice

Support for K8s version 1.11 and 1.12 is deprecated (excludes Openshift 3.11, which continues to be supported). Openshift 4.1 and 4.2 are deprecated (already End Of Life by Red Hat).


21 Aug 15:19
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The Redis Enterprise K8s 6.0.6-23 release is a major release on top of 6.0.6-11 providing support for the Redis Enterprise Software release 6.0.6-39 and includes several enhancements (including Rancher support) and bug fixes

This release of the operator provides:

  • Support for the Redis Enterprise Software release 6.0.6-39
  • Support for Rancher
  • Backup options in the database custom resource and controller
  • Alert option in the database custom resource and controller
  • UBI images
  • Various other enhancements and bug fixes


  • Redis Enterprise - redislabs/redis:6.0.6-39 or redislabs/redis:6.0.6-39.rhel7-openshift
  • Operator - redislabs/operator:6.0.6-23
  • Services Rigger - redislabs/k8s-controller:6.0.6-23 or redislabs/services-manager:6.0.6-23 (on the RedHat registry)

New features

Red Hat UBI base images (RED29651)

The services rigger and operator images are now based on Red Hat UBI base images. Also, the same images are now used in both OpenShift and non-OpenShift environments.

Rancher support (RED37918)

The operator is now supported on Rancher (v2.4.5).

Database replica-of support (RED40160)

Support for replica-of was added to the DB controller.

Database backup configuration (RED40165)

Support for backup configuration was added to the DB controller spec.

Alert configuration (RED40166)

Support for alert configuration was added to the DB controller spec.

Database TLS configuration (RED41758)

Support for TLS authentication configuration was added to the DB controller.

OpenShift 4.4 support (RED41352)

The operator is now supported on Openshift 4.4.

DB controller resources via the OLM (RED41755)

Support configuration of DB controller resources was added to the OLM (preview channel).

Important fixes

  • Openshift OLM upgrade support was fixed. Also, installing past versions was added through dedicated channels. (RED44130)
  • Fixed log_collector failures when pods were not scheduled. (RED45347)
  • Fixed wrong handling of the operator environment variables Specifically, enabling/disabling the database controller now works correctly. (RED45351)

Known limitations

CrashLoopBackOff causes cluster recovery to be incomplete (RED33713)

When a pod status is CrashLoopBackOff and we run the cluster recovery, the process will not complete. The solution is to delete the crashing pods manually and recovery process will continue.

Long cluster names cause routes to be rejected (RED25871)

A cluster name longer than 20 characters will result in a rejected route configuration as the host part of the domain name exceeds 63 characters. The workaround is to limit cluster name to 20 characters or less.

Cluster CR (REC) errors are not reported after invalid updates (RED25542)

A cluster CR specification error is not reported if two or more invalid CR resources are updated in sequence.

An unreachable cluster has status running (RED32805)

When a cluster is in an unreachable state the state is still running instead of being reported as an error.

Readiness probe incorrect on failures (RED39300)

STS Readiness probe doesn't mark a node as not ready when rladmin status on the node fails

Role missing on replica sets (RED39002)

The redis-enterprise-operator role is missing permission on replica sets.

Private registries are not supported on OpenShift 3.11 (RED38579)

Openshift 3.11 doesn't support dockerhub private registry. This is a known OpenShift issue.

Internal DNS and K8s DNS may have conflicts (RED37462)

DNS conflicts are possible between the cluster mdns_server and the K8s DNS. This only impacts DNS resolution from within cluster nodes for K8s DNS names.

5.4.10 negatively impacts 5.4.6 (RED37233)

K8S-based 5.4.10 clusters seem to negatively affect existing 5.4.6

Node CPU usage is reported instead of pod CPU usage (RED36884)

In Kubernetes, the node CPU usage we report on is the usage of the K8S worker node hosting the REC pod.

Clusters must be named "rec" in OLM-based deployments (RED39825)

In OLM-deployed operators, the deployment of the cluster will fail if the name is not "rec". When the operator is deployed via the OLM, the security context constraints (scc) is bound to a specific service account name (i.e., "rec"). The workaround is to name the cluster "rec".

