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Releases: RedisLabs/redis-enterprise-k8s-docs


19 Apr 18:19
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This is a maintenance release of Redis Enterprise for Kubernetes 6.4.2-4 that adds supports for Redis Enterprise 6.4.2-61.

New images and fixes are listed below. Refer to 6.2.4-4 (March 2023) for compatibility notes and known limitations.


  • Redis Enterprise: redislabs/redis:6.4.2-61
  • Operator: redislabs/operator:6.4.2-5
  • Services Rigger: redislabs/k8s-controller:6.4.2-5

OpenShift images

  • Redis Enterprise:
    (or redislabs/redis-enterprise:6.4.2-61.rhel7-openshift if upgrading from RHEL 7)
  • Operator:
  • Services Rigger:

OpenShift OLM bundles

  • Redis Enterprise operator bundle version: v6.4.2-5.0

Upgrade to 6.4.2-4

This release uses a new ValidatingWebhookConfiguration resource that replaces the old webhook resource. To use the 6.4.2-5 release, delete the old webhook resource and apply the new file.

  1. Delete the existing ValidatingWebhookConfiguration on the Kubernetes cluster (named redb-admission).

    kubectl delete ValidatingWebhookConfiguration redb-admission
  2. Apply the resource from the new file.

    kubectl apply -f deploy/admission/webhook.yaml

Feature enhancements

  • Upgraded to support Redis Enterprise 6.4.2-61

Bug fixes

  • Fixed bug that can cause Redis cluster to become unresponsive during a Kubernetes upgrade on clusters with more than 9 REC nodes. (RED-93025)

Compatibility notes

See Redis Enterprise for Kubernetes release notes 6.4.2-4 (March 2023).

Known limitations

See Redis Enterprise for Kubernetes release notes 6.4.2-4 (March 2023).


13 Mar 20:59
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The Redis Enterprise K8s 6.4.2-4 release supports Redis Enterprise Software 6.4.2 and contains new features and feature improvements.

The key features, bug fixes, and known limitations are described below.


  • Redis Enterprise: redislabs/redis:6.4.2-43
  • Operator: redislabs/operator:6.4.2-4
  • Services Rigger: redislabs/k8s-controller:6.4.2-4

OpenShift images

  • Redis Enterprise:
    (or redislabs/redis-enterprise:6.4.2-43.rhel7-openshift if upgrading from RHEL 7)
  • Operator:
  • Services Rigger:

OpenShift OLM bundles

  • Redis Enterprise operator bundle version: v6.4.2-4.0

Upgrade to 6.4.2-4

This release uses a new ValidatingWebhookConfiguration resource that replaces the old webhook resource. To use the 6.4.2-4 release, delete the old webhook resource and apply the new file.

  1. Delete the existing ValidatingWebhookConfiguration on the Kubernetes cluster (named redb-admission).

    kubectl delete ValidatingWebhookConfiguration redb-admission
  2. Apply the resource from the new file.

    kubectl apply -f deploy/admission/webhook.yaml

New features

  • Cluster-level LDAP configuration support in REC (RED-83533)
  • Public preview support for declarative Active-Active configuration (RED-86470)(RED-86470)

Feature improvements

  • New labeling method for multi-namespace REDB (RED-83102)
  • Operator deployment uses built-in SCC in OpenShift (RED-90524)
  • Support for Redis Enterprise 6.4.2-43
  • Support added for K8s 1.26, EKS 1.24, AKS 1.25, Rancher 2.7/1.23-24
  • Improved log collector display and error handling

Bug fixes

API changes

The following fields were changed in the Redis Enterprise cluster (REC) API:

  • Added .spec.ldap for configuring cluster-level LDAP settings

  • Added .spec.certificates.ldapClientCertificateSecretName for configuring LDAP client certificate

  • Added .status.managedAPIs to track APIs managed by the operator

  • The following custom resources definitions were added:

    • RedisEnterpriseRemoteCluster (RERC)
    • RedisEnterpriseActiveActiveDatabase (REAADB)

Compatibility notes

Deprecated features

  • Support for Gesher, the advanced admission control configuration, is deprecated.
  • The API version of the RedisEnterpriseCluster (REC) custom resource is deprecated and will be removed in a subsequent release. Customers should switch to use the API version instead.

Supported distributions

The following table shows supported distributions at the time of this release. You can also find this list in Supported Kubernetes distributions.

Kubernetes version 1.21 1.22 1.23 1.24 1.25 1.26
Community Kubernetes deprecated supported supported supported supported*
Amazon EKS supported supported supported*
Azure AKS deprecated supported supported*
Google GKE supported supported supported supported
Rancher 2.6 deprecated supported supported supported
Rancher 2.7 supported* supported*
VMware TKG 1.6 supported supported
OpenShift version 4.8 4.9 4.10 4.11 4.12
deprecated deprecated supported supported supported*
VMware TKGI version 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15
deprecated supported supported

* Support added in this release

Active-Active preview known limitations

  • No support for Hashicorp Vault for storing secrets (RED-95805)

  • No module support (RED-95153)

  • No support for client certificates in secrets (RED-95724)

  • No support for backup configuration (RED-95724)

  • No support for upgrading the database Redis version

  • REAADB secret status isn't updated in source cluster (RED-96296)

    The workaround is to view the secret status in one of the remote clusters.

  • Invalid REAADB is not rejected by admission might get deleted after apply. (RED-96300)

    Fix the problems with the REAADB and reapply. Contact support if you aren't sure why the REAADB is invalid.

  • Admission is not blocking REAADB with shardCount which exceeds license quota. (RED-96301)

    Fix the problems with the REAADB and reapply.

  • RERC resources must have a unique name (<rec-name>/<rec-namespace>). (RED-96302)

  • Only global database options are supported, not support for specifying configuration per location.

  • Can't automatically update the cluster secret via the operator (can be updated manually).

  • No support for migration from old (manual) Active-Active database method to new Active-Active controller.

Known limitations

  • Long cluster names cause routes to be rejected (RED-25871)

    A cluster name longer than 20 characters will result in a rejected route configuration because the host part of the domain name exceeds 63 characters. The workaround is to limit the cluster name to 20 characters or fewer.

  • Cluster CR (REC) errors are not reported after invalid updates (RED-25542)

    A cluster CR specification error is not reported if two or more invalid CR resources are updated in sequence.

  • An unreachable cluster has status running (RED-32805)

    When a cluster is in unreachable state, the state remains running instead of triggering an error.

  • Readiness probe incorrect on failures (RED-39300)

    STS Readiness probe does not mark a node as "not ready" when running rladmin status on node failure.

  • Internal DNS and Kubernetes DNS may have conflicts (RED-37462)

    DNS conflicts are possible between the cluster mdns_server and the K8s DNS. This only impacts DNS resolution from within cluster nodes for Kubernetes DNS names.

