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willu47 committed Oct 29, 2019
1 parent b97eca8 commit 91f830b
Showing 1 changed file with 232 additions and 0 deletions.
232 changes: 232 additions & 0 deletions fix_naming_convention/techcodes.csv
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
code (Old),code (New),Description,Group,Colour
BACKSTOP,BACKSTOP,Backstop technology,Backstop,aliceblue
BIOFUELX,BO3PRP00X,Biofuel production,Extraction/Import,aqua
BM00I00X,BIOIMP00X,Biomass imports,Extraction/Import,azure
BM00X00X,BIOPRP00X,Biomass extraction/production/refining,Extraction/Import,bisque
BMCHC01N,BIOCHC01N,Biomass & Waste CHP plant with CCS - Air cooling (new),Power_plants,blanchedalmond
BMCHC02N,BIOCHC02N,Biomass & Waste CHP plant with CCS- MDT cooling (new),Power_plants,bluegray
BMCHC03N,BIOCHC03N,Biomass & Waste CHP plant with CCS - NDT cooling (new),Power_plants,blueviolet
BMCHC04N,BIOCHC04N,Biomass & Waste CHP plant with CCS - OTF/OTS cooling (new),Power_plants,brightblue
BMCHP01O,BIOCHP01O,Biomass & Waste CHP plant - Air cooling (old),Power_plants,brown
BMCHP02O,BIOCHP02O,Biomass & Waste CHP plant - MDT cooling (old),Power_plants,cadetblue
BMCHP03O,BIOCHP03O,Biomass & Waste CHP plant - NDT cooling (old),Power_plants,chartreuse
BMCHP04O,BIOCHP04O,Biomass & Waste CHP plant - OTF/OTS cooling (old),Power_plants,coral
BMCHP01N,BIOCHP01N,Biomass & Waste CHP plant - Air cooling (new),Power_plants,cornsilk
BMCHP02N,BIOCHP02N,Biomass & Waste CHP plant - MDT cooling (new),Power_plants,cyan
BMCHP03N,BIOCHP03N,Biomass & Waste CHP plant - NDT cooling (new),Power_plants,darkcyan
BMCHP04N,BIOCHP04N,Biomass & Waste CHP plant - OTF/OTS cooling (new),Power_plants,darkgray
CH00I00X,CHAIMP00X,Charcoal imports,Extraction/Import,darkgrey
CO00I00X,COAIMP00X,"Coal imports (inland transport, maritime freight)",Extraction/Import,darkmagenta
CO00P00X,COADIP00X,Coal process (non-power sector),Conversion,darkorange
CO00X00X,COAPRP00X,Coal extraction (mining),Extraction/Import,darkred
COSCC01N,COASCC01N,Coal power plant with CCS - Air cooling (new),Power_plants,darkseagreen
COSCC02N,COASCC02N,Coal power plant with CCS - MDT cooling (new),Power_plants,darkslategray
COSCC03N,COASCC03N,Coal power plant with CCS - NDT cooling (new),Power_plants,darkturquoise
COSCC04N,COASCC04N,Coal power plant with CCS - OTF/OTS cooling (new),Power_plants,deeppink
COSCP01O,COASCP01O,Coal power plant - Air cooling (old),Power_plants,dimgray
COSCP02O,COASCP02O,Coal power plant - MDT cooling (old),Power_plants,dodgerblue
COSCP03O,COASCP03O,Coal power plant - NDT cooling (old),Power_plants,floralwhite
COSCP04O,COASCP04O,Coal power plant - OTF/OTS cooling (old),Power_plants,fuchsia
COSCP01N,COASCP01N,Coal power plant - Air cooling (new),Power_plants,ghostwhite
COSCP02N,COASCP02N,Coal power plant - MDT cooling (new),Power_plants,goldenrod
COSCP03N,COASCP03N,Coal power plant - NDT cooling (new),Power_plants,gray
COSCP04N,COASCP04N,Coal power plant - OTF/OTS cooling (new),Power_plants,greenyellow
CR00I00X,CO1IMP00X,Crude Oil imports,Extraction/Import,grey01
CR00P00X,CO1DIP00X,Crude Oil process (non-power sector),Conversion,grey03
CR00X00X,CO1PRP00X,Crude Oil extraction,Extraction/Import,grey05
