This is a repository for my Cert III Introduction to Programming project, which is making Worlde the NYT owned web game.
The following file will contain documentation about this project.
WARNING: Make sure files are all present before running
This script was made in [email protected], and should work with [email protected] and above.
pip3.11 install colorama pyyaml
- random | pip-name (N/A)
- pathlib | pip-name (N/A)
- base64 | pip-name (N/A)
- subprocess | pip-name (N/A)
- debug_module | pip-name (N/A)
- options_module | pip-name (N/A)
- client | pip-name (N/A)
- yaml | pip-name (pyyaml)
- colorama | pip-name (colorama)
- plistlib | pip-name (N/A)
- platform | pip-name (N/A)
Functions / Methods
Choose a random word from target_words.txt
import random
import pathlib
TARGET_WORDS = pathlib.Path('./word-bank/target_words.txt')
VALID_WORDS = pathlib.Path('./word-bank/all_words.txt')
def load_files():
target_words_contents = []
valid_words_contents = []
if TARGET_WORDS.exists():
with open(TARGET_WORDS, "r") as words:
target_words_contents =
print("The", TARGET_WORDS, "file required to run the game cant be found")
if VALID_WORDS.exists():
with open(VALID_WORDS, "r") as valid_words:
valid_words_contents =
print("The", VALID_WORDS, "file required to run the game cant be found")
return target_words_contents, valid_words_contents
def select_word():
target_words_contents = load_files()[0]
selected_word = random.choice(target_words_contents)
return selected_word
Ask User for input and compare requirements
from colorama import Fore, Back, Style
def get_user_input(selected_word, cheat, config, tries):
if cheat:
print("Word:", selected_word)
print("What's the fun in this") # Shows user is cheating
user_word = input(CYAN + "Enter a 5-letter word: " + Style.RESET_ALL) # Asks for user input
user_word = user_word.lower() # Makes users input lowercase
valid_words_contents = load_files()[1] # Calls the valid words from the returned tuple from the load_files function
if len(user_word) == 5: # Checks the user inputted a 5 letter word as asked
if user_word in valid_words_contents:
return algorithm(user_word, selected_word, tries, config, cheat)
print(Fore.RED + "Invalid word")
get_user_input(selected_word, cheat, config, tries)
print(Fore.RED + "Must be a 5 letter word. Try again.")
get_user_input(selected_word, cheat, config, tries)