  • 5.4.10 negatively impacts 5.4.6 (RED-37233)

    Kubernetes-based 5.4.10 deployments seem to negatively impact existing 5.4.6 deployments that share a Kubernetes cluster.

  • Node CPU usage is reported instead of pod CPU usage (RED-36884)

    In Kubernetes, the reported node CPU usage is the usage of the Kubernetes worker node hosting the REC pod.

  • Clusters must be named "rec" in OLM-based deployments (RED-39825)

    In OLM-deployed operators, the deployment of the cluster will fail if the name is not "rec". When the operator is deployed via the OLM, the security context constraints (scc) are bound to a specific service account name (namely, "rec"). The workaround is to name the cluster "rec".

  • REC clusters fail to start on Kubernetes clusters with unsynchronized clocks (RED-47254)

    When REC clusters are deployed on Kubernetes clusters with unsynchronized clocks, the REC cluster does not start correctly. The fix is to use NTP to synchronize the underlying K8s nodes.

  • Deleting an OpenShift project with an REC deployed may hang (RED-47192)

    When an REC cluster is deployed in a project (namespace) and has REDB resources, the REDB resources must be deleted first before the REC can be deleted. Therefore, until the REDB resources are deleted, the project deletion will hang. The fix is to delete the REDB resources first and the REC second. Then, you can delete the project.

  • Hashicorp Vault integration - no support for Gesher (RED-55080)

    There is no workaround at this time.

  • REC might report error states on initial startup (RED-61707)

    There is no workaround at this time except to ignore the errors.

  • PVC size issues when using decimal value in spec (RED-62132)

    The workaround for this issue is to make sure you use integer values for the PVC size.

  • Following the previous quick start guide version causes issues with creating an REDB due to unrecognized memory field name (RED-69515)

    The workaround is to use the newer (current) revision of the quick start.

  • autoUpgrade set to true can cause unexpected bdb upgrades when redisUpgradePolicy is set to true (RED-72351)

    Contact support if your deployment is impacted.


22 Dec 08:52
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The Redis Enterprise K8s 6.2.18-41 is a maintenance release which supports the Redis Enterprise Software release 6.2.18 and contains bug fixes.

The key bug fixes and known limitations are described below.


This release includes the following container images:

  • Redis Enterprise: redislabs/redis:6.2.18-65 or redislabs/redis:6.2.18-65.rhel8-openshift (or redislabs/redis:6.2.18-65.rhel7-openshift if upgrading from RHEL 7)
  • Operator: redislabs/operator:6.2.18-41
  • Services Rigger: redislabs/k8s-controller:6.2.18-41 or redislabs/services-manager:6.2.18-41 (on the Red Hat registry)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed issues with incorrect image digest (OLM/OpenShift) (RED-88863)
  • Fixed upgrade issue for using NGINX-based ingress with Active-Active databases. (RED-88882)
  • Upgraded to Redis Software 6.2.18-65 (RED-88985)
  • Fixed upgrade issue with OLM (RED-89170)
  • Removed non-core Python dependencies from the log collector (RED-90108)
  • Fixed issues with running log collector on OLM (RED-90129

Compatibility notes

Below is a table showing supported distributions at the time of this release. See Supported Kubernetes distributions for the current list of supported distributions.

Kubernetes version 1.21 1.22 1.23 1.24 1.25
Community Kubernetes supported supported supported supported
Amazon EKS deprecated supported supported
Azure AKS supported supported supported
Google GKE deprecated supported supported supported supported
Rancher 2.6 supported supported supported supported
VMware TKG 1.6 supported supported
OpenShift version 4.8 4.9 4.10 4.11
deprecated supported supported
VMware TKGI version 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15
supported supported supported

* Support added in this release

Known limitations

  • Long cluster names cause routes to be rejected (RED-25871)

    A cluster name longer than 20 characters will result in a rejected route configuration because the host part of the domain name will exceed 63 characters. The workaround is to limit cluster name to 20 characters or less.

  • Cluster CR (REC) errors are not reported after invalid updates (RED-25542)

    A cluster CR specification error is not reported if two or more invalid CR resources are updated in sequence.

  • An unreachable cluster has status running (RED-32805)

    When a cluster is in an unreachable state, the state is still running instead of being reported as an error.

  • Readiness probe incorrect on failures (RED-39300)

    STS Readiness probe does not mark a node as "not ready" when running rladmin status on node failure.

  • Internal DNS and Kubernetes DNS may have conflicts (RED-37462)

    DNS conflicts are possible between the cluster mdns_server and the K8s DNS. This only impacts DNS resolution from within cluster nodes for Kubernetes DNS names.

  • 5.4.10 negatively impacts 5.4.6 (RED-37233)

    Kubernetes-based 5.4.10 deployments seem to negatively impact existing 5.4.6 deployments that share a Kubernetes cluster.

  • Node CPU usage is reported instead of pod CPU usage (RED-36884)

    In Kubernetes, the node CPU usage we report on is the usage of the Kubernetes worker node hosting the REC pod.

  • Clusters must be named "rec" in OLM-based deployments (RED-39825)

    In OLM-deployed operators, the deployment of the cluster will fail if the name is not "rec". When the operator is deployed via the OLM, the security context constraints (scc) are bound to a specific service account name (i.e., "rec"). The workaround is to name the cluster "rec".

  • REC clusters fail to start on Kubernetes clusters with unsynchronized clocks (RED-47254)

    When REC clusters are deployed on Kubernetes clusters with unsynchronized clocks, the REC cluster does not start correctly. The fix is to use NTP to synchronize the underlying K8s nodes.

  • Deleting an OpenShift project with an REC deployed may hang (RED-47192)

    When a REC cluster is deployed in a project (namespace) and has REDB resources, the REDB resources must be deleted first before the REC can be deleted. As such, until the REDB resources are deleted, the project deletion will hang. The fix is to delete the REDB resources first and the REC second. Afterwards, you may delete the project.

  • Hashicorp Vault integration - no support for Gesher (RED-55080)

    There is no workaround at this time.

  • REC might report error states on initial startup (RED-61707)

    There is no workaround at this time except to ignore the errors.

  • PVC size issues when using decimal value in spec (RED-62132)

    The workaround for this issue is to make sure you use integer values for the PVC size.

  • Following old revision of quick start guide causes issues creating an REDB due to unrecognized memory field name (RED-69515)

    The workaround is to use the newer (current) revision of the [quick start document]({{<relref "/kubernetes/deployment/">}}) available online.

  • autoUpgrade set to true by operator might cause unexpected bdb upgrades when redisUpgradePolicy is set to true (RED-72351)

    Contact support if your deployment is impacted.


