Origin repo:https://github.com/coco66/ttenv
ttenv is just an environment for RL, but it doesn't provide the algorithm framework to solve it.(In fact,it solves by tf1 in other paper)
I want to build a Reinforcement Learning framework with the stable baseline 3 (SB3) and use ttenv to train the agent for active target tracking. To get training more easy!
the following is the target of the repositories:
- train the agent in ENV1,2,3 using DQN(without map inf)
- train the agent in ENV5 using DQN(with map inf)
(it can work,but is traing now) 😃
according to the SB3, add hyperparameters in model training
build own callback in training process
build custom policy network
(using "cnnpolicy" to transfer map inf and agent state)
The next target is to use more real-world simulator to explore reinforcement learning in AUV agent. 😺
author = {Heejin Jeong, Brent Schlotfeldt, Hamed Hassani, Manfred Morari, Daniel D. Lee, and George J. Pappas},
title = {Target tracking environments for Reinforcement Learning},
year = {2019},
publisher = {GitHub},
journal = {GitHub repository},
howpublished = {\url{https://github.com/coco66/ttenv.git}},