CRUDPROX,CO1??????,Crude oil refinery capacity,Conversion,grey07
CRUDRE1X,CO2??????,Crude oil refinery 1,Conversion,grey11
CRUDRE2X,CO2??????,Crude oil refinery 2,Conversion,grey13
EL00T00X,EL1TRP00X,Transmission technology (Secondary to Tertiary),Transmission&Distribution,grey11
EL00TDTX,EL2DIP00X,Distribution technology (Distribution to final electricity demand),Transmission&Distribution,grey13
ETHANOLX,ETHPRP00X,Ethanol production,Extraction/Import,honeydew
FW00P00X,BIODIP00X,Firewood process (non-power sector),Conversion,indianred
GOCVP01O,GEOCVP01O,Geothermal power plant - Air cooling (old),Power_plants,ivory
GOCVP02O,GEOCVP02O,Geothermal power plant - MDT cooling (old),Power_plants,khaki
GOCVP03O,GEOCVP03O,Geothermal power plant - NDT cooling (old),Power_plants,lavenderblush
GOCVP04O,GEOCVP04O,Geothermal power plant - OTF/OTS cooling (old),Power_plants,lemonchiffon
GOCVP01N,GEOCVP01N,Geothermal power plant - Air cooling (new),Power_plants,lightpurple
GOCVP02N,GEOCVP02N,Geothermal power plant - MDT cooling (new),Power_plants,lightcoral
GOCVP03N,GEOCVP03N,Geothermal power plant - NDT cooling (new),Power_plants,lightgoldenrodyellow
GOCVP04N,GEOCVP04N,Geothermal power plant - OTF/OTS cooling (new),Power_plants,lightgreen
HE00T00X,HE2DIP00X,Heat network,Transmission&Distribution,lightivory
HF00I00X,HFOIMP00X,Heavy Fuel Oil imports,Extraction/Import,lightsalmon
HF00P00X,HFODIP00X,Heavy Fuel Oil process (non-power sector),Conversion,lightskyblue
HFGCP01O,HFOGCP01O,Oil fired gas turbine (SCGT) - Air cooling (old),Power_plants,lightslategrey
HFGCP02O,HFOGCP02O,Oil fired gas turbine (SCGT) - MDT cooling (old),Power_plants,lightteal
HFGCP03O,HFOGCP03O,Oil fired gas turbine (SCGT) - NDT cooling (old),Power_plants,lightblue2
HFGCP04O,HFOGCP04O,Oil fired gas turbine (SCGT) - OTF/OTS cooling (old),Power_plants,lime
HFGCP01N,HFOGCP01N,Oil fired gas turbine (SCGT) - Air cooling (new),Power_plants,limegreen
HFGCP02N,HFOGCP02N,Oil fired gas turbine (SCGT) - MDT cooling (new),Power_plants,magenta
HFGCP03N,HFOGCP03N,Oil fired gas turbine (SCGT) - NDT cooling (new),Power_plants,mediumaquamarine
HFGCP04N,HFOGCP04N,Oil fired gas turbine (SCGT) - OTF/OTS cooling (new),Power_plants,mediumgray
HYDMS03X,HYDLSP00X,Large hydropower plant (Dam),Power_plants,mediumpurple
HYDMS02X,HYDMSP00X,Medium hydropower plant (Run-of river),Power_plants,mediumslateblue
HYDMS01X,HYDSSP00X,Small hydropower plant,Power_plants,mediumturquoise
LF00I00X,LFOIMP00X,Light Fuel Oil imports,Extraction/Import,midnightblue
LF00P00X,LFODIP00X,Light Fuel Oil process (non-power sector),Conversion,mistyrose
LFRCFURX,LFORCP00X,Light Fuel Oil stand alone (1kW),Power_plants,mustard
LFRCP01O,LFORCP01O,Light Fuel Oil power plant - Air cooling (old),Power_plants,navy
LFRCP02O,LFORCP02O,Light Fuel Oil power plant - MDT cooling (old),Power_plants,olive
LFRCP03O,LFORCP03O,Light Fuel Oil power plant - NDT cooling (old),Power_plants,orange
LFRCP04O,LFORCP04O,Light Fuel Oil power plant - OTF/OTS cooling (old),Power_plants,orchid
LFRCP01N,LFORCP01N,Light Fuel Oil power plant - Air cooling (new),Power_plants,palegreen
LFRCP02N,LFORCP02N,Light Fuel Oil power plant - MDT cooling (new),Power_plants,paleturquoise
LFRCP03N,LFORCP03N,Light Fuel Oil power plant - NDT cooling (new),Power_plants,papayawhip