14 Nov 17:49
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The Redis Enterprise K8s 6.2.18-3 supports the Redis Enterprise Software release 6.2.18 and includes feature improvements and bug fixes.

The key bug fixes, new features, and known limitations are described below.


This release includes the following container images:

  • Redis Enterprise: redislabs/redis:6.2.18-58 or redislabs/redis:6.2.18-58.rhel8-openshift (or redislabs/redis:6.2.18-58.rhel7-openshift if upgrading from RHEL 7)
  • Operator: redislabs/operator:6.2.18-3
  • Services Rigger: redislabs/k8s-controller:6.2.18-3 or redislabs/services-manager:6.2.18-3 (on the Red Hat registry)

New features

Feature improvements

  • The podSecurityPolicyName field in RedisEnterpriseCluster resources is now deprecated for Kubernetes versions 1.24 or earlier, and invalid for 1.25 and later. Customers are advised to switch to using the PodSecurityAdmission or alternative methods to enforce pod security (RED-81921).

  • Added support for VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid (TKG), in addition to Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integration Edition (TKGI) that was previously and is still supported (RED-65630).

  • Added support for PEM encryption through the Redis Enterprise cluster API(RED-78613).

  • Hardened security context constraints to align with standards for OpenShift 4.11 (RED-83215).

  • Changed log collector default to avoid collection of non-Redis Enterprise logs and items (RED-83216).

  • Allowed configuration of the Redis Enterprise cluster (REC) service type (RED-84644).

Bug fixes

  • Allow any ingress class name annotation when using NGINX ingress controller. This is no longer required to be exactly nginx (RED-79205).
  • Fixed log collector handling of namespace parameter on Windows (RED-83532).
  • Fixed issue with updating credentials on Openshift when accessing the cluster externally with routes (RED-73251, RED-75329).

API changes

The following fields were added to the Redis Enterprise cluster (REC) API:

  • Added .services.apiService.type to allow configuration of the API service type.
  • Made .redisOnFlashSpec available by default.
  • Made .ocspConfiguration available by default for configuring OCSP stapling.
  • Made .encryptPkeys available by default for configuring PEM encryption.

The following fields were added to the Redis Enterprise database (REDB) API:

Compatibility notes

Below is a table showing supported distributions at the time of this release. See Supported Kubernetes distributions for the current list of supported distributions.

Kubernetes version 1.21 1.22 1.23 1.24 1.25
Community Kubernetes supported supported supported supported
Amazon EKS deprecated supported supported
Azure AKS supported supported supported
Google GKE deprecated supported supported supported supported*
Rancher 2.6 supported supported supported supported*
VMware TKG 1.6 supported* supported*
OpenShift version 4.8 4.9 4.10 4.11
deprecated supported supported*
VMware TKGI version 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15
supported supported supported*

* Support added in this release

Known limitations

  • Long cluster names cause routes to be rejected (RED-25871)

    A cluster name longer than 20 characters will result in a rejected route configuration because the host part of the domain name will exceed 63 characters. The workaround is to limit cluster name to 20 characters or less.

  • Cluster CR (REC) errors are not reported after invalid updates (RED-25542)

    A cluster CR specification error is not reported if two or more invalid CR resources are updated in sequence.

  • An unreachable cluster has status running (RED-32805)

    When a cluster is in an unreachable state, the state is still running instead of being reported as an error.

  • Readiness probe incorrect on failures (RED-39300)

    STS Readiness probe does not mark a node as "not ready" when running rladmin status on node failure.

  • Internal DNS and Kubernetes DNS may have conflicts (RED-37462)

    DNS conflicts are possible between the cluster mdns_server and the K8s DNS. This only impacts DNS resolution from within cluster nodes for Kubernetes DNS names.

  • 5.4.10 negatively impacts 5.4.6 (RED-37233)

    Kubernetes-based 5.4.10 deployments seem to negatively impact existing 5.4.6 deployments that share a Kubernetes cluster.

  • Node CPU usage is reported instead of pod CPU usage (RED-36884)

    In Kubernetes, the node CPU usage we report on is the usage of the Kubernetes worker node hosting the REC pod.

  • Clusters must be named "rec" in OLM-based deployments (RED-39825)

    In OLM-deployed operators, the deployment of the cluster will fail if the name is not "rec". When the operator is deployed via the OLM, the security context constraints (scc) are bound to a specific service account name (i.e., "rec"). The workaround is to name the cluster "rec".

  • REC clusters fail to start on Kubernetes clusters with unsynchronized clocks (RED-47254)

    When REC clusters are deployed on Kubernetes clusters with unsynchronized clocks, the REC cluster does not start correctly. The fix is to use NTP to synchronize the underlying K8s nodes.

  • Deleting an OpenShift project with an REC deployed may hang (RED-47192)

    When a REC cluster is deployed in a project (namespace) and has REDB resources, the REDB resources must be deleted first before the REC can be deleted. As such, until the REDB resources are deleted, the project deletion will hang. The fix is to delete the REDB resources first and the REC second. Afterwards, you may delete the project.

  • Hashicorp Vault integration - no support for Gesher (RED-55080)

    There is no workaround at this time.

  • REC might report error states on initial startup (RED-61707)

    There is no workaround at this time except to ignore the errors.

  • PVC size issues when using decimal value in spec (RED-62132)

    The workaround for this issue is to make sure you use integer values for the PVC size.

  • Following old revision of quick start guide causes issues creating an REDB due to unrecognized memory field name (RED-69515)

    The workaround is to use the newer (current) revision of the quick start document available online.

  • autoUpgrade set to true by operator might cause unexpected bdb upgrades when redisUpgradePolicy is set to true (RED-72351)

    Contact support if your deployment is impacted.


22 Sep 12:44
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The Redis Enterprise K8s 6.2.12-1 supports the Redis Enterprise Software release 6.2.12 and includes feature improvements and bug fixes.
The key bug fixes and known limitations are described below.


This release includes the following container images:

  • Redis Enterprise: redislabs/redis:6.2.12-82 or redislabs/redis:6.2.12-82.rhel8-openshift
  • Operator: redislabs/operator:6.2.12-1
  • Services Rigger: redislabs/k8s-controller:6.2.12-1 or redislabs/services-manager:6.2.12-1 (on the Red Hat registry)

Feature improvements

  • Redis Enterprise Software 6.2.12 support (RED-83829)
  • Added support for annotations on services created by Redis Enterprise (RED-56245)
  • Support for additional builds of the same Redis Software version with the same operator version. The list of supported builds will be published. (RED-78757)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed Golang related vulnerabilities (RED-79205)
  • Log collector creating larger packages (RED-79650)
  • Log collector crashes when Redis Enterprise cluster is not running (RED-79996)
  • Redis Enterprise Software pods termination process could lead, in some circumstances, to pod shutdown without proper failover of its master shards. This has been fixed so that the failover attempts are retried indefinitely within the grace period, which by default is 1 year. The grace period is controllable via the redisEnterpriseTerminationGracePeriodSeconds parameter in the REC (but note that shutting down a pod without the proper failovers may lead to data loss).(RED-75388)

API changes

The Redis Enterprise cluster podSecurityPolicy is deprecated. This is still supported but will be removed when all K8s versions supporting the feature are removed.

