💞 If you find OpenSceneFlow useful to your research, please cite our works 📖 and give a star 🌟 as encouragement. (੭ˊ꒳ˋ)੭✧
OpenSceneFlow is a codebase for point cloud scene flow estimation. It is also an official implementation of the following papers (sored by the time of publication):
Flow4D: Leveraging 4D Voxel Network for LiDAR Scene Flow Estimation
Jaeyeul Kim, Jungwan Woo, Ukcheol Shin, Jean Oh, Sunghoon Im
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L) 2025
[ Backbone ] [ Supervised ] - [ arXiv ] [ Project ] → here -
SSF: Sparse Long-Range Scene Flow for Autonomous Driving
Ajinkya Khoche, Qingwen Zhang, Laura Pereira Sánchez, Aron Asefaw, Sina Sharif Mansouri and Patric Jensfelt
International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2025
[ Backbone ] [ Supervised ] - [ arXiv ] [ Project ] → here -
SeFlow: A Self-Supervised Scene Flow Method in Autonomous Driving
Qingwen Zhang, Yi Yang, Peizheng Li, Olov Andersson, Patric Jensfelt
European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) 2024
[ Strategy ] [ Self-Supervised ] - [ arXiv ] [ Project ] → here -
DeFlow: Decoder of Scene Flow Network in Autonomous Driving
Qingwen Zhang, Yi Yang, Heng Fang, Ruoyu Geng, Patric Jensfelt
International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2024
[ Backbone ] [ Supervised ] - [ arXiv ] [ Project ] → here
🎁 One repository, All methods! Additionally, OpenSceneFlow integrates following excellent works: ICLR'24 ZeroFlow, ICCV'23 FastNSF, RA-L'21 FastFlow3D, NeurIPS'21 NSFP. (More on the way...)
Summary of them:
- FastFlow3D: RA-L 2021, a basic backbone model.
- ZeroFlow: ICLR 2024, their pre-trained weight can covert into our format easily through the script.
- NSFP: NeurIPS 2021, faster 3x than original version because of our CUDA speed up, same (slightly better) performance. Done coding, public after review.
- FastNSF: ICCV 2023. SSL optimization-based. Done coding, public after review.
- ICP-Flow: CVPR 2024. SSL optimization-based. Done coding, public after review.
💡: Want to learn how to add your own network in this structure? Check Contribute section and know more about the code. Fee free to pull request and your bibtex here.
There are two ways to install the codebase: directly on your local machine or in a Docker container.
We use conda to manage the environment, you can install it follow here. Then create the base environment with the following command [5~15 minutes]:
git clone --recursive https://github.com/KTH-RPL/OpenSceneFlow.git
cd OpenSceneFlow && mamba env create -f environment.yaml
# You may need export your LD_LIBRARY_PATH with env lib
# export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/home/kin/mambaforge/lib
You always can choose Docker which isolated environment and free yourself from installation. Pull the pre-built Docker image or build manually.
# option 1: pull from docker hub
docker pull zhangkin/opensf
# run container
docker run -it --gpus all -v /dev/shm:/dev/shm -v /home/kin/data:/home/kin/data --name opensceneflow zhangkin/opensf /bin/zsh
# and better to read your own gpu device info to compile the cuda extension again:
cd /home/kin/workspace/OpenSceneFlow/assets/cuda/mmcv && /opt/conda/envs/opensf/bin/python ./setup.py install
cd /home/kin/workspace/OpenSceneFlow/assets/cuda/chamfer3D && /opt/conda/envs/opensf/bin/python ./setup.py install
mamba activate opensf
If you prefer to build the Docker image by yourself, Check build-docker-image section for more details.
Refer to dataprocess/README.md for dataset download instructions. Currently, we support Argoverse 2, Waymo, and custom datasets (more datasets will be added in the future).
After downloading, convert the raw data to .h5
format for easy training, evaluation, and visualization. Follow the steps in dataprocess/README.md#process.
For a quick start, use our mini processed dataset, which includes one scene in train
and val
. It is pre-converted to .h5
format with label data (HuggingFace/Zenodo).
wget https://huggingface.co/kin-zhang/OpenSceneFlow/resolve/main/demo_data.zip
unzip demo_data.zip -d /home/kin/data/av2/h5py
Once extracted, you can directly use this dataset to run the training script without further processing.
Some tips before running the code:
- Don't forget to active Python environment before running the code.
- If you want to use wandb, replace all
to your own entity otherwise tensorboard will be used locally. - Set correct data path by passing the config, e.g.
train_data=/home/kin/data/av2/h5py/demo/train val_data=/home/kin/data/av2/h5py/demo/val
And free yourself from trainning, you can download the pretrained weight from HuggingFace and we provided the detail wget
command in each model section.
mamba activate opensf
Train Flow4D with the leaderboard submit config. [Runtime: Around 18 hours in 4x RTX 3090 GPUs.]
python train.py model=flow4d lr=1e-3 epochs=15 batch_size=8 num_frames=5 loss_fn=deflowLoss "voxel_size=[0.2, 0.2, 0.2]" "point_cloud_range=[-51.2, -51.2, -3.2, 51.2, 51.2, 3.2]"
Pretrained weight can be downloaded through:
wget https://huggingface.co/kin-zhang/OpenSceneFlow/resolve/main/flow4d_best.ckpt
Extra pakcges needed for SSF model:
pip install mmengine-lite torch-scatter
Train SSF with the leaderboard submit config. [Runtime: Around 6 hours in 8x A100 GPUs.]