LFRCP04N,LFORCP04N,Light Fuel Oil power plant - OTF/OTS cooling (new),Power_plants,pearl
NG00I00X,NGAIMP00X,Natural gas imports (inland/offshore pipeline),Extraction/Import,pearl03
NG00ILGX,LNGIMP00X,Natural gas imports (LNG),Extraction/Import,pearl05
NG00P00X,NGADIP00X,Natural gas process (non-power sector),Conversion,peru
NG00X00X,NGAPRP00X,Natural gas extraction,Extraction/Import,pinksalmon
NGCCC01N,NGACCC01N,Natural gas power plant (combined cycle) - CCS - Air cooling (new),Power_plants,polar
NGCCC02N,NGACCC02N,Natural gas power plant (combined cycle) - CCS - MDT cooling (new),Power_plants,polarbluelight
NGCCC03N,NGACCC03N,Natural gas power plant (combined cycle) - CCS - NDT cooling (new),Power_plants,polardark
NGCCC04N,NGACCC04N,Natural gas power plant (combined cycle) - CCS - OTF/OTS cooling (new),Power_plants,polardust
NGCCP01O,NGACCP01O,Natural gas power plant (combined cycle) - Air cooling (old),Power_plants,polargreen
NGCCP02O,NGACCP02O,Natural gas power plant (combined cycle) - MDT cooling (old),Power_plants,polarpurple
NGCCP03O,NGACCP03O,Natural gas power plant (combined cycle) - NDT cooling (old),Power_plants,powderblue
NGCCP04O,NGACCP04O,Natural gas power plant (combined cycle) - OTF/OTS cooling (old),Power_plants,red
NGCCP01N,NGACCP01N,Natural gas power plant (combined cycle) - Air cooling (new),Power_plants,rosybrown
NGCCP02N,NGACCP02N,Natural gas power plant (combined cycle) - MDT cooling (new),Power_plants,saddlebrown
NGCCP03N,NGACCP03N,Natural gas power plant (combined cycle) - NDT cooling (new),Power_plants,sandybrown
NGCCP04N,NGACCP04N,Natural gas power plant (combined cycle) - OTF/OTS cooling (new),Power_plants,seagreen
NGGCP01O,NGAGCP01O,Natural gas power plant (single cycle) - Air cooling (old),Power_plants,sienna
NGGCP02O,NGAGCP02O,Natural gas power plant (single cycle) - MDT cooling (old),Power_plants,skyblue
NGGCP03O,NGAGCP03O,Natural gas power plant (single cycle) - NDT cooling (old),Power_plants,slategray
NGGCP04O,NGAGCP04O,Natural gas power plant (single cycle) - OTF/OTS cooling (old),Power_plants,smurf
NGGCP01N,NGAGCP01N,Natural gas power plant (single cycle) - Air cooling (new),Power_plants,springgreen
NGGCP02N,NGAGCP02N,Natural gas power plant (single cycle) - MDT cooling (new),Power_plants,tan
NGGCP03N,NGAGCP03N,Natural gas power plant (single cycle) - NDT cooling (new),Power_plants,thistle
NGGCP04N,NGAGCP04N,Natural gas power plant (single cycle) - OTF/OTS cooling (new),Power_plants,turquoise
NPCHA00X,CHAPRP00X,Charcoal production,Extraction/Import,wheat
NULWP04O,URNPWP04O,Nuclear power plant - OTS/OTF cooling (old),Power_plants,whitesmoke
NULWP04N,URNPWP04N,Nuclear power plant - OTS/OTF cooling (new),Power_plants,yellowgreen
SOC1P00X,SOLCNP01X,CSP (without storage),Power_plants,grey
SOC2P00X,SOLCSP01X,CSP (with storage),Power_plants,lavender
SOLAR00X,SOLPRP00X,Solar potential,Extraction/Import,lightgrey
SOU1P03X,SOLPUP00X,Solar PV (utility),Power_plants,mediumorchid
SOV1F01X,SOLPRP00X,Solar PV (roof top),Power_plants,navajowhite
SOV2F01X,SOLPSP00X,Solar PV with storage,Power_plants,pearl04
UR00I00X,URNIMP00X,Uranium imports,Extraction/Import,polarorange
UR00X00X,URNPRP00X,Uranium extraction,Extraction/Import,silver