Compatibility notes

Below is a table showing supported distributions at the time of this release. See Supported Kubernetes distributions for the current list of supported distributions.

Kubernetes version 1.20 1.21 1.22 1.23 1.24
Community Kubernetes supported supported supported
Amazon EKS deprecated supported supported*
Azure AKS supported supported supported*
Google GKE deprecated supported supported supported*
Rancher 2.6 supported supported supported*
OpenShift version 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 4.11
deprecated deprecated supported supported supported*
VMware TKGI version 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15
deprecated deprecated supported* supported*
* Support added in this release

Support added

  • Azure AKS 1.24
  • Amazon EKS 1.23
  • Google GKE 1.24
  • OpenShift 4.11
  • Rancher 1.23
  • VMware TKGI 1.14


  • Amazon EKS 1.21
  • Google GKE 1.21
  • OpenShift 4.7
  • OpenShift 4.8
  • VMware TKGI 1.11
  • VMware TKGI 1.12

No longer supported

  • Community Kubernetes 1.21
  • Amazon EKS 1.19, 1.20
  • Azure AKS 1.21
  • Google GKE 1.19, 1.20
  • Rancher 2.6 1.19, 1.20
  • VMware TKGI 1.10

Known limitations

  • Long cluster names cause routes to be rejected (RED-25871)
    A cluster name longer than 20 characters will result in a rejected route configuration because the host part of the domain name will exceed 63 characters. The workaround is to limit cluster name to 20 characters or less.

  • Cluster CR (REC) errors are not reported after invalid updates (RED-25542)

    A cluster CR specification error is not reported if two or more invalid CR resources are updated in sequence.

  • An unreachable cluster has status running (RED-32805)

    When a cluster is in an unreachable state, the state is still running instead of being reported as an error.

  • Readiness probe incorrect on failures (RED-39300)
    STS Readiness probe does not mark a node as "not ready" when running rladmin status on node failure.

  • Role missing on replica sets (RED-39002)
    The redis-enterprise-operator role is missing permission on replica sets.

  • Private registries are not supported on OpenShift 3.11 (RED-38579)
    OpenShift 3.11 does not support DockerHub private registries. This is a known OpenShift issue.

  • Internal DNS and Kubernetes DNS may have conflicts (RED-37462)
    DNS conflicts are possible between the cluster mdns_server and the K8s DNS. This only impacts DNS resolution from within cluster nodes for Kubernetes DNS names.

  • 5.4.10 negatively impacts 5.4.6 (RED-37233)
    Kubernetes-based 5.4.10 deployments seem to negatively impact existing 5.4.6 deployments that share a Kubernetes cluster.

  • Node CPU usage is reported instead of pod CPU usage (RED-36884)
    In Kubernetes, the node CPU usage we report on is the usage of the Kubernetes worker node hosting the REC pod.

  • Clusters must be named "rec" in OLM-based deployments (RED-39825)
    In OLM-deployed operators, the deployment of the cluster will fail if the name is not "rec". When the operator is deployed via the OLM, the security context constraints (scc) are bound to a specific service account name (i.e., "rec"). The workaround is to name the cluster "rec".

  • REC clusters fail to start on Kubernetes clusters with unsynchronized clocks (RED-47254)
    When REC clusters are deployed on Kubernetes clusters with unsynchronized clocks, the REC cluster does not start correctly. The fix is to use NTP to synchronize the underlying K8s nodes.

  • Deleting an OpenShift project with an REC deployed may hang (RED-47192)
    When a REC cluster is deployed in a project (namespace) and has REDB resources, the REDB resources must be deleted first before the REC can be deleted. As such, until the REDB resources are deleted, the project deletion will hang. The fix is to delete the REDB resources first and the REC second. Afterwards, you may delete the project.

  • REC extraLabels are not applied to PVCs on K8s versions 1.15 or older (RED-51921)
    In K8s 1.15 or older, the PVC labels come from the match selectors and not the PVC templates. As such, these versions cannot support PVC labels. If this feature is required, the only fix is to upgrade the K8s cluster to a newer version.

  • Hashicorp Vault integration - no support for Gesher (RED-55080)
    There is no workaround at this time.

  • REC might report error states on initial startup (RED-61707)
    There is no workaround at this time except to ignore the errors.

  • PVC size issues when using decimal value in spec (RED-62132)
    The workaround for this issue is to make sure you use integer values for the PVC size.

  • Following old revision of quick start guide causes issues creating an REDB due to unrecognized memory field name (RED-69515)
    The workaround is to use the newer (current) revision of the quick start document available online.

  • autoUpgrade set to true by operator might cause unexpected bdb upgrades when redisUpgradePolicy is set to true (RED-72351)
    Contact support if your deployment is impacted.

  • Procedure to update credentials might be problematic on OpenShift when accessing the cluster externally using routes (RS issue)(RED-73251)(RED-75329)
    To workaround this, access the API from within the K8s cluster.

  • On Windows, log_collector doesn't recognize the namespace given with the -n flag (RED-83532)
    To workaround this, use a different operating system.

  • Active-Active database creation will fail if the ingress class annotation is not exactly "nginx" when using Nginx ingress controller (RED-83070)

  • Failures during the node shutdown/drain process were not preventing node shutdown. Fixed the process to do retries. The duration of the retries is controllable via the "redisEnterpriseTerminationGracePeriodSeconds" parameter within REC. (RED-75388)


07 Jul 18:41
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The Redis Enterprise K8s 6.2.10-45 supports the Redis Enterprise Software release 6.2.10 and includes feature improvements and bug fixes.

The key bug fixes and known limitations are described below.


This release includes the following container images:

  • Redis Enterprise: redislabs/redis:6.2.10-129 or redislabs/redis:6.2.10-129.rhel8-openshift
  • Operator: redislabs/operator:6.2.10-45
  • Services Rigger: redislabs/k8s-controller:6.2.10-45 or redislabs/services-manager:6.2.10-45 (on the Red Hat registry)

Feature improvements

  • OpenShift OperatorLifecycleManager support on restricted networks (RED-72968)
  • log_collector script uses oc command with automatic detection of OpenShift (RED-73215)
  • Operator uses policy/v1 for PodDistruptionBudget(RED-78564)
  • Added support for Kubernetes distributions (see Compatibility notes below)

Fixed bugs

  • Upgrade failures when RHEL7 was used (RED-77890)
  • Log collector failures when Python2 was used (RED-73403)

API changes

The digestHash optional field added to imageSpec fields in the REC. This field should be used in disconnected environments using the OperatorLifecycleManager.

