The Redis Enterprise K8s 6.0.6-24 release is a maintenance release on top of 6.0.6-23 providing support for the latest Redis Enterprise Software release 6.0.6-39 and includes several bug fixes.
This release of the operator provides:
- The latest release version of the operator
- Various bug fixes
- Redis Enterprise - redislabs/redis:6.0.6-39 or redislabs/redis:6.0.6-39.rhel7-openshift
- Operator - redislabs/operator:6.0.6-24
- Services Rigger - redislabs/k8s-controller:6.0.6-24 or redislabs/services-manager:6.0.6-24 (on the RedHat registry)
Important fixes
- A fix for database observability where after 24 hours after creation or update, the controller was unable to observe the database (RED46149)
- A fix for a log collector crash on Windows when pods were not running (RED45477)
Known limitations
CrashLoopBackOff causes cluster recovery to be incomplete (RED33713)
When a pod status is CrashLoopBackOff and we run the cluster recovery, the process will not complete. The solution is to delete the crashing pods manually and recovery process will continue.
Long cluster names cause routes to be rejected (RED25871)
A cluster name longer than 20 characters will result in a rejected route configuration as the host part of the domain name exceeds 63 characters. The workaround is to limit cluster name to 20 characters or less.
Cluster CR (REC) errors are not reported after invalid updates (RED25542)
A cluster CR specification error is not reported if two or more invalid CR resources are updated in sequence.
An unreachable cluster has status running (RED32805)
When a cluster is in an unreachable state the state is still running instead of being reported as an error.
Readiness probe incorrect on failures (RED39300)
STS Readiness probe doesn't mark a node as not ready when rladmin status on the node fails
Role missing on replica sets (RED39002)
The redis-enterprise-operator role is missing permission on replica sets.
Private registries are not supported on OpenShift 3.11 (RED38579)
Openshift 3.11 doesn't support dockerhub private registry. This is a known OpenShift issue.
Internal DNS and K8s DNS may have conflicts (RED37462)
DNS conflicts are possible between the cluster mdns_server and the K8s DNS. This only impacts DNS resolution from within cluster nodes for K8s DNS names.
5.4.10 negatively impacts 5.4.6 (RED37233)
K8S-based 5.4.10 clusters seem to negatively impact existing 5.4.6
Node CPU usage is reported instead of pod CPU usage (RED36884)
In Kubernetes, the node CPU usage we report on is the usage of the K8S worker node hosting the REC pod.
Clusters must be named "rec" in OLM-based deployments (RED39825)
In OLM-deployed operators, the deployment of the cluster will fail if the name is not "rec". When the operator is deployed via the OLM, the security context constraints (scc) is bound to a specific service account name (i.e., "rec"). The workaround is to name the cluster "rec".
Updating UI service in Rancher (RED45771)
Updating the UI service type may fail in Rancher. When this happens, delete the service manually and the operator will recreate it correctly.
Master pod label in Rancher (RED42896)
Master pod is not always labeled in Rancher.
Deprecation notice
Support for K8s version 1.11 and 1.12 is deprecated (excludes Openshift 3.11, which continues to be supported). Openshift 4.1 and 4.2 are deprecated (already End Of Life by Red Hat).