You can view the source code for this workflow in the repository
This repository contains all the scripts and data necessary to reproduce the work for JRC TEMBA project.
To run this analysis you need to install GLPK and a solver such as CBC, CPLEX or Gurobi
You should also have Python >=3.6 environment setup with the following dependencies ideally using miniconda so that snakemake can manage custom environments for each of the workflow tasks:
To run the workflow with snakemake, type the command snakemake
To perform a dry run, use the flag -n
and to run the workflow in parallel, use the flag -j
and pass the (optional)
number of threads to use e.g. snakemake -j 8
- Input data are stored in
Excel files in theinput_data
folder - A modified OSeMOSYS model file is stored in
folder - Temporary output data is stored in the
folder - Final results are stored in
- All the scripts for intermediate processing are stored in the
- Data is released under the terms of a CC-BY 4.0 License Agreement.
- A modified copy of OSeMOSYS is redistribruted in this repository under Apache 2.0 license agreement,
a copy of which can be found in the
If you wish to use, extend or otherwise build upon the work contained within this repository, you are welcome to do so, provided you abide by the terms of the licenses detailed above.
Please cite this work in the following manner:
Pappis, I., Howells, M., Sridharan, V., Usher, W., Shivakumar, A., Gardumi, F., Ramos, E., 2019,
Energy demand projections for African countries: The Energy Model Base for Africa (TEMBA)