Updating UI service in Rancher (RED45771)

Updating the UI service type may fail in Rancher. When this happens, delete the service manually and the operator will recreate it correctly.

Master pod label in Rancher (RED42896)

Master pod is not always labeled in Rancher.

Deprecation notice

Support for K8s version 1.11 and 1.12 is deprecated (excludes Openshift 3.11, which continues to be supported).

Compatibility updates

  • Added support for Rancher
  • Added support for Openshift 4.4


21 Jul 23:14
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The Redis Enterprise K8s 6.0.6-11 release is a maintenance release on top of 6.0.6-6 providing support for the latest Redis Enterprise Software release 6.0.6-39 and includes several bug fixes.


  • Redis Enterprise - redislabs/redis:6.0.6-39 or redislabs/redis:6.0.6-39.rhel7-openshift
  • Operator - redislabs/operator:6.0.6-11 or redislabs/operator:6.0.6-11.rhel7
  • Services Rigger - redislabs/k8s-controller:6.0.6-11 or redislabs/k8s-controller:6.0.6-11.rhel7

Important fixes

  • The upgrade process may have failed in certain situations (i.e., with CRDB databases). We now ensure that rlutil runs at bootstrap to complete the upgrade process. (RED43635)
  • The example and default custom resource for the REC in the OLM now correctly uses 'nodes' (RED43847)
  • Fixes for security vulnerabilities in the server rigger image: upgraded to httpd 2.4.42, Kubernetes Python Client 8.0.1, and removed localhost private key. (RED42495)
  • A fix for an internal logging issue that caused errors to incorrectly show up on the operator log when databases are created even though the creation succeeded. (RED43336)

Known limitations

CrashLoopBackOff causes cluster recover to be incomplete (RED33713)

When a pod status is CrashLoopBackOff and we run the cluster recovery, the process will not complete. The solution is to delete the crashing pods manually and recovery process will continue.

Long cluster names cause routes to be rejected (RED25871)

A cluster name longer than 20 characters will result in a rejected route configuration as the host part of the domain name exceeds 63 characters. The workaround is to limit cluster name to 20 characters or less.

No cleanup of database services on failures (RED25825)

The service broker doesn't clean up database service bindings when there are failures. The workaround is to manually remove service bindings.

Server broker errors with two service naming schemes (RED25547)

The service broker deployment results in an error when two types of service naming schemes are set. You must choose one of the methods if both are set - redis-port is the recommended default.

Cluster CR (REC) errors are not reported after invalid updates (RED25542)

A cluster CR specification error is not reported if two or more invalid CR resources are updated in sequence.

An unreachable cluster has status running (RED32805)

When a cluster is in an unreachable state the state is still running instead of being reported as an error.

Readiness probe incorrect on failures (RED39300)

STS Readiness probe doesn't mark a node as not ready when rladmin status on the node fails

Role missing on replica sets (RED39002)

The redis-enterprise-operator role is missing permission on replica sets.

Private registries are not supported on OpenShift 3.11 (RED38579)

Openshift 3.11 doesn't support dockerhub private registry. This is a known OpenShift issue.

Internal DNS and K8s DNS may have conflicts (RED37462)

DNS conflicts are possible between the cluster mdns_server and the K8s DNS. This only impacts DNS resolution from within cluster nodes for K8s DNS names.

5.4.10 negatively impacts 5.4.6 (RED37233)

K8S-based 5.4.10 clusters seem to negatively affect existing 5.4.6

Node CPU usage is reported instead of pod CPU usage (RED36884)

In Kubernetes, the node CPU usage we report on is the usage of the K8S worker node hosting the REC pod.

Clusters must be named "rec" in OLM-based deployments (RED39825)

In OLM-deployed operators, the deployment of the cluster will fail if the name is not "rec". When the operator is deployed via the OLM, the security context constraints (scc) is bound to a specific service account name (i.e., "rec"). The workaround is to name the cluster "rec"