WA00000X,WA2PRP00X,Water production technology,Extraction/Import,tomato
WIND000X,WINPRP00X,Wind potential,Extraction/Import,yellow
WINDP00X,WINONP00X,Wind (onshore),Power_plants,beige
WINDP01X,WINOFP00X,Wind (offshore),Power_plants,burlywood
NUCAGG,TO CHECK WITH VIG,Nuclear,,polarbluelight
OREAGG,TO CHECK WITH VIG,Other renewables,,lightgreen
BIOAGG,TO CHECK WITH VIG,Biofuel and Biomass production,,bisque
COALPROD,TO CHECK WITH VIG,Coal Production,,darkgrey
CRUDPROD,TO CHECK WITH VIG,Crude Oil production,,coral
GASPROD,TO CHECK WITH VIG,Natural gas extraction,,sienna
SOLCSP,TO CHECK WITH VIG,Solar CSP,,lightgoldenrodyellow
BIOM,TO CHECK WITH VIG,Biomass,,lightgreen
Transmission & Distribution,TO CHECK WITH VIG,Transmission & Distribution,,magenta
NG00ELGX,LNGEXP00X,Natural gas exports (Liquification terminal),Exports_NG,indianred
DZELMABP00,???EL1EX????,Algeria - Morocco Historic EL trade link,Exports_EL,polarorange
ESELMABP00,,Spain - Morocco Historic EL trade link,Exports_EL,silver
EGELSDBP00,,Egypt - Sudan Historic and Planned EL trade link,Exports_EL,tomato
EGELJOBP00,,Egypt - Jordan Historic EL trade link,Exports_EL,yellow
EGELSABP00,,Egypt - Saudi Arabia Planned EL trade link,Exports_EL,beige
LYELEGBP00,,Libya - Egypt Historic EL trade link,Exports_EL,burlywood
MAELDZBP00,,Morocco - Algeria Historic EL trade link,Exports_EL,black
TNELDZBP00,,Tunisia - Algeria Historic EL trade link,Exports_EL,gray
DZNGITBP00,???NGAEX????,Algeria - Italy Historic NG trade link,Exports_NG,orange
DZNGPOBP00,,Algeria - Portugal Historic NG trade link,Exports_NG,aqua
DZNGESBP00,,Algeria - Spain Historic and Planned NG trade link,Exports_NG,polarbluelight
DZNGMABP00,,Algeria - Morocco Historic NG trade link,Exports_NG,lightgreen
DZNGTNBP00,,Algeria - Tunisia Historic NG trade link,Exports_NG,blueviolet
EGNGTUBP00,,Egypt - Turkey Historic and Planned NG trade link,Exports_NG,polarorange
ISNGEGBP00,,Israel - Egypt Planned NG trade link,Exports_NG,silver
LYNGITBP00,,Libya - Italy Historic NG trade link,Exports_NG,tomato
NGNGDZBP00,,Nigeria - Algeria Planned NG trade link,Exports_NG,beige
power_trade,TO CHECK WITH VIG,power_trade,,pinksalmon
gas_trade,TO CHECK WITH VIG,gas_trade,,polarpurple
BIELRWBP00,,Burundi - Rwanda EL existing trade link,Exports_EL,indianred
CDELBIBP00,,DRC - Burundi EL existing and planned trade link,Exports_EL,polarorange
CDELRWBP00,,DRC - Rwanda EL existing and planned trade link,Exports_EL,silver
ETELKEBP00,,Ethiopia - Kenya EL planned trade link,Exports_EL,tomato
ETELDJBP00,,Ethiopia - Djibouti EL existing trade link,Exports_EL,yellow
ETELSDBP00,,Ethiopia - Sudan EL existing trade link,Exports_EL,beige
KEELUGBP00,,Kenya - Uganda EL existing and planned trade link,Exports_EL,burlywood
KEELTZBP00,,Kenya - Tanzania EL existing and planned trade link,Exports_EL,black
RWELBIBP00,,Rwanda - Burundi EL existing trade link,Exports_EL,gray
RWELTZBP00,,Rwanda - Tanzania EL planned trade link,Exports_EL,orange
TZELBIBP00,,Tanzania - Burundi EL planned trade link,Exports_EL,aqua
TZELKEBP00,,Tanzania - Kenya EL planned trade link,Exports_EL,polarbluelight
TZELUGBP00,,Tanzania - Uganda EL existing trade link,Exports_EL,blueviolet
