- Node 19.4
- Moodle 4.1 with Boost theme
- Clone that repository into your Moodle
git clone git@github.com:NHSLeadership/moodle-nhse.git nhse
- Before activating theme in Moodle theme selector the dependencies need loading.
npm install
Tested with NPM v9.2.0 and Node v19.4.0, you can check both versions with:
npm -v
node -v
Proceed with Moodle installer instructions when new theme is detected
If you need to change any dependencies of the SCSS files please remember to clear Moodle caches in Moodle admin panel
. Moodle SCSS compiler will do the rest for you.
Update version.php
Update composer.json
Merge from develop to main
git checkout main && git pull
git tag YYYYMMDDXX && git push --tags
(Moodle format where YYYYMMDD is the current date and XX is the release number, e.g. 2023042301 for the first release on 23rd April 2023) -
Allow GitHub Actions to complete.