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Nefaro edited this page Jan 10, 2022 · 5 revisions

After successful installation, the modded game wont run

There is an issue where Windows is complaining about the mods (the .dll files) being from another computer. The effect is that when trying to run the modded .exe (with mods in place) nothing happens, however, without the mod folder (or without the mod .dll's) being in place, the game runs

What happens is that the downloaded files get tagged by Windows as being from the internet and hence should be blocked from being used. This tag is also carried over to the contents of the .zip file if one is using the Windows built-in zipping. I am not (using 7-zip instead) and hence I didn't encounter this issue when testing.

There are 2 (+1) workarounds:

  • First, if you have any other program supporting the .zip file, use that, rather than Windows' built-in
  • The second option, after copying over the mods, need to change the properties for the .dll's included (in "Gnoll Mods/endabled") . Right click -> properties -> Security (bottom at the dialog) -> check "Unblock".
  • Third (+1) option, you can always build the mods yourself, in your own PC. This won't cause any trouble, but needs some extra steps.
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