python train.py model=ssf lr=8e-3 epochs=25 batch_size=64 loss_fn=deflowLoss "voxel_size=[0.2, 0.2, 6]" "point_cloud_range=[-51.2, -51.2, -3, 51.2, 51.2, 3]"
Pretrained weight can be downloaded through:
# the leaderboard weight
wget https://huggingface.co/kin-zhang/OpenSceneFlow/resolve/main/ssf_best.ckpt
# the long-range weight:
wget https://huggingface.co/kin-zhang/OpenSceneFlow/resolve/main/ssf_long.ckpt
Train SeFlow needed to specify the loss function, we set the config of our best model in the leaderboard. [Runtime: Around 11 hours in 4x A100 GPUs.]
python train.py model=deflow lr=2e-4 epochs=9 batch_size=16 loss_fn=seflowLoss "add_seloss={chamfer_dis: 1.0, static_flow_loss: 1.0, dynamic_chamfer_dis: 1.0, cluster_based_pc0pc1: 1.0}" "model.target.num_iters=2"
Pretrained weight can be downloaded through:
wget https://huggingface.co/kin-zhang/OpenSceneFlow/resolve/main/seflow_best.ckpt
Train DeFlow with the leaderboard submit config. [Runtime: Around 6-8 hours in 4x A100 GPUs.] Please change batch_size&lr
accoordingly if you don't have enough GPU memory. (e.g. batch_size=6
for 24GB GPU)
python train.py model=deflow lr=2e-4 epochs=15 batch_size=16 loss_fn=deflowLoss
Pretrained weight can be downloaded through:
wget https://huggingface.co/kin-zhang/OpenSceneFlow/resolve/main/deflow_best.ckpt
You can view Wandb dashboard for the training and evaluation results or upload result to online leaderboard.
Since in training, we save all hyper-parameters and model checkpoints, the only thing you need to do is to specify the checkpoint path. Remember to set the data path correctly also.
# it will directly prints all metric
python eval.py checkpoint=/home/kin/seflow_best.ckpt av2_mode=val
# it will output the av2_submit.zip or av2_submit_v2.zip for you to submit to leaderboard
python eval.py checkpoint=/home/kin/seflow_best.ckpt av2_mode=test leaderboard_version=1
python eval.py checkpoint=/home/kin/seflow_best.ckpt av2_mode=test leaderboard_version=2
To submit to the Online Leaderboard, if you select av2_mode=test
, it should be a zip file for you to submit to the leaderboard.
Note: The leaderboard result in DeFlow&SeFlow main paper is version 1, as version 2 is updated after DeFlow&SeFlow.
# since the env may conflict we set new on deflow, we directly create new one:
mamba create -n py37 python=3.7
mamba activate py37
pip install "evalai"
# Step 2: login in eval and register your team
evalai set-token <your token>
# Step 3: Copy the command pop above and submit to leaderboard
evalai challenge 2010 phase 4018 submit --file av2_submit.zip --large --private
evalai challenge 2210 phase 4396 submit --file av2_submit_v2.zip --large --private
We provide a script to visualize the results of the model also. You can specify the checkpoint path and the data path to visualize the results. The step is quite similar to evaluation.
python save.py checkpoint=/home/kin/seflow_best.ckpt dataset_path=/home/kin/data/av2/preprocess_v2/sensor/vis
# The output of above command will be like:
Model: DeFlow, Checkpoint from: /home/kin/model_zoo/v2/seflow_best.ckpt
We already write the flow_est into the dataset, please run following commend to visualize the flow. Copy and paste it to your terminal:
python tools/visualization.py --res_name 'seflow_best' --data_dir /home/kin/data/av2/preprocess_v2/sensor/vis
Enjoy! ^v^ ------
# Then run the command in the terminal:
python tools/visualization.py --res_name 'seflow_best' --data_dir /home/kin/data/av2/preprocess_v2/sensor/vis
Or another way to interact with rerun but please only vis scene by scene, not all at once.
python tools/visualization_rerun.py --data_dir /home/kin/data/av2/h5py/demo/train --res_name "['flow', 'deflow']"
OpenSceneFlow is originally designed by Qingwen Zhang from DeFlow and SeFlow. If you find it useful, please cite our works:
author={Zhang, Qingwen and Yang, Yi and Li, Peizheng and Andersson, Olov and Jensfelt, Patric},
title={{SeFlow}: A Self-Supervised Scene Flow Method in Autonomous Driving},
booktitle={European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV)},
author={Zhang, Qingwen and Yang, Yi and Fang, Heng and Geng, Ruoyu and Jensfelt, Patric},
booktitle={2024 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)},
title={{DeFlow}: Decoder of Scene Flow Network in Autonomous Driving},
title={HiMo: High-Speed Objects Motion Compensation in Point Cloud},
author={Zhang, Qingwen and Khoche, Ajinkya and Yang, Yi and Ling, Li and Sina, Sharif Mansouri and Andersson, Olov and Jensfelt, Patric},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2503.00803},
And our excellent collaborators works contributed to this codebase also:
author={Kim, Jaeyeul and Woo, Jungwan and Shin, Ukcheol and Oh, Jean and Im, Sunghoon},
journal={IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters},
title={Flow4D: Leveraging 4D Voxel Network for LiDAR Scene Flow Estimation},
title={SSF: Sparse Long-Range Scene Flow for Autonomous Driving},
author={Khoche, Ajinkya and Zhang, Qingwen and Sanchez, Laura Pereira and Asefaw, Aron and Mansouri, Sina Sharif and Jensfelt, Patric},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2501.17821},
Thank you for your support! ❤️ Feel free to contribute your method and add your bibtex here by pull request!
❤️: BucketedSceneFlowEval; Pointcept; OpenPCSeg; ZeroFlow ...