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File metadata and controls

115 lines (78 loc) · 2.99 KB


This is a repository for my Cert III Introduction to Programming project, which is making Worlde the NYT owned web game.

The following file will contain documentation about this project.

WARNING: Make sure files are all present before running

Main Points


This script was made in [email protected], and should work with [email protected] and above.

Now you are going to want to install (insert packages here).

Shell Commands (use pip3.11 to avoid installation of default PATH)

pip3.11 install colorama pyyaml

Developer Info

Modules used:

  • random | pip-name (N/A)
  • pathlib | pip-name (N/A)
  • base64 | pip-name (N/A)
  • subprocess | pip-name (N/A)
  • debug_module | pip-name (N/A)
  • options_module | pip-name (N/A)
  • client | pip-name (N/A)
  • yaml | pip-name (pyyaml)
  • colorama | pip-name (colorama)
  • plistlib | pip-name (N/A)
  • platform | pip-name (N/A)

Functions / Methods

Choose a random word from target_words.txt

import random
import pathlib

TARGET_WORDS = pathlib.Path('./word-bank/target_words.txt')
VALID_WORDS = pathlib.Path('./word-bank/all_words.txt')


def load_files():
    target_words_contents = []
    valid_words_contents = []

    if TARGET_WORDS.exists():
        with open(TARGET_WORDS, "r") as words:
            target_words_contents =
        print("The", TARGET_WORDS, "file required to run the game cant be found")

    if VALID_WORDS.exists():
        with open(VALID_WORDS, "r") as valid_words:
            valid_words_contents =
        print("The", VALID_WORDS, "file required to run the game cant be found")

    return target_words_contents, valid_words_contents

def select_word():
    target_words_contents = load_files()[0]
    selected_word = random.choice(target_words_contents)
    return selected_word

Ask User for input and compare requirements

from colorama import Fore, Back, Style

def get_user_input(selected_word, cheat, config, tries):
    if cheat:
        print("Word:", selected_word)
        print("What's the fun in this") # Shows user is cheating 

    user_word = input(CYAN + "Enter a 5-letter word: " + Style.RESET_ALL) # Asks for user input 
    user_word = user_word.lower() # Makes users input lowercase 

    valid_words_contents = load_files()[1] # Calls the valid words from the returned tuple from the load_files function

    if len(user_word) == 5: # Checks the user inputted a 5 letter word as asked
        if user_word in valid_words_contents:
            return algorithm(user_word, selected_word, tries, config, cheat)
            print(Fore.RED + "Invalid word")
            get_user_input(selected_word, cheat, config, tries)
        print(Fore.RED + "Must be a 5 letter word. Try again.")
        get_user_input(selected_word, cheat, config, tries)