UGELKEBP00,,Uganda - Kenya EL existing and planned trade link,Exports_EL,polarorange
UGELTZBP00,,Uganda - Tanzania EL existing and planned trade link,Exports_EL,silver
UGELRWBP00,,Uganda - Rwanda EL existing trade link,Exports_EL,tomato
ETNGDJBP00,,Ethiopia - Djibouti NG planned trade link,Exports_NG,beige
TZNGUGBP00,,Tanzania - Uganda NG planned trade link,Exports_NG,bisque
BWELZABP00,,Botswana - South Africa EL existing trade link,Exports_EL,indianred
CDELZABP00,,DRC - South Africa EL planned trade link,Exports_EL,polarorange
CDELZMBP00,,DRC - Zambia EL existing trade link,Exports_EL,silver
LSELZABP00,,Lesotho - South Africa EL existing trade link,Exports_EL,tomato
MZELZABP00,,Mozambique - South Africa EL existing trade link,Exports_EL,yellow
MZELSZBP00,,Mozambique - Swaziland EL existing trade link,Exports_EL,beige
MZELZWBP00,,Mozambique - Zimbabwe EL existing trade link,Exports_EL,burlywood
NMELZABP00,,Namibia - South Africa EL existing trade link,Exports_EL,black
ZAELSZBP00,,South Africa - Swaziland EL existing trade link,Exports_EL,gray
ZAELZWBP00,,South Africa - Zimbabwe EL existing trade link,Exports_EL,orange
ZMELZWBP00,,Zambia - Zimbabwe EL existing trade link,Exports_EL,aqua
AOELCDBP00,,Angola - DRC EL planned trade link,Exports_EL,polarbluelight
BWELZMBP00,,Botswana - Zambia EL planned trade link,Exports_EL,blueviolet
BWELNMBP00,,Botswana - Namibia EL planned trade link,Exports_EL,polarorange
BWELZWBP00,,Botswana - Zimbabwe EL planned trade link,Exports_EL,silver
MWELMZBP00,,Malawi - Mozambique EL planned trade link,Exports_EL,tomato
MWELTZBP00,,Malawi - Tanzania EL planned trade link,Exports_EL,beige
NMELZMBP00,,Namibia - Zambia EL planned trade link,Exports_EL,bisque
NMELZWBP00,,Namibia - Zimbabwe EL planned trade link,Exports_EL,grey11
TZELZMBP00,,Tanzania - Zambia EL planned trade link,Exports_EL,grey13
ZMELTZBP00,,Zambia - Tanzania EL planned trade link,Exports_EL,pinksalmon
BJELNEBP00,,Benin - Niger EL planned trade link,Exports_EL,polar
BJELGHBP00,,Benin - Ghana EL planned trade link,Exports_EL,polarbluelight
GHELBJBP00,,Ghana - Benin EL planned trade link,Exports_EL,polardark
NEELBJBP00,,Niger - Benin EL planned trade link,Exports_EL,polardust
TGELBJBP00,,Togo - Benin EL existing trade link,Exports_EL,polargreen
BFELNEBP00,,Burkina Faso - Niger EL planned trade link,Exports_EL,polarpurple
CIELBFBP00,,Cote d� Ivoire - Burkina Faso EL existing trade link,Exports_EL,powderblue
GHELBFBP00,,Ghana - Burkina Faso EL planned trade link,Exports_EL,red
NEELBFBP00,,Niger - Burkina Faso EL existing and planned trade link,Exports_EL,rosybrown
CIELSLBP00,,Cote d� Ivoire - Sierra Leone EL planned trade link,Exports_EL,saddlebrown
CIELGHBP00,,Cote d� Ivoire - Ghana EL planned trade link,Exports_EL,sandybrown
CIELLRBP00,,Cote d� Ivoire - Liberia EL planned trade link,Exports_EL,seagreen
GHELCIBP00,,Ghana - Cote d� Ivoire EL existing trade link,Exports_EL,sienna
MLELCIBP00,,Mali - Cote d� Ivoire EL planned trade link,Exports_EL,skyblue
GMELGWBP00,,Gambia - Guinea Bissau EL planned trade link,Exports_EL,slategray
GMELSNBP00,,Gambia - Senegal EL planned trade link,Exports_EL,smurf
TGELGHBP00,,Togo - Ghana EL planned trade link,Exports_EL,springgreen
GHELTGBP00,,Ghana - Togo EL existing and planned trade link,Exports_EL,tan