Compatibility notes

Below is a table showing supported distributions at the time of this release. See Supported Kubernetes distributions for the current list of supported distributions.

Kubernetes version 1.19 1.20 1.21 1.22 1.23 1.24
Community Kubernetes deprecated supported supported supported*
Amazon EKS deprecated deprecated supported supported*
Azure AKS deprecated supported supported
Google GKE deprecated deprecated supported supported supported*
Rancher 2.6 deprecated deprecated supported supported
OpenShift version 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10
deprecated deprecated supported supported
VMware TKGI version 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13
deprecated deprecated supported* supported*

* Support added in this release

Support added

  • K8s community version 1.24


  • OpenShift 4.7-4.8
  • Kubernetes 1.20
  • Rancher 2.6 for K8s 1.19-1.20
  • TKGI 1.10-11

No longer supported

  • OpenShift 4.6 (previously deprecated)
  • Kubernetes 1.18-1.19 (previously deprecated)
  • Rancher 2.6 for K8s 1.18 (previously deprecated)
  • AKS 1.20-1.21 (previously deprecated)
  • EKS 1.18-1.19 (previously deprecated)
  • GKE 1.19 (previously deprecated)

Known limitations

  • Long cluster names cause routes to be rejected (RED-25871)

    A cluster name longer than 20 characters will result in a rejected route configuration because the host part of the domain name will exceed 63 characters. The workaround is to limit cluster name to 20 characters or less.

  • Cluster CR (REC) errors are not reported after invalid updates (RED-25542)

    A cluster CR specification error is not reported if two or more invalid CR resources are updated in sequence.

  • An unreachable cluster has status running (RED-32805)

    When a cluster is in an unreachable state, the state is still running instead of being reported as an error.

  • Readiness probe incorrect on failures (RED-39300)

    STS Readiness probe does not mark a node as "not ready" when running rladmin status on node failure.

  • Role missing on replica sets (RED-39002)

    The redis-enterprise-operator role is missing permission on replica sets.

  • Internal DNS and Kubernetes DNS may have conflicts (RED-37462)

    DNS conflicts are possible between the cluster mdns_server and the K8s DNS. This only impacts DNS resolution from within cluster nodes for Kubernetes DNS names.

  • 5.4.10 negatively impacts 5.4.6 (RED-37233)

    Kubernetes-based 5.4.10 deployments seem to negatively impact existing 5.4.6 deployments that share a Kubernetes cluster.

  • Node CPU usage is reported instead of pod CPU usage (RED-36884)

    In Kubernetes, the node CPU usage we report on is the usage of the Kubernetes worker node hosting the REC pod.

  • Clusters must be named "rec" in OLM-based deployments (RED-39825)

    In OLM-deployed operators, the deployment of the cluster will fail if the name is not "rec". When the operator is deployed via the OLM, the security context constraints (scc) are bound to a specific service account name (i.e., "rec"). The workaround is to name the cluster "rec".

  • REC clusters fail to start on Kubernetes clusters with unsynchronized clocks (RED-47254)

    When REC clusters are deployed on Kubernetes clusters with unsynchronized clocks, the REC cluster does not start correctly. The fix is to use NTP to synchronize the underlying K8s nodes.

  • Deleting an OpenShift project with an REC deployed may hang (RED-47192)

    When a REC cluster is deployed in a project (namespace) and has REDB resources, the REDB resources must be deleted first before the REC can be deleted. As such, until the REDB resources are deleted, the project deletion will hang. The fix is to delete the REDB resources first and the REC second. Afterwards, you may delete the project.

  • REC extraLabels are not applied to PVCs on K8s versions 1.15 or older (RED-51921)

    In K8s 1.15 or older, the PVC labels come from the match selectors and not the PVC templates. As such, these versions cannot support PVC labels. If this feature is required, the only fix is to upgrade the K8s cluster to a newer version.

  • Hashicorp Vault integration - no support for Gesher (RED-55080)

    There is no workaround at this time.

  • REC might report error states on initial startup (RED-61707)

    There is no workaround at this time except to ignore the errors.

  • PVC size issues when using decimal value in spec (RED-62132)

    The workaround for this issue is to make sure you use integer values for the PVC size.

  • Following old revision of quick start guide causes issues creating an REDB due to unrecognized memory field name (RED-69515)

The workaround is to use the newer (current) revision of the quick start document available online.

  • autoUpgrade set to true by operator might cause unexpected bdb upgrades when redisUpgradePolicy is set to true (RED-72351)

    Contact support if your deployment is impacted.

  • Procedure to update credentials might be problematic on OpenShift when accessing the cluster externally using routes (RS issue)(RED-73251)(RED-75329)
    To workaround this, access the API from within the K8s cluster.


11 May 23:48
Choose a tag to compare


The Redis Enterprise K8s 6.2.10-34 supports the Redis Enterprise Software release 6.2.10 and includes feature improvements and bug fixes.

The key new features, bug fixes, and known limitations are described below.

Do not upgrade to this 6.2.10-34 release if you are an OpenShift customer and also use modules.

There was a change in 6.2.10-34 to a new RHEL 8 base image for the Redis Server image. Due to binary differences in modules between the two operating systems, you cannot directly update RHEL 7 clusters to RHEL 8 when those clusters host databases using modules.

This message will be updated as remediation plans and new steps are available to address this situation. Please contact support if you have further questions.


This release includes the following container images:

  • Redis Enterprise: redislabs/redis:6.2.10-107 or redislabs/redis:6.2.10-107.rhel8-openshift
  • Operator: redislabs/operator:6.2.10-34
  • Services Rigger: redislabs/k8s-controller:6.2.10-34 or redislabs/services-manager:6.2.10-34 (on the Red Hat registry)

New features

  • Support database upgrade policy (major/latest) for REDB resources (RED-71028)
  • Support for memcached type databases for REDB (RED-70284)(RED-75269)
  • Use RHEL8 base images for OpenShift deployments (RED-72374)

Feature improvements

  • OpenShift 4.10 support (RED-73966)
  • Allow setting host time zone on running containers (RED-56810)
  • AKS 1.23 support (RED-73965)
  • EKS 1.22 support (RED-73972)

Fixed bugs

  • Outdated SCC YAML file (RED-72026) (RED-73341)
  • Admission container startup failure (RED-72081)
  • Admission container restarts due to race condition with config map creation (RED-72268)
  • Incorrect REDB status report during cluster recovery (RED-72944)
  • Invalid REDB spec not always rejected by admission controller (RED-73145)

Compatibility notes

Below is a table showing supported distributions at the time of this release. See Supported Kubernetes distributions for the current list of supported distributions.

