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Idea: Gnomoria team vs team comp

Nefaro edited this page Dec 4, 2021 · 1 revision

Idea: Team vs Team competition


  • Type: Team task completion race
  • Objective: Finish a set amount of (ordered) tasks (10). Tasks are same for all the teams.
  • Win condition: Shortest (synchronized team) time for completing all tasks


  • Team consists of given number of players/settlements (5)


  • Tasks are in 3 categories: Easy, Advanced, Hard
  • Example of easy task: Collect set amount of Tier1 resources
  • Example of advanced task: Craft set amount of Tier2 resources
  • Example of hard task: Have a set amount of Golem/Automata population
  • Each category has a set of predefined task (the more the better)
  • Before comp, set amount of tasks (10) are randomly drawn, trying to have equal amount of tasks from each category
  • Example selection of tasks: 3 from Easy, 4 from Advanced, 3 from Hard
  • Tasks are ordered, Easy category first, Advanced second, Hard third
  • It is permissible to work on any tasks, but tasks completion conditions are evaluated in the task order given
  • All tasks are revealed at the same time to everyone, provided that the "reveal" condition has been met

Time tracking

  • The time tracking is done by in-game days
  • Every calculation and data processing (ie task completion condition evaluation) is done on the same in-game day
  • Per team processing is done when every team member has submitted its data for the given day

Proposed execution plan for the competition

  • Collect teams, register each team member
  • Define real-life timeframe (1 month)
  • Define start time and end time
  • Define task reveal condition
  • Proposed reveal condition: all tasks are revealed for everyone in case every team has 2 of the 5 members survived the first winter
  • Proposed alternative reveal condition: tasks are revealed for a team that has 2 of the 5 members survived the first winter
  • 3 of the 5 can wait for task reveal (to specialize) or can start right away
  • New game settings are not bound (any configuration is accepted)
  • Vanilla game only: no mods
  • After start, accept incoming data
  • Incoming data is daily status of a settlement
  • Each team member sends (in-game) daily status from which general stats and task completion conditions are computed
  • Team data is processed, when each member has sent data for the given in-game days
  • Task completion is computed and validated in the order of the tasks
  • When end time has been reached, no data is accepted anymore
  • If a team member is missing data for a day and not all tasks are fulfilled, the data is filled from the last known good state
  • Data is processed until all tasks are completed or until the latest in-game date available for the team.

Problems? Issues?

  • Getting daily in-game data
    • Can be a mod + web server setup
    • Mod sends (reduced) data on sunrise
    • Need to ID the player, unique key/token
    • Register player to comp (on server), get key, add key to mod and start game
  • Player sends data for different save-games
    • Need to (unique) ID the game ?
    • Have an in-game start where the comp ID is asked and tied this to the current savegame ?
  • Probably more things ...