GHELMLBP00,,Ghana - Mali EL planned trade link,Exports_EL,thistle
GNELMLBP00,,Guinea - Mali EL planned trade link,Exports_EL,turquoise
GNELSNBP00,,Guinea - Senegal EL planned trade link,Exports_EL,wheat
SNELMRBP00,,Senegal - Mauritania EL planned trade link,Exports_EL,whitesmoke
NGNGBJBP00,,Nigeria - Benin Historic NG trade link,Exports_NG,lightsalmon
NGNGGHBP00,,Nigeria - Ghana Historic NG trade link,Exports_NG,lightskyblue
NGNGNEBP00,,Nigeria - Niger Historic NG trade link,Exports_NG,lightslategrey
NGNGTGBP00,,Nigeria - Togo Historic NG trade link,Exports_NG,lightteal
CMELTDBP00,,Cameroon - Chad EL planned trade link,Exports_EL,navy
CDELCGBP00,,DRC - Congo EL existing trade link,Exports_EL,lightgreen
MZNGZABP00,,Mozambique - South Africa Historic NG trade link,Exports_NG,polarbluelight
GEOTHERMAL,TO CHECK WITH VIG,Geothermal,,polarorange
CRUDREF,TO CHECK WITH VIG,Crude oil Refinery,,grey09
MANG00IPIX,???NGA??????, Intermediate technology for NG transferred through a pipeline to the imported country (input fuel MAGASP (exported by other countries) - output fuel MAGASF (the final fuel used in the country)),Intermediate_NG,
TNNG00IPIX,, Intermediate technology for NG transferred through a pipeline to the imported country (input fuel MAGASP (exported by other countries) - output fuel MAGASF (the final fuel used in the country)),Intermediate_NG,
DZNG00IPIX,, Intermediate technology for NG transferred through a pipeline to the imported country (input fuel MAGASP (exported by other countries) - output fuel MAGASF (the final fuel used in the country)),Intermediate_NG,
DJNG00IPIX,, Intermediate technology for NG transferred through a pipeline to the imported country (input fuel MAGASP (exported by other countries) - output fuel MAGASF (the final fuel used in the country)),Intermediate_NG,
UGNG00IPIX,, Intermediate technology for NG transferred through a pipeline to the imported country (input fuel MAGASP (exported by other countries) - output fuel MAGASF (the final fuel used in the country)),Intermediate_NG,
BJNG00IPIX,, Intermediate technology for NG transferred through a pipeline to the imported country (input fuel MAGASP (exported by other countries) - output fuel MAGASF (the final fuel used in the country)),Intermediate_NG,
GHNG00IPIX,, Intermediate technology for NG transferred through a pipeline to the imported country (input fuel MAGASP (exported by other countries) - output fuel MAGASF (the final fuel used in the country)),Intermediate_NG,
NENG00IPIX,, Intermediate technology for NG transferred through a pipeline to the imported country (input fuel MAGASP (exported by other countries) - output fuel MAGASF (the final fuel used in the country)),Intermediate_NG,
TGNG00IPIX,, Intermediate technology for NG transferred through a pipeline to the imported country (input fuel MAGASP (exported by other countries) - output fuel MAGASF (the final fuel used in the country)),Intermediate_NG,
ZANG00IPIX,, Intermediate technology for NG transferred through a pipeline to the imported country (input fuel MAGASP (exported by other countries) - output fuel MAGASF (the final fuel used in the country)),Intermediate_NG,

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