Kubernetes version 1.19 1.20 1.21 1.22 1.23
Community Kubernetes deprecated deprecated supported supported supported*
Amazon EKS supported supported supported
Azure AKS supported supported supported*
Google GKE supported supported supported supported
Rancher 2.6 supported supported supported supported
OpenShift version 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10
deprecated deprecated supported supported supported*
VMware TKGI version 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13
supported supported supported*

* Support added in most recent release

Now supported

  • OpenShift 4.10 is now supported
  • kOps (Community Kubernetes) 1.23 is now supported
  • AKS 1.23 is now supported
  • EKS 1.22 is now supported


  • OpenShift 4.6-4.7 is deprecated
  • kOps (Community Kubernetes) 1.18-1.20 are deprecated
  • GKE 1.19 is deprecated
  • Rancher 2.6 - K8s 1.18 is deprecated
  • AKS 1.20-1.21 are deprecated
  • EKS 1.18-1.19 are deprecated

No longer supported

  • Rancher version 2.5 (previously deprecated) is no longer supported (not supported by SUSE)
  • OpenShift version 3.11 (previously deprecated) is no longer supported.

Known limitations

Do not upgrade to this 6.2.10-34 release if you are an OpenShift customer and also use modules.

There was a change in 6.2.10-34 to a new RHEL 8 base image for the Redis Server image. Due to binary differences in modules between the two operating systems, you cannot directly update RHEL 7 clusters to RHEL 8 when those clusters host databases using modules.

This message will be updated as remediation plans and new steps are available to address this situation. Please contact support if you have further questions.

  • Long cluster names cause routes to be rejected (RED-25871)

    A cluster name longer than 20 characters will result in a rejected route configuration because the host part of the domain name will exceed 63 characters. The workaround is to limit cluster name to 20 characters or less.

  • Cluster CR (REC) errors are not reported after invalid updates (RED-25542)

    A cluster CR specification error is not reported if two or more invalid CR resources are updated in sequence.

  • An unreachable cluster has status running (RED-32805)

    When a cluster is in an unreachable state, the state is still running instead of being reported as an error.

  • Readiness probe incorrect on failures (RED-39300)

    STS Readiness probe does not mark a node as "not ready" when running rladmin status on node failure.

  • Role missing on replica sets (RED-39002)

    The redis-enterprise-operator role is missing permission on replica sets.

  • Internal DNS and Kubernetes DNS may have conflicts (RED-37462)

    DNS conflicts are possible between the cluster mdns_server and the K8s DNS. This only impacts DNS resolution from within cluster nodes for Kubernetes DNS names.

  • 5.4.10 negatively impacts 5.4.6 (RED-37233)

    Kubernetes-based 5.4.10 deployments seem to negatively impact existing 5.4.6 deployments that share a Kubernetes cluster.

  • Node CPU usage is reported instead of pod CPU usage (RED-36884)

    In Kubernetes, the node CPU usage we report on is the usage of the Kubernetes worker node hosting the REC pod.

  • Clusters must be named "rec" in OLM-based deployments (RED-39825)

    In OLM-deployed operators, the deployment of the cluster will fail if the name is not "rec". When the operator is deployed via the OLM, the security context constraints (scc) are bound to a specific service account name (i.e., "rec"). The workaround is to name the cluster "rec".

  • REC clusters fail to start on Kubernetes clusters with unsynchronized clocks (RED-47254)

    When REC clusters are deployed on Kubernetes clusters with unsynchronized clocks, the REC cluster does not start correctly. The fix is to use NTP to synchronize the underlying K8s nodes.

  • Deleting an OpenShift project with an REC deployed may hang (RED-47192)

    When a REC cluster is deployed in a project (namespace) and has REDB resources, the REDB resources must be deleted first before the REC can be deleted. As such, until the REDB resources are deleted, the project deletion will hang. The fix is to delete the REDB resources first and the REC second. Afterwards, you may delete the project.

  • REC extraLabels are not applied to PVCs on K8s versions 1.15 or older (RED-51921)

    In K8s 1.15 or older, the PVC labels come from the match selectors and not the PVC templates. As such, these versions cannot support PVC labels. If this feature is required, the only fix is to upgrade the K8s cluster to a newer version.

  • Hashicorp Vault integration - no support for Gesher (RED-55080)

    There is no workaround at this time.

  • REC might report error states on initial startup (RED-61707)

    There is no workaround at this time except to ignore the errors.

  • PVC size issues when using decimal value in spec (RED-62132)

    The workaround for this issue is to make sure you use integer values for the PVC size.

  • Following old revision of quick start guide causes issues creating an REDB due to unrecognized memory field name (RED-69515)

The workaround is to use the newer (current) revision of the quick start document available online.

  • autoUpgrade set to true by operator might cause unexpected bdb upgrades when redisUpgradePolicy is set to true (RED-72351)

    Contact support if your deployment is impacted.

  • Procedure to update credentials might be problematic on OpenShift when accessing the cluster externally using routes (RS issue)(RED-73251)(RED-75329)
    To workaround this, access the API from within the K8s cluster.


03 Mar 19:42
Choose a tag to compare


The Redis Enterprise K8s 6.2.10-4 supports the Redis Enterprise Software release 6.2.10 and includes feature improvements and bug fixes.

The key new features, bug fixes, and known limitations are described below.


This release includes the following container images:

  • Redis Enterprise: redislabs/redis:6.2.10-90 or redislabs/redis:6.2.10-90.rhel7-openshift
  • Operator: redislabs/operator:6.2.10-4
  • Services Rigger: redislabs/k8s-controller:6.2.10-4 or redislabs/services-manager:6.2.10-4 (on the Red Hat registry)

Feature improvements

  • REDB status - bundled Redis versions for cluster shown in status (RED-44074)
  • OLM (OperatorHub) - example REC contains image references to Red Hat servers (RED-44439)
  • REDB status - added information about database backups (RED-45577)
  • Added dedicated metrics exporter service (service name ending in -prom). Using the service is recommended for gathering Prometheus data about the cluster. Using the service with the REC service is deprecated (RED-61807)
  • REDB - added support for shard_placement
  • RS 6.2.10 support (RED-69142)
  • REDB - control autoUpgrade (RED-71157)

Fixed bugs

  • Cluster no longer refuses wrong sized volume to create clusters (error shown instead) (RED-61284)

  • Resolved high CPU usage when many pods are running within the namespace (RED-69682)

  • TKGI - support 1.11/1.12 (RED-70579)

  • Fixed rack awareness label in documentation (RED-70622)

  • Fixed crash in admission container when admission service is missing (RED-70678)

  • Services rigger deployment generation no longer increases without changes (RED-70835)

Known limitations

Long cluster names cause routes to be rejected (RED-25871)

A cluster name longer than 20 characters will result in a rejected route configuration because the host part of the domain name will exceed 63 characters. The workaround is to limit cluster name to 20 characters or less.

Cluster CR (REC) errors are not reported after invalid updates (RED-25542)

A cluster CR specification error is not reported if two or more invalid CR resources are updated in sequence.

An unreachable cluster has status running (RED-32805)

When a cluster is in an unreachable state, the state is still running instead of being reported as an error.

Readiness probe incorrect on failures (RED-39300)

STS Readiness probe does not mark a node as "not ready" when running rladmin status on node failure.

Role missing on replica sets (RED-39002)

The redis-enterprise-operator role is missing permission on replica sets.

Private registries are not supported on OpenShift 3.11 (RED-38579)

OpenShift 3.11 does not support DockerHub private registries. This is a known OpenShift issue.

Internal DNS and Kubernetes DNS may have conflicts (RED-37462)

DNS conflicts are possible between the cluster mdns_server and the K8s DNS. This only impacts DNS resolution from within cluster nodes for Kubernetes DNS names.

5.4.10 negatively impacts 5.4.6 (RED-37233)

Kubernetes-based 5.4.10 deployments seem to negatively impact existing 5.4.6 deployments that share a Kubernetes cluster.

Node CPU usage is reported instead of pod CPU usage (RED-36884)

In Kubernetes, the node CPU usage we report on is the usage of the Kubernetes worker node hosting the REC pod.

Clusters must be named "rec" in OLM-based deployments (RED-39825)

In OLM-deployed operators, the deployment of the cluster will fail if the name is not "rec". When the operator is deployed via the OLM, the security context constraints (scc) are bound to a specific service account name (i.e., "rec"). The workaround is to name the cluster "rec".

REC clusters fail to start on Kubernetes clusters with unsynchronized clocks (RED-47254)

When REC clusters are deployed on Kubernetes clusters with unsynchronized clocks, the REC cluster does not start correctly. The fix is to use NTP to synchronize the underlying K8s nodes.

Deleting an OpenShift project with an REC deployed may hang (RED-47192)

When a REC cluster is deployed in a project (namespace) and has REDB resources, the
REDB resources must be deleted first before the REC can be deleted. As such, until the
REDB resources are deleted, the project deletion will hang. The fix is to delete the
REDB resources first and the REC second. Afterwards, you may delete the project.

REC extraLabels are not applied to PVCs on K8s versions 1.15 or older (RED-51921)

In K8s 1.15 or older, the PVC labels come from the match selectors and not the
PVC templates. As such, these versions cannot support PVC labels. If this feature
is required, the only fix is to upgrade the K8s cluster to a newer version.

Hashicorp Vault integration - no support for Gesher (RED-55080)

There is no workaround at this time.

REC might report error states on initial startup (RED-61707)

There is no workaround at this time except to ignore the errors.

PVC size issues when using decimal value in spec (RED-62132)

The workaround for this issue is to make sure you use integer values for the PVC size.

Following old revision of quick start guide causes issues creating an REDB due to unrecognized memory field name (RED-69515)

The workaround is to use the newer (current) revision of the quick start document available online.

autoUpgrade set to true by operator might cause unexpected bdb upgrades when redisUpgradePolicy is set to true (RED-72351)

Contact support if your deployment is impacted.

Compatibility Notes

See Supported Kubernetes distributions for the full list of supported distributions.

Now supported

  • TKGI 1.11 (K8s 1.20) is supported


  • Rancher version 2.5 support is deprecated

No longer supported

  • Rancher version 2.5 / K8s 1.17 (previously deprecated) is no longer supported (not supported by SUSE)


19 Jan 22:27
Choose a tag to compare


The Redis Enterprise K8s 6.2.8-15 is a maintenance release for the Redis Enterprise Software release 6.2.8 and includes bug fixes.

The key new features, bug fixes, and known limitations are described below.


This release includes the following container images:

  • Redis Enterprise: redislabs/redis:6.2.8-64 or redislabs/redis:6.2.8-64.rhel7-openshift
  • Operator: redislabs/operator:6.2.8-15
  • Services Rigger: redislabs/k8s-controller:6.2.8-15 or redislabs/services-manager:6.2.8-15 (on the Red Hat registry)

Fixed bugs

  • Upgrading with the bundle using kubectl apply -f fails giving error (RED-69570):

    The CustomResourceDefinition "" is invalid: spec.preserveUnknownFields: Invalid value: true: must be false in order to use defaults in the schema.
  • Removed unneeded certificates from the Redis Enterprise Software container (RED-69661, RED-60086)

Known limitations

Long cluster names cause routes to be rejected (RED-25871)

A cluster name longer than 20 characters will result in a rejected route configuration because the host part of the domain name will exceed 63 characters. The workaround is to limit cluster name to 20 characters or less.

Cluster CR (REC) errors are not reported after invalid updates (RED-25542)

A cluster CR specification error is not reported if two or more invalid CR resources are updated in sequence.

An unreachable cluster has status running (RED-32805)

When a cluster is in an unreachable state, the state is still running instead of being reported as an error.

Readiness probe incorrect on failures (RED-39300)

STS Readiness probe does not mark a node as "not ready" when running rladmin status on node failure.

Role missing on replica sets (RED-39002)

The redis-enterprise-operator role is missing permission on replica sets.

Private registries are not supported on OpenShift 3.11 (RED-38579)

OpenShift 3.11 does not support DockerHub private registries. This is a known OpenShift issue.

Internal DNS and Kubernetes DNS may have conflicts (RED-37462)

DNS conflicts are possible between the cluster mdns_server and the K8s DNS. This only impacts DNS resolution from within cluster nodes for Kubernetes DNS names.

5.4.10 negatively impacts 5.4.6 (RED-37233)

Kubernetes-based 5.4.10 deployments seem to negatively impact existing 5.4.6 deployments that share a Kubernetes cluster.

Node CPU usage is reported instead of pod CPU usage (RED-36884)

In Kubernetes, the node CPU usage we report on is the usage of the Kubernetes worker node hosting the REC pod.

Clusters must be named "rec" in OLM-based deployments (RED-39825)

In OLM-deployed operators, the deployment of the cluster will fail if the name is not "rec". When the operator is deployed via the OLM, the security context constraints (scc) are bound to a specific service account name (i.e., "rec"). The workaround is to name the cluster "rec".

REC clusters fail to start on Kubernetes clusters with unsynchronized clocks (RED-47254)

When REC clusters are deployed on Kubernetes clusters with unsynchronized clocks, the REC cluster does not start correctly. The fix is to use NTP to synchronize the underlying K8s nodes.

Deleting an OpenShift project with an REC deployed may hang (RED-47192)

When a REC cluster is deployed in a project (namespace) and has REDB resources, the
REDB resources must be deleted first before the REC can be deleted. As such, until the
REDB resources are deleted, the project deletion will hang. The fix is to delete the
REDB resources first and the REC second. Afterwards, you may delete the project.

REC extraLabels are not applied to PVCs on K8s versions 1.15 or older (RED-51921)

In K8s 1.15 or older, the PVC labels come from the match selectors and not the
PVC templates. As such, these versions cannot support PVC labels. If this feature
is required, the only fix is to upgrade the K8s cluster to a newer version.

Hashicorp Vault integration - no support for Gesher (RED-55080)

There is no workaround at this time

REC might report error states on initial startup (RED-61707)

There is no workaround at this time except to ignore the errors.

PVC size issues when using decimal value in spec (RED-62132)

The workaround for this issue is to make sure you use integer values for the PVC size.

Following old revision of quick start guide causes issues creating an REDB due to unrecognized memory field name

The workaround is to use the newer (current) revision of the quick start document available online.

Compatibility Notes

See Supported Kubernetes distributions for the full list of supported distributions.


11 Jan 20:45
Choose a tag to compare


The Redis Enterprise K8s 6.2.8-11 release provides support for the Redis Enterprise Software release 6.2.8 and includes several enhancements and bug fixes.

The key new features, bug fixes, and known limitations are described below.


This release includes the following container images:

  • Redis Enterprise: redislabs/redis:6.2.8-53 or redislabs/redis:6.2.8-53.rhel7-openshift
  • Operator: redislabs/operator:6.2.8-11
  • Services Rigger: redislabs/k8s-controller:6.2.8-11 or redislabs/services-manager:6.2.8-11 (on the Red Hat registry)

Feature improvements

  • Istio gateway/virtual services are supported as ingress controllers. Note that for Active-Active databases, the Redis operator doesn't create ingress rules, and those should be manually configured. The version of Istio that was tested is Istio 1.12.0 (RED-64020)
  • Support for K8s 1.22 (AKS, kOps, GKE) and OpenShift 4.9 (RED-64016)
  • Support for pod termination grace period customization in the REC (advanced use case) (RED-67217)
  • Improved security granularity of SCC configuration steps in documentation (RED-67321)
  • Changed behavior when two databases with the same name are created on the cluster. The operator avoids creating a service for them to prevent possible corruption (RED-64535)
  • Improved documentation about changing cluster credentials when using Hashicorp Vault (RED-65304)

Fixed bugs

  • Upgraded Go dependencies marked as vulnerable (RED-63858, RED-68651)
  • Avoided flooding operator logs with deprecation notices on K8s 1.21 (RED-67544)
  • Fixed log collector utility issues running on Microsoft Windows (RED-67682)
  • Fixed excessive updates to the RS cluster when using Windows line endings for TLS certificates (RED-67874)

Known limitations

Upgrading with the bundle using kubectl apply -f fails (RED-69515)

Upgrading with the bundle using kubectl apply -f fails, giving the following error:

The CustomResourceDefinition "" is invalid: spec.preserveUnknownFields: Invalid value: true: must be false in order to use defaults in the schema

Workaround: Before the upgrade, set the 'spec.preserveUnknownFields` value to false on the REC custom resource. You can use the following command:

kubectl patch crd -p $'spec:\n preserveUnknownFields: false'

Long cluster names cause routes to be rejected (RED-25871)

A cluster name longer than 20 characters will result in a rejected route configuration because the host part of the domain name will exceed 63 characters. The workaround is to limit cluster name to 20 characters or less.

Cluster CR (REC) errors are not reported after invalid updates (RED-25542)

A cluster CR specification error is not reported if two or more invalid CR resources are updated in sequence.

An unreachable cluster has status running (RED-32805)

When a cluster is in an unreachable state, the state is still running instead of being reported as an error.

Readiness probe incorrect on failures (RED-39300)

STS Readiness probe does not mark a node as "not ready" when running rladmin status on node failure.

Role missing on replica sets (RED-39002)

The redis-enterprise-operator role is missing permission on replica sets.

Private registries are not supported on OpenShift 3.11 (RED-38579)

OpenShift 3.11 does not support DockerHub private registries. This is a known OpenShift issue.

Internal DNS and Kubernetes DNS may have conflicts (RED-37462)

DNS conflicts are possible between the cluster mdns_server and the K8s DNS. This only impacts DNS resolution from within cluster nodes for Kubernetes DNS names.

5.4.10 negatively impacts 5.4.6 (RED-37233)

Kubernetes-based 5.4.10 deployments seem to negatively impact existing 5.4.6 deployments that share a Kubernetes cluster.

Node CPU usage is reported instead of pod CPU usage (RED-36884)

In Kubernetes, the node CPU usage we report on is the usage of the Kubernetes worker node hosting the REC pod.

Clusters must be named "rec" in OLM-based deployments (RED-39825)

In OLM-deployed operators, the deployment of the cluster will fail if the name is not "rec". When the operator is deployed via the OLM, the security context constraints (scc) are bound to a specific service account name (i.e., "rec"). The workaround is to name the cluster "rec".

REC clusters fail to start on Kubernetes clusters with unsynchronized clocks (RED-47254)

When REC clusters are deployed on Kubernetes clusters with unsynchronized clocks, the REC cluster does not start correctly. The fix is to use NTP to synchronize the underlying K8s nodes.

Deleting an OpenShift project with an REC deployed may hang (RED-47192)

When a REC cluster is deployed in a project (namespace) and has REDB resources, the
REDB resources must be deleted first before the REC can be deleted. As such, until the
REDB resources are deleted, the project deletion will hang. The fix is to delete the
REDB resources first and the REC second. Afterwards, you may delete the project.

REC extraLabels are not applied to PVCs on K8s versions 1.15 or older (RED-51921)

In K8s 1.15 or older, the PVC labels come from the match selectors and not the
PVC templates. As such, these versions cannot support PVC labels. If this feature
is required, the only fix is to upgrade the K8s cluster to a newer version.

Hashicorp Vault integration - no support for Gesher (RED-55080)

There is no workaround at this time

REC might report error states on initial startup (RED-61707)

There is no workaround at this time except to ignore the errors.

PVC size issues when using decimal value in spec (RED-62132)

The workaround for this issue is to make sure you use integer values for the PVC size.

Following old revision of quick start guide causes issues creating an REDB due to unrecognized memory field name

The workaround is to use the newer (current) revision of the quick start document available online.

Compatibility Notes

See Supported Kubernetes distributions for the full list of supported distributions.

Now supported

This release adds support for the following:

  • K8s 1.22 for GKE, AKS, and kOps
  • OpenShift 4.9 (uses K8s 1.22)


  • Rancher 2.5/K8s 1.17 support is deprecated

No longer supported

This release removes support for the following:

  • Rancher 2.4 (previously deprecated)